The artifact spirit of the Book of Storage has become a real creature?

"Of course not. Do you think that artifact spirits with intelligence like living beings can be seen everywhere?" Zhou Xiaoxiao said: "It even takes thousands of years for artifact spirits to have a chance to derive true wisdom, but there are also How many utensils with artifact spirits can really be preserved for such a long time."

"The tool spirit in your book has at best a little bit of wisdom, and there is still a long distance from the real wisdom tool spirit."

"If it has real wisdom, do you think you can still take it out of the boat?" A sneer appeared on Zhou Xiaomao's face.

Zhou Fan snorted, it was true, if it was a living creature, he couldn't take it out, he frowned and said, "But why is it so afraid of you?"

"That's because I know some of its origins, I know that it is a very unique artifact spirit, it can sense the law, and the law cultivator can destroy it, so it will be opened directly after I threaten it. Zhou Xiaomao said indifferently: "The extent to which it can do this is caused by the restriction that the refiner added to it during refining, and it will make such a choice, not because it is afraid to make such a choice." s Choice."

"That refiner doesn't want it to be easily destroyed."

"What is its origin? Who is the refiner?" Zhou Fan asked curiously.

"I don't remember." Zhou Xiaomao was silent for a while: "The boat has sealed part of my memory, some people have forgotten some things, I just vaguely know some things about it, this book of storage is not only a The storage is so simple, it seems to be a key..."

Zhou Xiaomao frowned in pain and said, "If it weren't for this, the refiner wouldn't have bothered to refine it."

"This storage book is a key?" Zhou Fan looked surprised, he never thought that this storage book was a key, he couldn't help guessing: "Could it be some kind of treasure? Open the key?"

"How do I know this?" Zhou Xiaoxiao showed impatience, and turned to sneer: "I advise you not to think so beautifully, sometimes even if it is the key to unlock somewhere, there may not be any secret treasure waiting for you, Maybe it's just a deadly trap."

"I've seen many monks before who thought they got some treasure map, but after they entered, they found that there were countless traps waiting for them. Even if they were lucky enough to get through the traps, in the end they were waiting for some people who wanted to make money for them. The sinister monks of their lives."

"What got the treasure map, and is about to get the great opportunity to go to the peak of cultivation, it only exists in the legend." Zhou Fan said with a smile.

Zhou Xiaomao is right, even if this book of storage is really the key to unlocking something, if you don't investigate it clearly, it's better not to take risks at will.

Next, Zhou Fan asked some other things, and some Zhou Xiaomao charged a certain amount of gray worms before answering them.

After asking these things, it's almost time to stay on the boat tonight.

Zhou Fan had the rest of the time to say goodbye to Qifu. After all, if there were no accidents, the father and daughter might not be able to see each other for a long time, and it was inevitable that there would be some parting sentimentality.

After Zhou Fan and Qifu left, Zhou Xiaomao was left on the boat again.

She looked down at the deck under her feet. When she answered Zhou Fan's question, she was also thinking about something.

These things are unexpected to Zhou Fan, which is due to the difference in vision.

"The dragon master left the dragon egg, and I turned the dragon egg into a dragon egg, so that the dragon egg hatched. Once the dragon egg hatches, you make it the second assistant. You move fast. ." Zhou Xiaomao was silent for a while and said lightly: "But are you making up your mind temporarily, or have you already calculated everything?"

"Could it be that the leader, the Dragon Lord, and I have become puppets in your hands in these things, and move forward step by step as you think?"

Zhou Kitten's face was slightly cold, and she faintly felt that her guess should not be wrong.

The fates of top cultivators like her and the dragon master are unpredictable. Generally speaking, no cultivator can calculate them through deduction techniques, but what a cultivator cannot do, a ship can do it. She had no doubts.

It's just that none of the boarding people she has encountered before have any assistants. The Zhou Fan she encountered this time not only has assistants, but also has a second assistant.

And the special thing is that these two assistants are still Zhou Fan's blood.

"Why did you let them on board? Is it just to let them grow up to collect bait for Zhou Fan?" Zhou Xiaoxiao's face was strange, she knew that the possibility of the boat answering her was almost zero.

Because of these doubts in her heart, she felt that the relationship between Zhou Fan, the boarding person and the ship, became more and more confusing.

"And why is it his descendant?" Zhou Xiaomao frowned slightly, thinking about this unimportant question.

It's just these questions, it's hard for her to get the exact answer.


The first time Zhou Fan woke up, he found the little black dragon lying in his heart.

Xiao Heilong also opened his eyes, looked at Zhou Fan, and then barked twice.

"Master, I'm not lazy to sleep." Xiao Qian's voice came faintly.

Zhou Fan turned his head to look, and found that Xiao Ling had two dark circles under her eyes, her eyelids were almost completely closed and narrowed into a line, but she was still holding on.

Zhou Fan twitched the corners of his mouth. This is really rare. He praised: "Yes, I will reward you with ten duck legs."

As soon as he heard the ten duck legs being awarded, Xiao Ling's eyes glared at Da Dao: "Master, this is what you said."

Then Xiao Ling didn't wait for Zhou Fan to answer, she fell down with wide eyes and fell asleep, snoring.

"..." Zhou Fan shook his head helplessly.

He first absorbed the dragon raising book that he got last after a while, then solidified the mahogany box, and then took out the dark Shenyin Heptapod from the box, he glanced at him The little black dragon on the shoulder.

He reached out and pulled out the seven slender worm feet one by one with ease.

The worm feet of Shenyin Heptapods can be pulled out originally, and can also be installed at any time.

The Shenyin Heptapod, with its feet removed, looked like a black pebble.

Between Zhou Fan's fingers, a real air flowed out into the black round stone, and the black round stone exuded a faint black light.

Zhou Fan closed his eyes and followed the method taught by Zhou Xiaomao to bring his soul close to the black round stone. He felt a strong suction and sucked his mind into it.

His mind quickly carved a mysterious rune on the black worm's body.

Originally this was just what happened in the mind, but a rune appeared on the insect's back, making the insect's body translucent.

Only then did Zhou Fan open his eyes, he breathed a sigh of relief, and gently placed the worm's body on top of the little black dragon's head.

The insect body immediately turned into a ray of light and sank into the head of the little black dragon.

The little black dragon disappeared immediately.

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