Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1106: Induction

Just looking at the case, just have a general understanding, it is impossible to find out the cause of Bai Mingcheng's death from the case.

Zhou Fan put down the case, he thought quietly for a while, and slowly came up with a plan in his heart.

He decided to drop the case first and let Chen Yushi go to help with the investigation. If he finds any clues, he will join in, and if Ku Rong and the three of them are the first to get in, it can only be said that he is unlucky.

The most important thing for him right now is to first think about entering the Dao Realm!

Otherwise, even if he can solve the case, he is just busy working without entering the Dao Realm, and it is not his turn to be the envoy of Zhengbei!

Three days passed in a blink of an eye. In addition to paying attention to the news of the news talisman, Zhou Fan had been staying in the inn behind closed doors for the past three days, painstakingly studying the "Batianyue Shengzheng".

It wasn't until the afternoon of the fourth day that he completely understood the first half of the "Batianyue Shengzheng".

After confirming that there was no problem, Zhou Fan took out a jade bottle of Jinyue sap, poured a small cup, and put away the golden moon sap in the jade bottle.

How much Jinyue sap should be eaten at a time, he specifically asked Zhou Xiaomao for this, so there is no problem with this amount.

Zhou Fan swallowed the cup of pure golden sap, and then started the "Batianyue Shengzheng" mentality without haste or slow.

The infuriating qi that has been tempered three times in the body is all running, boiling from the qi field, blood bone, qi aperture, and qi veins.

The golden-yellow gaseous state transformed by the sap of the Golden Moon Earth fuses with the True Qi, which helps the "Batianyue Holy Truth" to speed up the transformation of the True Qi.

The infuriating qi seemed to be burning, curling into a crescent shape, but the gaseous crescent moon was black and blue, and a faint cold and domineering aura permeated the body.

Zhou Fan continued to operate with concentration, the gaseous crescent moons condensed from the true qi in his body were just fake true essence, and his mental method was running, and he began to try the existence of the induction method and grab the fusion method.

The second step is to sense the existence of the Fa. If it cannot be sensed, then the transformation will fail. What is more important is the talent.

And talent... Zhou Fan didn't think much about it, his human soul spread to the soul overseas with the operation of his mind.

Whether he can sense the Fa or not depends on his human soul.

The human soul seemed to be peeled out of the body, rising higher and higher, and after a dizziness came, he found himself appearing in a dark night sky.

But the dark night sky was instantly lit up, and he saw countless brilliant lights.

Some of the rays of light are as thin as tiny dots, some of them are as big as the scorching sun, some of them are like lines, and some of them are like giant pillars, with extremely strange shapes.

His soul trembled slightly.

Zhou Fan suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes showed a look of consternation. Because of the shock in his mind, the fusion method failed, but he was not surprised by this, but what he saw in the induction method.

According to what he has read from Xiaolei Academy, if he can sense the existence of the law, he will see a ray of light.

If you can't sense it, it's pitch black.

But what he saw was not a single light, but a myriad of different colors of light with different shapes.

"What's going on?" Zhou Fan whispered to himself, "Am I talented in induction?"

Zhou Fan didn't dare to try again, because of so many rays of light, he didn't know what to do next.

The books in the library of Xiaolei Academy did not mention such a thing, nor did Zhou Xiaoxiao.

But Zhou Xiaomao didn't mention it, it didn't mean she didn't understand, but Zhou Fan didn't know about this situation. He didn't ask about it, and Zhou Xiaomao didn't say anything.

At night, Zhou Fan entered the boat. He just caught a wisp of gray fog and told Qifu that he had something to deal with, and asked her if there was anything wrong with her.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with Qifu, Zhou Fan interrupted the brief conversation between the two and looked at Zhou Kitten, who was slowly eating bones.

Xiao Heilong was drooling beside him, and wanted to take a bite, but every time he stretched out his head, Zhou Xiaomao patted it away with his hand, and it hummed in grievance.

"I tried the existence of induction method today." Zhou Fan said.

"You haven't entered the Dao Realm yet, that means the induction method has failed." Zhou Xiaomao said calmly: "If you fail, you can only find a monk who knows the law..."

"There should be no failure." Zhou Fan interrupted: "I sense the existence of more than one method."

"There is more than one method..." Zhou Xiaomao put down her chopsticks, she waved her hand, and the bones and chopsticks on the plate turned into gray mist and dissipated.

The little black dragon, who wanted to pounce on the bone, let out a low whimper.

"Tell me in detail what you saw." Zhou Kitten said with a serious face.

Zhou Fan explained it carefully.

"How many rays of light do you estimate?" Zhou Kitten asked again.

"There are countless." Zhou Fan pondered for a while and said, "There must be hundreds of thousands."

"Hundreds of thousands..." Zhou Xiaomao was silent, just stared at Zhou Fan coldly and said, "Are you kidding me?"

"Why am I lying?" Zhou Fan said speechlessly, "What the **** is going on?"

"In the fusion stage of crossing the first threshold of the Taoist realm, it is true that more than one kind of law will be sensed, but this is very rare. There are too many kinds of law that can be sensed, and some are three or even four. I remember that there was only one person who sensed five kinds." Zhou Xiaomao said slowly: "You said you have seen hundreds of thousands of species? I really haven't seen this before."

Zhou Xiaomao did not receive any payment for answering because this matter was still within the scope of the question and answer that Zhou Fan paid for last time.

"Then is this a good thing or a bad thing?" Zhou Fan asked a little nervously.

"This kind of thing has never happened How do I know if it's a good thing or a bad thing?" Zhou Xiaomao sneered.

"Could it have something to do with me being a boarding person?" Zhou Fan frowned.

"How is this possible?" Zhou Xiaomao shook his head and said, "It's not like I haven't seen a boarding person like you who is preparing to enter the Dao Realm. If they have seen so many methods, they would have asked me a long time ago."

"If the induction method is two, three, four, or five monks, is it a good thing or a bad thing for them? How did they choose?" Zhou Fan decided to compare it first.

"For cultivators who can sense two or more methods but less than five methods, this has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that the more methods that are combined with the true essence, the stronger the true essence."

"The strength of true essence is not only determined by the martial artist's original true qi foundation, cultivation techniques, and the number of fusion techniques."

"But the number of fusion methods strengthens the true essence, not the power of the original true qi, but the enhancement of the power of the magic."

Zhou Xiaomao paused for a while and continued: "The downside is that there is a risk in merging two or more methods. The more fusion methods, the greater the risk. The method will affect the human soul. If you fail accidentally, you will go crazy. "

Crazy... Zhou Fan's face changed greatly, and his face showed fear.

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