Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1150: 1 other reason

"The action of the two may lead to suspicion, but we can act separately and contact each other after entering the Land of Hundreds." Chen Yushi thought Zhou Fan's reason was too far-fetched.

"Of course this is possible, but if two of the four of us leave, the staff of the government will be a little too nervous." Zhou Fan calmly said: "I can do things alone, there is really no need for the two of us to go together."

"But these are my personal thoughts. If you think it's inappropriate, you can discuss one more person to go with me."

"Lord Zhou, it's not that I don't believe you, but are you really enough alone?" He asked with a shake of his face.

He was curious about Zhou Fan's confidence? Wind Ghost General is not an ordinary Primordial Liquid Realm cultivator, and it is even more difficult to capture him alive.

"That's what I think, I have a certain confidence that I can catch a ghost general alive, but having confidence is one thing, and being able to catch it is another thing. Even if we dispatch two people, we may not be able to succeed, right?" Zhou Fan Asked back with a smile.

"Master Zhou's statement is fine. In fact, even if the four of us go to two people, I think the chances of being caught alive are probably half and half." Yuan Ye estimated and said.

"Half is the most optimistic situation." He Zhongzhong said: "If there is only one person, it may be lower."

"Because of this, it's better to let me go alone." Zhou Fan said.

He frowned slightly, he felt that Zhou Fan's words contradicted himself.

"Because the Wind Ghost General is in the Land of Hundred Cursed, we still need to spend a lot of time to find his figure. Do you think it is really appropriate for the government to dispatch two envoys of the Four Expeditions all at once, and spend all the time in the Land of Hundred Cursed? Is it? It’s best to find nature, but if you can’t find it…”

"When something happens to the state government, we won't be able to come back in time to support. It's better to let me investigate the situation by myself. If I encounter a wind ghost general, I will take action to catch the wind ghost general if the situation is real. No, I will not be reckless, but I will contact you and ask you to send someone to help me." Zhou Fan stopped here.

The three Yuan Ei looked at each other, and they all figured out the deeper meaning of Zhou Fan's words: This task is difficult and time-consuming.

But if you don't do anything, Tiannan Road can't explain it, it's better to send someone over to check the situation first, so that if Tiannan Road asks, they can send a Four Expedition Envoy to explain it.

As for Zhou Fan's statement that he could capture the ghosts alive by himself, they thought it was just a false statement on the table.

"I think Lord Zhou is right." Yuan E glanced at He-Father-in-law and Chen Yushi and said first.

"I think it's okay too." He thought about it for a while, anyway, he doesn't need to run, there is no big risk, you can try it.

"Then let Master Zhou try." Chen Yushi showed helplessness, he and Zhou Fan were in the same camp, of course it was impossible to object at this time.

The matter was decided, and some details were said, and the discussion was over.

After the discussion, Chen Yushi stopped Zhou Fan, and the two came to Chen Yushi's office. Chen Yushi said solemnly: "You should understand the dangers of this task, and the reasons you just said are justified, but send someone to go there. It may not necessarily be you, why did you take the initiative to take over this task?"

When discussing this point just now, Yuan Ye and Father-in-law didn't ask, because if Zhou Fan wanted to go, it would be better for them.

Chen Yushi only asked this question in private.

"Of course there will be risks, but the rewards of this mission will also be very rich." Zhou Fan smiled and said, "Also, did Lord Chen forget where the Land of Hundred Thrones is?"

Where is the Land of Hundreds of Thrones?

Chen Yushi was stunned for a moment before he reacted, and said stunnedly, "Are you doing it for Yuan Jing? But you haven't reached Yuan Liquid Realm yet..."

"I haven't arrived at the Primordial Liquid Realm, but I have to make some preparations for the Primordial Liquid Realm." Zhou Fan laughed.

Yuanjing is a kind of training aid at the top of Yuanlijing realm.

As for the Yuanjing produced in the Land of Baiyong, the official family is of course keen on this, but even the Land of Baiqing cannot be easily obtained everywhere. We can only give up the idea of ​​high-cost investment in conquering the Land of Hundreds.

But in any case, the land of Baiqi does produce Yuanjing, which is an important source of Yuanjing in Xiaoleizhou.

However, the rare Yuanjing, even Chen Yushi's four levies, is reluctant to spend a lot of money to buy it every year, because it is too expensive.

If it weren't for the merits accumulated in one year, the salary of the four expeditions for one year could only buy a few crystals, and the effect of several crystals was too small.

Therefore, Chen Yushi and the others could not rely on Yuanjing to cultivate, but chose other resources of the next level to assist their cultivation, but those resources would inevitably have some problems, such as the cultivation speed, and the transformed Yuanjian was not pure enough.

"Actually, after you enter the Primordial Liquid Realm, don't worry too much, just take your time. Primordial Crystal is not a necessity for the Primordial Liquid Realm cultivator." Chen Yushi said with a wry smile after understanding Zhou Fan's purpose.

Because as long as you are willing to spend the time, it is not difficult to step into the late stage of the Primordial Liquid Realm within four or five years. For Chen Yushi and the others, what is even more difficult is how to step into the Golden Body Realm!

It takes time to accumulate, and the threshold is difficult to break!

This is the truth that all cultivators who enter the Taoist realm understand. It is difficult to enter the Yuanli realm from the Yuanyuan realm, but the difficulty of entering the golden body realm from the Yuanlijing realm has increased tenfold?

I don't know how many Primordial Liquid Realm cultivators have been blocked from the Golden Body Realm, and it will be difficult for them to go further for life.

Even Chen Yushi doesn't have the confidence to enter the Golden Body Realm So Chen Yushi said that after entering the Primordial Liquid Realm, you can take it slow, because in the end, you will be limited by the Golden Body Realm's threshold at the end of the Yuan Liquid Realm. If you block it for a long time, there is no need to spend effort to get Yuanjing, it is better to keep some thoughts and prepare your gold body in advance.

"After all, Yuanjing comes from the Land of Hundred Quarts. In fact, I just want to try my luck on the way. If I can reach Yuanjing, it will be much faster after all." Zhou Fan, of course, understands these reasons, he smiled: "I can perform tasks and then I can use this to collect Yuanjing, which is completely killing two birds with one stone for me, why not do it?"

Chen Yushi said helplessly: "It's a bit risky to say so, but you have your own ideas, so I won't say more."

Persuasion is useless, because Zhou Fan's decision to go to the Land of Hundred Pills has already been decided, and it is too late to change it.

Zhou Fan smiled lightly, of course there will be danger, but if he can collect enough Yuanjing during this trip, then he doesn't need to worry about the resources he needs in the Yuanli realm. As for the task of the wind ghost general, as long as he can enter the Yuanli realm , then even if the wind ghost general's cultivation is extraordinary, as long as the wind ghost general does not enter the golden body, he will be 90% sure to catch the wind ghost general alive.

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