Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1095: woodcarving, no smile

The headless corpse in the corridor appeared so suddenly that Zhou Fan had to stop and let out a sigh. He didn't think it was that scary.

Even though this dangling white-clothed headless corpse doesn't even hang with a rope or something, it's floating in the air.

But Zhou Fan saw many terrifying things, and he didn't think there was anything to be afraid of with a headless corpse in white clothes. He just raised his vigilance. Seeing that the headless corpse in white clothes didn't mean to attack, he asked, "Is there something wrong?"

The headless corpse in white was suspended and did not respond.

Zhou Fan noticed that the headless corpse in white was supposed to be a male, but thought it wasn't, because the headless corpse in white was wearing a pair of pure white embroidered shoes, and its hands were tucked into long sleeves, so it was hard to see.

I think it's because the chest is too small... Zhou Fan thought silently, and he coughed again: "If it's all right, can you move away a little bit?"

White clothed headlessly upwards, it stuck under the tile roof of the corridor and flew away quickly.

"This shouldn't be a joke, it's unlikely that it will appear in the academy." Zhou Fan shook his head and continued forward.

The corridor is not long, but it is more difficult to walk than Zhou Fan imagined. It is wide and narrow and crooked.

Occasionally transparent ghosts or corpses drifted down the corridors.

Those who didn't know thought I was walking behind the gate of hell... Zhou Fan's eyes jumped and he thought, he didn't understand why there were so many strange things in Xiaolei Academy.

Soon he came to the end of the corridor, where there was a bluestone wall and a black wooden door.

Zhou Fan hesitated for a moment and wanted to reach out and open the door, when the black wooden door had a red relief.

However, the large red relief on the half-wooden door is lifelike, it is a man with a spear and wearing armor, his eyes printed on the wooden door rolled, looked at Zhou Fan, opened a one-piece and shouted: "Who is coming, sign up to come! "

"My name is Zhou Fan." Zhou Fan was startled and said.

"What's going on here?" The man said with a stern face again.

"Study and read." Zhou Fan replied.

"Studying to study? How old are you this year?" Emboss asked.

"..." Zhou Fan said, "Fifteen."

"Fifteen years old, that's not too young, have you ever been married?" Embossed slightly nodded, "If not..."

"Ignore it, just push the door and come in." A hoarse male voice said.

Zhou Fan had a strange look on his face, he pushed open the door and walked in.

"Young man, my cousin Erba Fangling, if you want to..." The voice of the embossed came from behind.

Your cousin is probably also a woodcarver... Zhou Fan hurriedly closed the door.

This is a small courtyard. There is a locust tree that is about to die in the courtyard. Under the locust tree sits cross-legged, a man wearing a black Taoist robe.

The man had black hair and black beard. He looked to be forty years old. A wooden hairpin was inserted into his bun. He looked at Zhou Fan calmly and said, "Are you Zhou Fan?"

"Yes." Zhou Fan was not surprised that a Taoist would know his name.

The Taoist looked a little serious and said with a smile: "You can come over and sit down and talk."

Zhou Fan walked to the Taoist person, and there was a table in front of the Taoist person, but the table was empty.

Zhou Fan also sat cross-legged on the straw mat like a Taoist.

"Outsiders call me a Taoist who doesn't laugh, so don't tell jokes in front of me." The man said slowly again.

"Yes, Daoist Master." Zhou Fan nodded, wondering why he couldn't tell a joke in front of this Daoist Buxiao, but the Daoist Buxiao said so, so Zhou Fan didn't ask any more questions.

"Xiaolei Academy will be in charge of me. You can come here to find me if you have anything. You don't need to call me the dean. When you enter the Taoist realm, everyone is a fellow Taoist, so don't be polite. You can call me the Taoist leader. Very good." The Taoist did not laugh again.

Zhou Fan replied yes, and only now did he realize that there was a thin line of blood between Daoist Buxiao's neck, like a line of blood from a wire saw.

The blood line was a little faint and hard to see, if it wasn't for Zhou Fan sitting close, he wouldn't be able to see it.

"Xiao Lei Academy has no teaching, only a few people, usually each has their own things to do. The students who come here are all for the Taoist realm. The academy will provide you with some resources, but it is not easy to enter the Tao, and no one can confirm it. Whether you can successfully enter the Dao or not depends on your own efforts.”

When the voice of Daoist Buxiao came, Zhou Fan quickly turned his eyes away. He didn't look at the blood line on Daoist Buxiao's neck. He opened his mouth and asked, "I don't even know what the Taoist realm is now? I don't know where to start? "

It wasn't long before he entered the Qi Gang stage, and he has been out in the wilderness for the past few days, so he didn't rush to ask Zhou Xiaomao, and prepared to understand one thing first.

However, there is very little information about the Dao Realm from the outside world, and even the Gaoxiang Academy has no such information.

"For the question of Dao, you can go to the library of Xiaolei Academy and check it out. This is the token." Daoist Buxiao took out a token from his arms and handed it to Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan quickly took it.

"Everything in the library will have answers. If you have doubts in your heart, you can ask people from Xiaolei Academy for help." Daoist Buxiao said lightly: "But this is different from the academy you've stayed in, except for the Xiaolei Academy prepared for you. In addition to resources, you have to find someone to help you, and you have to pay for it."

"Even if you are looking for me, of course, if you think the price is too expensive, you can not let them help. In fact, they are not too willing to help."

"The library is on the first fork in the corridor of corpses you are walking back. You can go now. Of course, if you have any simple questions, you can ask me now."

"You don't have to ask about the Taoist realm. Let's talk about everything when you can't find the answer in the library."

"Why are there so many dead souls floating in the corridor?" Zhou Fan asked in a puzzled souls are formed after a person dies. Dead souls and floating corpses are similar.

Zhou Fan usually walks in the wilderness, and occasionally sees dead souls and floating corpses, but rarely sees such a concentration of dead souls and floating corpses.

"This is a dead pet raised by Mrs. Cat Eater. If you meet her, don't get close to her. If you anger her, you will be in a lot of trouble." Daoist Buxiao said with a condensed expression.

Madam Eating Cat... Zhou Fan was silent for a while and said, "Why is the corridor so strange?"

"It's a tool, and one of its functions is to detect whether the entrant has malicious intent." Daoist Buxiao said simply, obviously unwilling to say more: "You don't have to be too curious about the peculiarities of the academy, you will be able to stay for a long time in the future. You'll find out, now you're allowed to ask one more question."

"Why is Xiaolei Academy so hidden?" Zhou Fan lingered on this question and the silly wooden carving on the door, but he still chose this question.

"It's not intentional to hide, but it's just that few people come to disturb us. Over time, ordinary people don't know that there is an academy in the state capital." Bu Xiaodao said: "The butcher likes to slaughter donkeys, so he simply rents the facade to him. It’s a donkey meat stall, if it’s deliberately hidden, then you won’t be able to find it so easily.”

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