Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1096: Taoist metamorphosis

Just because the butcher wanted to open a donkey butcher shop, he changed the facade of Xiaolei Academy. You are too self-willed, and the Academy doesn't care... Zhou Fan thought to himself.

"Actually, this is very good. After all, when there was a front door in the past, even if the door was closed, there would always be people who would like to come and test it. We are very troubled."

Daoist Bu Laugh did not let Zhou Fan ask any more questions, Zhou Fan could only bow his hands and say goodbye to him.

After Zhou Fan left the small courtyard, Taoist Buxiao looked calm. Every once in a while, disciples from the academy would come here to ask for Taoism. Some of them got it, and some would never be able to enter the door. This year, due to the reason of Class A, there will be a lot of them, but It is also difficult to cause too many waves in his heart.

For a person like him, even if the younger generation like Zhou Fan can enter the Dao Realm, there is still a long way to go to make him treat each other as equals.

Daoist Buxiao looked up at the locust tree beside him that was about to die, the round egg withered leaves fell quietly, he stretched out his hand to catch the withered leaves and sighed: "Don't die, what should I do if you die? ?"

Zhou Fan left the small courtyard of the Taoist who did not laugh. When he closed the door, he glanced at the wooden door, but did not notice the strange relief.

Zhou Fan couldn't guess the origin of the relief. He walked forward according to what Taoist Buxiao said, and walked towards the first fork in the corridor of corpse souls.

A white fog filled the front of the fork, and he couldn't see what was ahead. After walking for a while, he saw a wooden door.

The wooden door has a mahogany relief, which is the image of a long-haired and thin woman, she said tenderly: "The people who come here stop."

Zhou Fan stopped.

"Hey, is your son new here?" The long-haired and thin woman looked at Zhou Fan with rolling eyes.

"Yes, it just came on the first day." Zhou Fan took out the access token given to him by Daoist Buxiao.

As soon as the access token is taken out, it automatically floats up, and a faint ray of light pops out from the brass token, entering the relief.

Then the pass token fell into Zhou Fan's hands again.

The long-haired and thin woman nodded lightly and said, "Young master can enter the library, but please listen to the slave family before entering."

"Please speak." Zhou Fan put away the pass token and listened carefully.

"Young master knows women who are not married yet. I have a tall and mighty cousin who is a good match. If you know..."

It turns out that you are the cousin of the embossed man in armor... Zhou Fan smiled helplessly, unwilling to listen to the embossed chatter, he said, "I don't know, I don't know."

As he spoke, he pushed open the wooden door.

The library is not very big, there is a rectangular desk in the middle, and books are placed on the tall bookshelves on the four walls.

The wall above the bookshelf has jade beads emitting a soft white light, which is why the library is large enough.

Three people were sitting on the rectangular desk, bowing their heads and reading carefully, as if they didn't notice Zhou Fan's arrival.

Of the three, there were two young men and an old man with gray hair.

"Rookie, please look at the left side of the door." An old male voice sounded in Zhou Fan's ear.

Zhou Fan turned his head to look, only to find a square table on the left side of the door, with a ghost oath and a piece of paper on the table.

"You can only read books if you swear." The old man said in a voice.

Zhou Fan nodded, walked over, picked up the ghost oath, and carefully read the oath on the paper again. After confirming that there was no problem, he swore softly.

As Zhou Fan finished his vow, the ghost oath quickly turned into a black light and disappeared into Zhou Fan's body.

This ghost oath was similar to the oath he swore in the Gaoxiang County Library before. It was not allowed to leak out the exercises and martial arts that he saw in the library, but some common sense knowledge was not included.

Zhou Fan made a ghost oath, and the old man said again: "The books in the library can be viewed at will, but they cannot be damaged. Violators will no longer be allowed to enter the library."

The old male voice stopped talking.

Zhou Fan didn't know where the voice that was talking to him came from. He was allowed to read books, so Zhou Fan walked around the library and found that Xiaolei Academy had a small collection of books, but they were quite complete. : Four aspects of the basics of entering the Dao, the exercises, the techniques, and the martial arts.

Zhou Fan first found a basic Taoist entry book from the Taoist Basics Bookshelf, and walked towards the rectangular table. After taking a few steps, he keenly found that the rectangular wooden table was surrounded by a soundproof talisman. No wonder he just now Coming in, swearing, looking for books, the three people in the room didn't look up.

Now that he walked in, the two young people among the three looked up at Zhou Fan, nodded slightly to Zhou Fan, and lowered their heads to read again.

The gray-haired old man didn't look at Zhou Fan, he just shook his head.

Zhou Fan sat down, thinking that the two young people should come to the state government to study Taoism like him. This time, Xiaolei Academy is open to Class A students, and there must be a lot more people in the academy than before.

Zhou Fan settled down and started reading.

It wasn't until after reading this Taoist entry book that Zhou Fan estimated the time before standing up, putting the book back in its original position, and leaving the library.

Three days later, Zhou Fan has been concentrating on reading in the library for these three days, and only returned to the inn to rest in the evening.

On the third night, Zhou Fan, who was sitting in the inn, frowned. After three days of reading, he had already flipped through the basic books on the introduction of Taoism.

It was more complicated than he thought to enter the Dao Realm.

The first realm of the Taoist realm is the Yuanyuan realm.

The realm of transforming essence is the essence of transforming essence. Only the essence that has been tempered in the third stage of refining can be converted into essence in some way.

The third stage of qi refining is the foundation, but the true qi that has been tempered by the third stage of qi refining is far from enough.

If you want to cross the threshold of entering the Taoist realm, you need to make two preparations. The first step is to find a Huayuan Huayuan Jue is not difficult to find, even if it is Huayuan Dan and other resources It's not difficult to find, but the tricky part is the second step. The first step is the true essence that is successfully transformed into false true essence or incomplete true essence.

The second step is to integrate the real essence into the Fa. Only the power of the integration into the Dharma can be regarded as the real essence.

The law is the law of heaven and earth, without the power of the law, the true essence will not be complete.

But the Fa is illusory and incomprehensible. After reading the books for so many days, he said that the integration of the Fa cannot be taught, and can only be understood and pondered by himself.

When you find your own Fa, then you can truly turn your true qi into true true essence.

If you can't find it, you can only stay in the martial realm forever, and you will have no hope in the realm for life.

Just what do you call your own Fa?

No one can tell, some people can find it for the first time, and some people may not be able to find it even if they work hard for a lifetime.

There are so few people who can truly enter the Yuanyuan realm and become Taoist monks. The key is that this step of fusion is too illusory. If you can sense it, you can sense it. If you can't sense it, you can't sense it.

Even though I've always shown outstanding talent and far surpassed my peers, this fact is uncertain. If I can't find a way to integrate it into my true essence, it would be bad... Zhou Fan thought with a frown.

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