Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1120: tormented waiting

Are the eleven missing green ghosts related to Bai Mingcheng's death?

"Then what do you think it will be related to?" Feng Xingbo asked coldly.

That subordinate was speechless for a while, how did he know?

"It's a cliché!" Feng Xingbo said angrily, "You don't know how many times you've said this, but if you ask what it has to do with you, you don't dare to put a fart!"

"It's all a bunch of rubbish, get out, get out of here and keep an eye on Zhou Fan, if you delay my important affairs, you must leave Feng's house for me!"

The subordinates all left the hall with bitter faces.

After all the subordinates left, the anger on Feng Xingbo's face disappeared, and he said softly to himself with a puzzled face: "What do you want to do? What do you know?"

"Or did you deliberately stay in Qingmei Town and did nothing, just to hold back the three of us?"


Not only Feng Xingbo, but Ku Rong and Jiang Yu were also puzzled by Zhou Fan's behavior. Ten days had passed in a month, and there was not much time left. Is it appropriate?

But the three of them were unwilling to give up. They had tried various methods on the case before, but they could not find any useful clues.

At least as soon as Zhou Fan came to Qingmei Town, he found a picture of a green ghost that no one else found, indicating that Zhou Fan still has some skills.

They couldn't find the real murderer, so they could only put their hope on Zhou Fan.

They believe that Zhou Fan must have seen something, and all they need now is to wait patiently.

It's just ten days later, Zhou Fan's behavior was very regular in these ten days. In the morning, he would take his little dog for a walk in the town. out.

Until the next day and continue to cycle such a regular life.

Feng Xingbo, Ku Rong, and Jiang Yu were all a little stunned. There are only ten days left. If these ten days are over and the real culprit cannot be found, they will all be eliminated.

And so many days have passed, even if the real murderer stayed in Xiaoleizhou before, and now I don't know where to go, can the person be captured in the remaining ten days?

Jiang Yu, who was standing with his hands behind his back in the small courtyard, frowned, looked up at the sky and muttered: "Did I misread fate, but fate never deceives me... It's just why it hasn't appeared yet."

In another place, Feng Xingbo has a shaggy beard. The ten days have been even more torturous for him. He used to be disgraced and his eyes were bright, but now his eyes look a little dull. ?"

No one of the subordinates outside the hall dared to come in, for fear of angering Feng Xingbo. Yesterday, one was slapped by Feng Xingbo. He is still lying on the bed. Their second master seems to be a little crazy.

In some dimly lit rooms in the residence, Ku Rong was chanting sutras. He was chanting meditation sutras. He calmed himself down and had to be determined. Zhou Fan must have deliberately delayed the time. Zhou Fan must have had enough clues. Maybe The murderer is actually in Ome Town...

But what if he wasn't there, in case Zhou Fan didn't investigate the case as hard as he imagined, he just exaggerated... Ku Rong shuddered at the thought of this.

His heart was messed up again.

But soon he breathed a sigh of relief, this was indeed the worst outcome, but neither he nor Yuan Ei could do it for so many days, other than guarding Zhou Fan, what else could he do?

Don't be chaotic, be patient... Kurong stabilizes his mind and continues to recite the Meditation Sutra.

But the wait is the hardest.

A new day has come.

But this morning, the three contenders did not see Zhou Fan walking out of the inn to walk the dog as usual.

Their people told them immediately.

"You said he didn't take a walk with the dog today?" The unshaven Feng Xingbo jumped up, his eyes became sharp and stared at his subordinates.

"Yes." The subordinate replied.

"Okay, okay, okay." Feng Xingbo was a little excited, he almost couldn't stand it anymore, and now he found that Zhou Fan finally stopped walking the dog like before, even if he didn't know what Zhou Fan was doing, he still seemed very excited.

"Sir, what should we do now?" The subordinate asked eagerly.

Feng Xingbo turned around several times before he said solemnly, "He may have run away quietly, or he may still be staying in the guest room. This is just a trap waiting for us to fall into."

"But in any case, we have to confirm whether he is still in the hotel room."

"Sir, we have arranged for someone to guard the inn day and night. He should still be in the inn." A subordinate couldn't help but said.

"Stupid, can you look down on me? If such a person wants to leave, he won't look down at all." Feng Xingbo sneered.

"Sir, should we arrange an accident, and then break into the door, even if the formation is arranged in his room..." The subordinate suggested again.

"This is indeed a good solution, but it will bring people into trouble, and maybe it will also use this to attack me for breaking the rules and eliminate me." Feng Xingbo shook his head and denied the decision, he thought for a while and said, "Go find me A businessman took down the inn and used this as a reason to drive out all the guests."

"Remember, that businessman's identity must be clean, don't have any connection with our Feng family, and hurry up, I want you to finish this matter in half a column of incense, if you can't finish it... "Feng Xingbo's face turned cold.

If the competition had just started, Feng Xingbo would still have scruples, but now that there are ten days left, the scruples in his heart are much less.

He believed that Ku Rong and Jiang Yu were unwilling to wait like this, and would definitely try to confirm whether Zhou Fan was still in the hotel room.

He fidgeted and waited patiently for news.

Soon the subordinates came back and reported in a hurry that the inn had been sold, but not by them, but by an out-of-towner who appeared out of nowhere and bought it one step ahead of them.

Feng Xingbo knew that either Kurong or Jiang Yu wanted to go with and then what? Have you met Zhou Fan? Feng Xingbo asked with a solemn expression, it doesn't matter who owns the inn, the key is Zhou Fan's whereabouts.

"All the guests were kicked out, but we didn't see Zhou Fan." The subordinate replied.

"I didn't see..." Feng Xingbo whispered to himself, and he immediately raised his head and said sternly, "Find a group of people to rush into the inn, and confirm again for me if he is still in the inn."

Feng Xingbo said so, but he knew in his heart that Zhou Fan must have left the inn long ago, and he said solemnly: "Inform the family, use all the power, and must find Zhou Fan for me, especially if Staring at the group of Chen Yushi in the government office, Zhou Fan will definitely find them when he leaves."

After speaking here, Feng Xingbo paused for a while and continued to order: "If Zhou Fan is not here, Ku Rong and Jiang Yu will definitely think of going to find Zhou Fan, and keep an eye on them to see if they can find Zhou Fan..."

The subordinates took orders one by one and left.

Even if he had done everything he could, Feng Xingbo was still unable to suppress the anxiety in his heart, even more than before, because Zhou Fan must have found something when he left, and Zhou Fan could catch the murderer at any time.

Where did Zhou Fan go this week?

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