Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1088: Shenyin 7-legged insects and artifact spirits

"To cover up its existence and prevent people from discovering..." Zhou Kitten showed a brooding color and did not speak for a while.

If Zhou Xiaomao couldn't hide the existence of the little black dragon for him, then Zhou Fan could only think of keeping the little black dragon outside the wilderness, but there would also be many thorny problems that he had to deal with.

Such as who feeds the little black dragon? Who protects the little black dragon outside the wilderness?

"Zhou Fan, I can take care of my sister." Chefu raised her head and said.

She is outside the wilderness, and now she has become the leader of the mushroom clan. She has no problem with taking care of her sister.

Zhou Fan was very moved by this proposal.

Little Heilong couldn't understand it, but just barked.

But the problem now is that he is in Renqueshan, and he has to waste a lot of time to return to Xunqifu.

He suddenly had an idea, could he give the little black dragon to Chofu by giving it?

If so, then everything becomes a lot easier.

Zhou Fan hurriedly lowered his head and asked about the boat, but he quickly got the answer from the boat, and souls cannot be given by gift.

Zhou Fan looked disappointed.

Zhou Xiaomao didn't speak for a while, then she suddenly opened the mouth and said, "There is no way."

"Let's hear it." Zhou Fan said quickly.

He asked Zhou Xiaomao just now, thinking that every guide is an experienced and learned person.

"I have three methods, each of which requires the use of aids." Zhou Xiaomao said slowly.

"The first method is the easiest, that is, I will give you a hidden tool, you keep the little black dragon in the hidden tool, no one can find it, but the problem is that the hidden tool is relatively large, it is difficult to move, and it supports living creatures. The hidden tools of yours can't be included in your storage book."

Zhou Fan frowned slightly, this would probably be a little better if he was placed outside the wilderness.

"The second way is that I will give you a spirit beast bag, and you put it in the spirit beast bag to raise, as long as you don't let it out, no one will know that you are raising a dragon. The commonly used method for pets, the spirit animal bag can be carried around, and it is relatively easy." Zhou Xiaomao said the second method.

Zhou Fan's face was filled with joy, the method of this spirit beast bag was very suitable.

"The third method is relatively unfamiliar, and requires a device called Shenyin Heptapod, which can hide all the creatures you want to hide. As long as you wear it, that creature will be wiped out from the world, and all creatures will be hidden. It cannot be seen, and any sound it makes cannot be heard."

"Of course, when wearing the Shenyin Heptapod, the wearer can't exert any influence on anything. In short, even if the wearer wants to pick up something, he can't do it, and the wearer is in a completely transparent state, but Note that it is not immune to damage while cloaked."

"A person who obtains one leg of the Shenyin Heptapoda can see the wearer, and every creature that obtains a leg can see the wearer and touch the wearer. With seven legs, there are only seven creatures at most. The wearer of Shenyin can be seen."

"This method is uncommon, but it is better than the most hidden. It is more hidden than the spirit beast bag. Even a top cultivator like us, if you don't know in advance that you have a dragon, and start the corresponding law investigation, it is difficult to find out. ." Zhou Xiaomao concluded.

"What are the prices?" Zhou Fan asked.

"The first method is the easiest to hide, it only accepts 5,000 large gray worms, the second spirit beast bag requires 15,000 large gray worms, and the third method requires 30,000 Shenyin Heptapods. Big gray worm." Zhou Xiaomao quoted the price.

The price offered by Zhou Xiaomao is not expensive, and it is reasonable. There may be hidden tools and spirit beast bags outside, but Zhou Fan needs time to find them. How can he have so much time to find them slowly.

As for the unpopular utensils like the Shenyin Heptapod, it must be hard to find outside.

"I want Shenyin Heptapod." Zhou Fan thought for a while.

For him, the advantage of Shenyin Heptapod is that he doesn't have to think about forcing the little black dragon to hide in the spirit beast bag. The little black dragon is so young, and it is not one of those spirit beasts without much wisdom, so it may not be willing to hide in it. In the spirit beast bag.

Shenyin Heptapod solves this problem perfectly, he can let the little black dragon follow him at any time without worrying about others finding it.

And he felt that a special stealth tool like the Shenyin Heptapod would be useful to him.

Zhou Xiaomao was not surprised by Zhou Fan's choice. She reached out and took 30,000 large gray worms from the glass ball suspended in the air. Only then did she catch a wisp of gray fog, which turned into a mahogany box and handed it to Zhou. Where.

Zhou Fan opened the mahogany box, and inside the box lay a pitch-black worm. The worm had a round body, short tentacles and seven slender legs.

"Is this really a tool, not a live bug?" Zhou Fan said in amazement.

He knew that this should be a tool. In order to prevent the guide from escaping, all living creatures could not get out of the boat except for the boarding and assistants.

"The Shenyin Heptapod was originally an extremely rare spiritual insect. After being captured, it was refined into a special tool through the art of refining." Zhou Xiaomao briefly explained that she was in a good mood, even if Her possession plan failed, but after all, she retaliated against the dragon master, and now she has gained another big gray worm.

She told Zhou Fan how to use the Shenyin Heptapod, and Zhou Fan carefully wrote it down one by one.

Zhou Fan showed a smile, so he didn't need to worry too much about someone discovering the existence of the little black He was concerned about another minor issue "the book of storage" What's going on? Why can you open it by threatening it? Is there a living creature hidden in the book?"

Zhou Fan couldn't ignore this problem, because his property was placed in the storage book. If the storage book could be opened by anyone who threatened it, wouldn't his things be free to take away?

The second is if this is a living creature, who knows if it will harm me? Zhou Fan's expression condensed.

When he was outside just now, he quietly put away the book of storage. Even though he paid attention to the matter of the little black dragon, he always kept this matter in mind.

"Your book of storage has an artifact, you should have known it long ago." Zhou Xiaomao said lightly.

"Of course I know this, but isn't the Item Spirit a dead thing with a little intelligence? It shouldn't have the fear of living beings." Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows, of course he knew that the Book of Storage was completely opened by the Item Spirit closure.

But artifact spirits are not real creatures, they have no real intelligence.

"You're wrong about this. Artifact spirits can also have lifelike intelligence and become real creatures." Zhou Xiaoxia corrected Zhou Fan's words and said, "But this situation is rare."

"Could it be that the spirit of the Book of Storage has become a real creature?" Zhou Fan asked in surprise.

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