Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1097: The strongest 3 attributes

Zhou Fan didn't think too much, but asked the second inn to bring him food. He and the younger sister and the others finished the meal in silence, and then pondered the knife in the room step by step.

Before he could not enter the Dao Realm, Wuji Dao Gang could be said to be one of his most powerful means, and of course he had to practice diligently.

At night, go to sleep and enter the Grey River space.

Zhou Fan tapped the little head of the little black dragon Zhou Momo who appeared beside him with his finger, and let Zhou Momo play aside.

After so many days, Zhou Momo, who is diligent in eating meat, has not changed at all, which makes Zhou Fan a little worried.

After all, according to the dragon raising books, dragons grow at an amazing speed when they are young, and they look different every day.

And Zhou Momo has not changed, is it because of the special nature of the Dragon God clan or because of the mixed blood?

Zhou Fan scratched his head.

Zhou Xiaomao has disappeared. Zhou Fan has not seen Zhou Xiaomao in the past few days, but he is busy reading books these days, so he is not in a hurry to ask Zhou Xiaomao.

He didn't rush to ask Zhou Xiaoxiao because the guide couldn't patiently tell him even the most basic one by one. He read the books in the library of Xiaolei Academy for three days to enrich his knowledge and not allow himself to ask questions. A question that is too idiotic.

Zhou Fanxian used the power of the boat to communicate with Qifu.

"Senior Zhou, I have something to ask for help." Zhou Fan shouted a few times after the exchange with Chufu.

After a short while, the gray fog separated from the stern, and the boat kitten came out of the fog.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Kitten asked.

"I want to ask about entering the Dao Realm." Zhou Fan said.

Zhou Xiaomao was not too surprised by this, after all, Zhou Fan was already full of anger, and it was a matter of time to ask about this.

"The information value of the Taoist realm is high, and a thousand big gray worms are needed." Zhou Xiaomao glanced at Zhou Fandao.

She once agreed with Zhou Fan that the price for asking questions should not be too high, but the information in the Taoist realm is different from that in the martial realm, so this price is needed.

Zhou Fan had no objection to this, and Zhou Xiaomao transformed Zhou Fan's glass ball out of the gray fog, and took out a thousand large gray worms from it.

The little black dragon flew over and stood on Zhou Xiaoxiao's shoulders. She looked disgusted, but did not wave her hands to drive the little black dragon away.

"The first realm of Taoism is the Yuanyuan realm. Is the quality of the Yuanyuan required by Yuanyuan determined to be high and low?" Zhou Fan asked.

There are five kinds of Huayuan Jue in the academy. They are Jinmu, Water, Fire and Thunder. The members of the A-class class can choose one of them. The five Huayuanjues only provide a general introduction, but they do not. It doesn't say who is better and who is worse, just let them choose the attributes they want.

In fact, as far as Zhou Fan knows, Huayuan Jue is hard to find, and ordinary warriors can't touch it at all. It is very good that Xiaolei Academy can have five Huayuan Jue with different attributes.

"Attribution True Essence and Heterogeneous True Qi have similarities and differences. The same thing is that they are all existence attributes. The difference is that the attributes of True Essence determine to a certain extent the spells that can be selected after entering the Dao Realm. martial arts."

"Some techniques and martial arts have no attributes, but some techniques and martial arts have attribute requirements. This is the role of the true essence of attributes."

When Zhou Xiaomao said this, she glanced at Zhou Fan and said, "In addition to the speed of Huayuan Jue, the quality of Huayuan Jue lies in the fact that it has attributes. The stronger it is, but keep in mind that the rare attribute metamorphosis requires that metamorphosis is always hard to find, but this can be assisted by metamorphic artifacts that do not contain any attributes.”

"I don't know how Jinyue sap is?" Zhou Fan asked, this is the metamorphic element he obtained on the way here.

Golden Moon Earth Sap is inherently suitable for all attributes.

"Not bad." Zhou Kitten just commented lightly.

"How many attributes are there?" Zhou Fan asked, which was not mentioned in the book.

"As far as I know, there are fifty-two species, but I don't know if there are more." Zhou Xiaoxia shook his head.

"Fifty-two attributes..." Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, this was far more than he thought, what he saw from the book was the attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, soil, ice, thunder, yin and yang, "I don't know how to distinguish between strong and weak attributes. Isn't it true that the attributes are mutually exclusive?"

"It is only established when the attributes are similar in strength." Zhou Xiaomao said disdainfully: "For example, how can the normal water attribute real energy restrain the big sun fire attribute real yuan?"

Zhou Fan humbly took note of this, and he continued to ask, "What are the strongest attributes?"

If he was asked to choose, he would of course choose the strongest attributable Yuan Jue.

"This is controversial." Zhou Xiaomao hesitated and said: "There are three most controversial attributes, the first one is the five elements of chaos attribute, this attribute mixes the five basic attributes of gold, wood, water, fire and soil, one The attribute can have the ability of five attributes, but if it is only like this, it is nothing, it can also combine the five attributes to form a chaotic attribute, making the real essence more powerful."

"The second type is the Batian Moon Saint attribute. This attribute is from cold to yin, and it is extremely overbearing. Even if it only mixes the two attributes of water and yin, its attribute is much stronger than that of the Five Elements Chaos."

"The third type is the Void Flame Wheel attribute. This attribute combines the two attributes of Void and Flame. In terms of the amount of mixed attributes, it is not as good as Chaos, and in terms of the power of True Yuan, it is not as powerful as Batian Moon Sage, but it is weird enough."

"These three attributes have their own advantages and disadvantages, and they are also the strongest three attributes that have always been controversial."

Sure enough, the library of Xiaolei Academy is just the foundation, and these knowledge libraries are definitely not mentioned.

"Then do you have Huayuan Jue with these three attributes?" Zhou Fan asked eagerly.

"I don't have it here." Zhou Xiaoxiao said with regret: "But I have Huayuan Jue, which is called the eighth attribute. If you want it, 150,000 gray worms will be fine."

Only 150,000 gray worms are needed. You must know that the Wuji Dao Gang needs 200,000 gray worms. However, the Wuji Dao Gang is one of the best in the Qi Gang segment. In the eyes of people like Zhou Xiaoxiao, it is the eighth attribute. Huayuan Jue is not as precious as the Wuji Dao I will think about it again. "Zhou Fan hesitated and asked another key question: "The second step of Huayuan is to integrate the method, right?" "

"Of course, the attributes of True Essence are important, but if they can't be integrated, they are not true True Essence." Zhou Xiaomao replied.

"I wonder if there are any special skills in the fusion method that can make practitioners realize the existence of the law?" Zhou Fan asked again.

"It's okay to say yes or no." Zhou Xiaomao said ambiguous.

"What do you mean?" Zhou Fan asked in confusion.

"It's not because there is almost no good way to help warriors at this threshold. Warriors have to fight for their talents. It's because there is no way, and there will always be a trace of life left for those monks who can't enter the Taoist realm." Zhou. Kitten said: "But that trace of vitality means nothing."

"Because it requires a cultivator who understands the law to give up his own life and completely pour his own law into the cultivator who can't enter the Taoist realm, so that he can realize the law that he can't usually understand."

"But the monks who understand the law are all high-level monks. To let them give up their long lives is to let a little warrior who can't cross the threshold of the Taoist realm? Do you think there are such stupid people in the world?"

Zhou Fan was speechless.

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