Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1107: ethereal

There is a danger of going crazy if there are too many fusion methods, and no matter how many methods of induction, it is useless... Zhou Fan sighed and thought.

"Those monks who can sense multiple methods generally only have two choices. The first is to give up the opportunity to integrate multiple methods, and only integrate one to ensure their own safety." Zhou Xiaomao calmly concluded.

"The second is to take risks and integrate multiple methods. If they become the power of their spells, they will be strengthened. If they fail, they will go crazy."

"Can you choose only one method at the beginning, and if you think you can continue, then integrate the second method, and so on." Zhou Fan hurriedly asked.

If you could do that, the risk would be much smaller.

"No." Zhou Xiaomao sneered: "Your human soul senses the existence of the Fa, then there are only two choices, merging all the Fa or only one, you should seriously consider your "Batian" The Moon Saint True Secret will know."

Zhou Fan almost vomited blood when he heard it. He quickly and seriously recalled the operation tips of the "Batianyue Shengzheng" and found that it was the case. He could only integrate all the methods or only one, and he said angrily: "If this is the case, then It's better to sense the five methods."

With so many methods, if he dares to integrate all of them, it is definitely a high probability that he will go crazy.

That is to say, he has no choice at all.

"You said that you sensed hundreds of spells, if you dare to integrate so many spells into your true essence, then let alone the spells of the same level in the future that you will be hard to beat, even if it is If you are higher-level than you, it is difficult to win you simply by competing in magic." Zhou Xiaoxiao sneered: "But do you dare to bet on the question?"

"Is there any way to reduce the risk of integrating multiple methods?" Zhou Fan asked.

He is not the first monk to sense the existence of the law, so perhaps those seniors have already thought of some safer methods.

"I have no way." Zhou Xiaomao shook his head and said, "At least I have never heard of a way, maybe..."

"Maybe what?" Zhou Fan asked.

"You can try to ask the boat, maybe it will have a solution." Zhou Kitten's eyes flickered.

Zhou Fan felt that what Zhou Xiaoxiao said was very reasonable, and the leader might have no choice, but in Zhou Fan's eyes, the boat was almost omnipotent.

"Ship, is there anything you can do?" Zhou Fan looked down at the deck and asked.

Zhou Fan waited patiently after asking, and he was not sure whether the ship would respond to him.

After all, the ship didn't always help him, and Zhou Fan didn't know when the ship would be willing to help, so he could only try it.

Zhou Xiaomao also waited with Zhou Fan.

After a while, Zhou Fan's face became weird.

"What did the boat say?" Zhou Kitten asked.

She knew that the boat must have spoken, otherwise Zhou Fan would not have suddenly become so delicate, and she also wanted to know what the boat could do?

"It let me fish on the river here, with a golden fishing rod, and said that if I was lucky, there would be something I need." Zhou Fan frowned slightly.

"Did it say what it was?" Zhou Xiaoxiao looked surprised, she didn't expect that there was really a way.

"It said that it is a kind of imaginary creature with ten-winged wings, which can capture the ten methods for me and perform a safe fusion." Zhou Fan said slowly.

The fusion of ten methods is twice as much as the limit of five fusions... Kitten Zhou felt a little sour. She used to only combine two methods. Why did this old guy treat this dog's junior so well? ?

Zhou Fan thought about it, the golden fishing rod is nothingness fishing, the fishing rate is extremely low, and there will be nine out of ten empty fishing.

Now this river needs 131,072 giant grey worms as bait for a single fishing trip, and he also has about 230,000 giant grey worms.

That is to say, he only has one chance, but in the face of a 9 out of 10 empty fishing rate, he wants to catch it once...

He listened to the tone of the boat, and it seemed that the boat was not quite sure that he could catch it all at once.

In case it comes ten or eight times, the consumption of the Great Grey Worm is simply unimaginable.

But if you don't fish, it means giving up the integration of the ten methods and choosing a relatively easy path.

The more the fusion of methods that Zhou Xiaomao said, the stronger the power of casting spells. She has only seen the fusion of five methods and the fusion of ten methods. Definitely not as good as him.

However, if he can't catch it once, he will spend a lot of time gathering the big gray worms, and the time to enter the Dao Realm will be greatly delayed.

This is not just the pressure of competing for the position of the North Envoy. In fact, it would be too stupid to give up the fusion of the ten methods just for the position of the North Envoy.

He has always felt the pressure, the pressure of strength improvement, whether it is the short lifespan, the doom of the lifeless, or the imminent catastrophe, he has always been shrouded in him. If it is not necessary, he does not want to waste too much in a realm. time.

"Is it difficult to decide?" Zhou Xiaomao said lightly: "This is where cultivation is difficult. Every choice you make will affect you in the future. Maybe one day you will regret that you did not give up the fusion of the ten methods, or I will regret giving up the fusion of the ten dharmas."

Zhou Fan was silent, he didn't ask Zhou Xiaomao how to choose, because he was the one who could decide this kind of thing.

"I want to fish." Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows.

Zhou Xiaomao waved his hand, and when the gray fog drifted past the square table, seven fishing rods leaned against the table.

"You really think about it, do you want to choose to fish for ten-line wings?" Zhou Kitten asked curiously.

"I've figured it out, I'll be very unwilling to give up without doing anything like this, but it's not realistic for me to take the time to get together with the big gray worm." Zhou Fan stretched his eyebrows and said, "So I chose one. A compromise solution, I'll only bet this time with what I have now."

"There is a 1 in 10 chance that UU Reading will not waste resources and fish for a second time, whether it is successful or not."

"Compromise often means moderation." Zhou Xiaomao sneered.

"But this is the best choice for me. I'm glad I won, but if I fail, I won't worry about it anymore." Zhou Fan walked over and picked up the golden-colored fishing rod.

Saying so, thinking the same way, but Zhou Fan walked to the side of the boat, his heart still trembled slightly, the emptiness of the fishing rod is really a big gamble, and it is very likely that 130,000 big gray worms will turn into one. Nothingness, nothing to catch.

But he had already decided that he would not allow himself to retreat.

"Help me, don't let me fish for nothing." Zhou Fan took a deep breath and muttered to himself as he looked at the golden fishing rod in his hand, and he casually nagged to the gods and Buddhas he knew, asking them to bless him.

"Why are you so superstitious, junior dog? Hurry up and fish for me!" Zhou Xiaomao urged with irritated teeth.

She hated this kind of dawdling person the most.

"Some things are better to be trusted or not. If I tell you that you just don't understand, if you worship God with three sticks of incense sooner or later, you might have escaped from the boat long ago." Zhou Fan laughed and shook his head. The golden fishing rod and the golden fishing line dipped into the gray river water.

Weird world of immortality

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