Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1121: joint

Where did Zhou Fan go?

This is not only something that Feng Xingbo is worried about, but also a problem that both Ku Rong and Jiang Yu are deeply anxious about.

After all, Zhou Fan's disappearance is likely to find the real murderer. The longer he disappears, the more likely he will be brought back. How could they not be in a hurry?

They all understand that Zhou Fan may have left at a certain hour last night, and it is already early in the morning, so how many hours have passed?

Jiang Yu bought the inn immediately, but Zhou Fan's room did not leave any clues.

Jiang Yu stood in front of the window of the guest room where Zhou Fan lived, he looked at the blue sky outside and sighed: "It's useless, no matter where he escapes, he can't avoid fate, and fate is destined to be mine. stepping stone."

The dark-faced man behind him twitched in the corners of his eyes, everyone ran away, and he talked so much... He was sullen in his heart, but he tried to keep his face as calm as possible: "Sir, what should we do now?"

"Fate..." Jiang Yu said this with a hint of unconfident expression, but he quickly regained his calm and said, "Fate will let us discover him."

Black man: "..."

"Fate told me that he is still in the state capital." Jiang Yu said, "Let our people try to find him, especially the two places of state city and Qingmei town."

"Yes." The black man nodded.


"The lord said that since Zhou Fan has disappeared, let you hurry back to the state city to discuss and discuss." A warrior said to Ku Rong, and the lord in his mouth was referring to Yuan Evil.

Ku Rong was silent for a while, his hands clasped together, and he said with determination: "There are adults in the city, it is useless for me to go back, I stay here, maybe he is still in Qingmei Town."

"I don't believe that he stayed in Ome Town for so many days just to delay us. There must be some clues here!"

The martial artist turned around and left without persuading him.

"Amitabha." Ku Rong slowly closed his eyes and frowned, "Where are you?"


In fact, it wasn't as they thought, Zhou Fan didn't leave last night, but when it was bright and ready to go out for a walk.

Because he received news from Chen Yushi.

The way to leave is very simple. The hidden armor state of the Zijin armor may not be able to avoid the martial artist who has cultivated the two senses of nose and ears, but he has pasted two talismans on the hidden armor that can isolate the detection of the two senses of the nose and ears. Allows him to easily avoid all sight.

After he left Qingmei Town, he rushed to Zhoucheng.

In the past ten days, the reason why he stayed in Qingmei Town and waited patiently was not to make a fool of himself, but that he had no good solution for a while, so he could only wait for news from Chen Yushi.

Sometimes, after trying every possible way to investigate a case, it is more about luck.

No one can be sure that a case will be solved.

In his era of rapid technological advancement, there were also many unsolved cases, some of which took decades to be solved, and some of which the truth would never be known.

Now that the news came, Zhou Fan chose to leave the inn room at the first time, because this was the news he had been waiting for for a long time, and he did not want to let Ku Rong and the three know about it.

Zhou Fan looked at the state city in the distance, and he began to disguise himself, leaving his little sister and a few little scorpions in a grove outside the city.

Because he was too conspicuous with a dog, and the hidden armor wanted to sneak through the city gate, it was easy to be detected by the talisman formation at the city gate, and he walked towards the city gate after finishing his preparations.

When passing the city gate inspection, Zhou Fan whispered to the guard who inspected: "Master Chen asked me to return to the city in secret."

The guard who had already been notified responded, waved his hand, and let Zhou Fan quickly pass through the city gate.

This guard is someone Chen Yushi can trust, and he doesn't know who the passer is. In fact, there are occasional warrior monks in the Yiluan Division who secretly enter the city quickly in this way. This is not a strange thing.

The guards will strictly keep the secrets. Of course, if a high-ranking person from the Yiluan Division comes forward to ask questions, the guards will also inform.

But Zhou Fan doesn't care about this kind of thing. His purpose is to enter the city. It is not easy to find someone in a place as big as the state city.

After Zhou Fan entered the city, he went to a market in the outer city, and there was a food stall at the entrance of the market.

Zhou Fan glanced at the stall and saw a man with a hat on his head like a fisherman sitting and eating slowly, with a fish basket under his feet.

Zhou Fan was relieved. He finally caught up with this time. If he didn't come at this time, the person would leave immediately after eating, and Zhou Fan would have to wait for the next message if he wanted to meet him. Make an appointment to meet.

Zhou Fan walked over and sat on the table behind the fisherman and shouted to the stall owner, "Bring me two catties of cooked beef and a pot of wine."

"Okay." The stall owner responded readily.

Zhou Fan was waiting for the food to be served, and he knocked on his table three times.

These are the secret codes that Chen Yushi gave him before he went to Qingmei Town.

The fisherman quickly ran out of money and left, but he seemed to have forgotten to take the fish basket.

Zhou Fan hooked the fish basket under his feet with his feet, and he ate it up.

To a martial artist, two pounds of beef is nothing. After he ate the beef and drank the pot of wine, he took out the money to settle the bill, and took the fish basket to stand up and leave.

Zhou Fan turned into the corner, reached into the fish basket and took out a case file. He didn't look at it, but threw the fish basket away and put the case file in his arms.

In fact, the fisherman just now didn't know Zhou Fan's identity. He didn't even know what he was sending. He just obeyed orders and sent the things over.

Zhou Fan left the previous city gate again. After a while, he turned his head and glanced at the towering city wall. He felt a little amused and said, "Why are you acting like a secret agent?"

But this is also something that can't be is for confidentiality.

Zhou Fan returned to the woods before, the little sister wagged her tail at him, Mo Mo came to stand on his shoulders, and now Mo Mo can bear him leaving for a while.

Zhou Fan smiled and patted its small head, then took out the document he had just obtained and looked at it seriously.

This information is the information that Zhou Fan asked Chen Yushi to send someone to find Bai Mingcheng's information during his lifetime.

Of course, due to the urgency of time and the requirement for a secret investigation, no matter how detailed this information is, it is impossible to fully write down Bai Mingcheng's life experience, but such information is already very detailed.

The person Chen Yushi sent out to investigate apparently also secretly invoked the power of the official family, otherwise the investigation would not have been so detailed, but the three contenders and the power behind them did not notice.

After all, Bai Mingcheng's death is too bizarre. Maybe some people care about what happened in the days or even dozens of days before his death, or what mortal enemies he has, but except Zhou Fan, no one cares about Bai Mingcheng's life.

Because they don't understand what's the point of doing it?

But Zhou Fan is very interested. If he can, he even hopes to know everything that happened to Bai Mingcheng when he was a child.

Because he has always had a very vague idea in his mind.

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