Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1075: Bonely

He had never seen so many bones.

The bones under his feet are stacked on top of each other, and looking from the gaps between the bones, only a dark shadow can be seen, and the ground cannot be seen at all.

Looking up into the distance, you can also see the undulating bone line.

Even if you open your eyesight, you can't see the end.

He fell into a land of bones.

The first thing Zhou Fan did was to open his six senses, and he was relieved when he found that his consciousness did not sense any danger.

Even if there are so many skeletons that make one's heart tremble, as long as the consciousness does not sense danger, it should not be a big problem.

The puppy stuck out its tongue and licked the bones, and soon it barked lowly and coughed lightly. After coughing out the saliva, it never licked the bones again.

Don't these bones taste good?

Zhou Fan had such thoughts in his heart, but these were trivial things, and he didn't think much about them.

Even if he couldn't figure out the status of the little sister, he never worried that the little sister would be poisoned to death, and it was impossible for the little sister to die if he died.

Before the things inside Xiaomei fell asleep, she must have figured out a way to protect her own safety.

The sky was covered by dense clouds, and the gloomy wind howled.

Zhou Fan mentioned the puppy and sprinted away cautiously in one direction. Even if he didn't sense danger now, it didn't mean there was no danger.

The idling pupil will move people into more and more dangerous places, this is not a joke.

Even the bones on the top, Zhou Fan can not recognize too many, among them, human bones are only a very small part.

Most of them are the remains of unknown alien beasts, or they are also mixed with a lot of weird bones.

After some monsters die, they also leave bones like people.

Among these bones, Zhou Fan paid particular attention to the huge skeletons scattered in the three corners of the northeast, northwest, and southwest.

Among them, the huge skeleton in the northeast corner is a pair of cross-shaped curved bones, which shine like a sickle.

The curved white bones are dozens of feet high. If you get close, you will know that they are not as slender as they look from a distance, and they are estimated to be ten feet wide.

The huge skeleton in the northwest corner should be a head... It should be Zhou Fan who can't confirm it. This is not the head of any known creature he has seen. The crimson skeleton is also dozens of feet high, and it is covered with sharp The peculiar thing is that half of it is crimson smoke, and it will rotate continuously. When the other half is transformed from crimson smoke into bones, the other half of the bones will turn into crimson smoke.

The third pitch-black skeleton in the southwest corner looks like a huge bone claw, but the four bone claws have dense round holes, and the round holes are blue, which looks like gems embedded in the bone claws.

These three huge skeletons stand in the place of skeletons, and it is impossible for Zhou Fan to see them.

He maintained a cautious attitude and went to the southeast where there were no huge skeletons.

He wondered why there were so many skeletons gathered here?

It's just that he can't think of the answer to the question, he wants to escape from here as soon as possible.

His feet inevitably stepped on skeletons. The skeletons were mostly white, yellow, and charred black, and there were also some skeletons of different colors, but there were very few such skeletons.

His six senses are always open to guard against dangerous situations.

Zhou Fan suddenly stopped, because his opened eyesight clearly saw his bones a hundred feet away trembling faintly.

Zhou Fan's face changed slightly, and he quickly changed his direction, but he had to stop again, because the bones all around trembled.

Skeletons rose from the ground, complete or incomplete.

They rushed towards Zhou Fan.

The corner of Zhou Fan's eyes jumped, and he grabbed the little sister and was about to break out in one direction.

It's just that he hasn't acted yet, and the hundreds of skeletons that rushed over stopped ten feet around him.

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, he suppressed the urge to rush out, and waited for the change.

"There are guests here." An old voice sounded.

Zhou Fan looked in the direction of the voice and saw a human skeleton crawling up on the ground. The bones began to grow red flesh and blood, and the pupils, nose, eyebrows, and hair on the skull continued to grow.

Zhou Fan looked at the flesh and blood bones, his blood seemed to be frozen, he quickly put his hand into the talisman bag, and squeezed the redemption money in the palm of his hand.

What the skeleton eventually grew into was an old man with crane hair and a childish face. The body formed from the bones transformed into a jute shirt. His eyebrows were also white, and a pair of eyes looked at Zhou Fan faintly. He frowned slightly and said, "You even said The realm has not been reached, how did you get to the Tibetan Bone Mountain?"

Zhou Fan didn't answer. This strange old man may be human or strange, but even if he is human, it does not mean that he is not in danger.

The old man squinted slightly and smiled and said, "Careful boy, but the old man advises you not to think too much. If the old man is really malicious to you, you will not be able to escape."

After speaking, the old man stretched out his hand and pointed to an animal bone beside him.

The animal bone immediately turned into white bone dust, and when he was about to disperse, he pointed again, and the white bone dust condensed into the original animal bone again.

Zhou Fan's complexion changed slightly. With his current understanding of Dao Realm, this is not something that can be done at the beginning of Dao Realm. This old man's realm is probably beyond his imagination.

Idle Hitomi moved him into a very dangerous place.

"Boy, if you don't speak again, the old man will leave you alone and let you die on the Tibetan Bone Mountain and become a skeleton." The old man pointed back and said.

"Junior Zhao Ba, dare to ask the senior Gao's name." Zhou Fan quickly put down the puppy and cupped his hands.

"The old man's name is Li Gu, and fellow Taoists all call him the old man." The old man said slowly.

"Junior has seen Senior Li." Zhou Fan cupped his hands again.

He naturally couldn't have heard Li Gu's Li Gu said lightly: "Boy, you haven't said why you are here?"

"Junior was fighting an unknown monster, and he was hit by a trick, and finally appeared here for some reason." Zhou Fan said with a wry smile.

Zhou Fan didn't say Izhuang Tong, what he thought in his heart was that the old man in front of him didn't know good and evil. If the old man knew that what he encountered was Izhuang Tong, he might have other ideas.

As long as the time is delayed, the next time Idle Tong appears, he can be moved away. At that time, the Hidden Bone Mountain will have nothing to do with him.

"Tell me about that weird look." Li Gu said with his hands behind his back.

Zhou Fan pondered for a while, then made up a few words about that weird look.

After listening to Li Gu, he said, "I've never heard of that, but you, a little martial artist, entered Zanggu Mountain. If you can't leave immediately, you'll probably die here."

"Senior, what's the danger here?" Zhou Fan asked worriedly.

"What's the danger of Hidden Bone Mountain?" Li Gu said with a condensed expression, "Where exactly did you come from? I haven't even heard of Hidden Bone Mountain."

Weird world of immortality

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