Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1151: Zhao Ba

Zhou Fan quietly left Xiaoleizhou City the next day, and set off for the Land of Hundred Curses.

Zhou Fan set off alone, but behind him there was the Yiluan government to fully support him.

For example, his current name is Zhao Ba, a native of Juxiong County. Before he arrives at the Land of Baiquan, Yiluan Division will weave all kinds of crimes for him. These crimes are still real, and most of them are strange acts. , arranged on Zhou Fan's head.

Yiluan Division's forgery is very real, and even if ordinary forces want to investigate, it is impossible to find out that these charges are fake so easily.

After choreographing enough crimes, Yiluan Division will also issue a warrant to arrest Zhao Ba. After Zhou Fan arrives at the Land of Baiquan, the news that Zhao Ba is wanted will also spread to the Land of Baiquan.

Xiaoleizhou City is located in the center of Xiaoleizhou. Starting from Xiaoleizhou City, it is not far from anywhere.

But it still took Zhou Fan half a month to reach the Land of Hundred Cursors.

During this half-month period, Zhou Fan successfully entered the late Huayuan stage with the help of Soul Sea Wine.

Apart from that, nothing major happened. Instead, the little girl gained weight again. She can no longer be called a puppy. It is not much worse than an ordinary big dog. Besides, she is still very fat, and she runs all over her body. The fat is shaking.

Every time Zhou Fan sees this, he resists the urge to cover his face. He doesn't know why the little girl has grown like this?

Could it be because he ate too much meat with Xiao Ling?

But fortunately, the little girl's running speed is not slow. As long as Zhou Fan doesn't develop the phantom-level movement technique, the little girl can keep up with Zhou Fan's speed.

Moreover, the younger sister's combat power is even more fierce than the previous brother, and it does not have any problem in dealing with the black hatred.

There was a time when a little girl bit a monster with a highly poisonous poison, but still nothing happened.

This made Zhou Fan a little surprised. He guessed that the little girl was immune to a certain degree of poison and curse, but he soon knew that this was not a strange thing, everything was because of that nightmare dog.

If it is said that outside the wilderness, who can survive the little sister and him, he suspects that the little sister is stronger than his survivability.

This is also the reason why he brought the little sister over. The little sister would follow along if she wanted to. Maybe she had to rely on the one in her body to save her life at the critical moment.

The Land of Hundred Curses is not safe.

As for Zhou Momo, who has been secretive all the time, he still eats, plays and sleeps heartlessly every day, and his body has not changed much.

Zhou Fan is beginning to have some doubts, that dragon fruit was eaten in vain!

After the completion of the Yuanyuan Realm, Zhou Fan has been preparing for the breakthrough of the Yuan Liquid Realm.

Whether it was in the library of the academy or what he knew from Zhou Xiaomao, he already knew exactly how to enter the Primordial Liquid Realm!

Different from all the previous realms, the Primordial Liquid Realm does not require any special exercises, and the Primordial Liquid Realm monks are still practicing the cultivation techniques of the Primordial Liquid Realm.

If you want to enter this realm, you need to make the real essence of the metamorphosis realm. The essence liquid is several times stronger than the real essence of the metamorphosis realm. How much stronger depends on the foundation of the cultivator.

But how to really Yuan Hua liquid?

The answer is don't know.

Yes, I don't know, even top cultivators like Zhou Xiaoxiao said so.

Taoist cultivation is a mysterious and mysterious thing, and many things cannot be explained in detail. If you want to step into the Yuanyuan realm, you need to melt the law, and the true essence of the liquid... depends on the chance.

If the opportunity comes, then maybe when you wake up, you will have the true essence of the liquid. If the opportunity does not come, you will stay in the metamorphosis for the rest of your life... These are all recorded in the library of the academy.

Although Zhou Xiaoxiao couldn't explain the real essence liquid, she scoffed at the academy's library. Her statement was that if you want to step into the Yuan liquid realm, although it depends on luck to a certain extent, it is not completely By luck.

She said that the true essence liquid can't use foreign objects, but there are still certain rules.

There are three rules as far as she knows.

The first point is that the probability of a cultivator with a solid foundation will be higher than that of an ordinary cultivator.

The second point is that even if you reach the late stage of Yuanyuan Realm, you can increase your probability by not giving up your practice every day.

The third point is that the probability of a cultivator with good talent will be higher than that of a normal cultivator.

After listening to Zhou Fan, he has been thinking seriously about what Zhou Xiaoxiao said. There are few monks in the world who want to find a more solid foundation than him. As for talent... This is a matter of opinion, good or bad is innate, It's useless to think too much.

That is to say, all he can do now is to continue to run the exercises every day, and then see when the luck comes, the real essence liquid.

It's hard to tell if you're unlucky.

"I heard that people who love to laugh will not have bad luck. Do I have to laugh hundreds of times a day, maybe I will break through with luck?"

Zhou Fan thought silently.

He let out a sigh of relief. During this time, he didn't feel his true essence liquid at all. This primal liquid state was too pitiful.

I just hope that it doesn't drag on for too long. If you wait for the end of your life before you can enter the Primordial Liquid Realm, the daylily will be cold.

Zhou Fan restrained his thoughts and looked at the vast red earth in front of him.

Since he couldn't break through for the time being, Zhou Fan didn't want to delay any longer. After he was fully prepared, he quickly walked into the red earth with his round little sister and the mysterious Zhou Momo.

The red earth looks boundless and uninhabited.

But Zhou Fan didn't care, he just walked slowly.

It didn't take long for a drizzle to fall from the sky, which is a common occurrence in spring.

Zhou Fan opened the butter paper umbrella, and there was a hideous scar on his left face, which added a touch of ferocity to him.

His current face and scar in his thirties were made with the help of the strange people in Yiluan Division.

He put on a somewhat messy wig, and the wig was wrapped tightly through the hair sticking out of the small tangle, and he was not afraid that it would fall off in embarrassment during the battle.

Hanging from his waist is a unique long knife. The blade is dark. Both the rusty knife and the giant knife have been included in his storage book. As for the little girl, he also used a special potion to paint the whole body hair into The blood red, round she looks a lot fiercer.

He has not long been an envoy to the North, but he is also careful to prevent anyone from recognizing him, so a disguise is necessary, which is also the main feature of Zhao Ba wanted by the Yiluan Division.

Occasionally, you will see a small forest in the Land of Hundred Pills, but most of the time, it is dominated by barren, dry red soil.

After walking for a stick of incense, Zhou Fan stopped in front of a stone pit with a size of three acres.

The giant pit is different from the vast red land. Its pit surface with scratches is pitch black. At first glance, there is a shadow shrouded in it, and the bottom is completely invisible.

There are hundreds of stone pits of different sizes in the Land of Hundred Curls, and the volume of the stone pit in front of him, among those stone pits, is at most low-medium level. .

The existence of the stone pits is also the origin of the name of the Land of Hundred Quarts.

Even the officials do not know the reason for the formation of these stone pits. There are rumors that the formation of the stone pits is related to the Unknown-level monsters. It is said that there are two powerful Unknown-level monsters fighting here, thus destroying the place. become like this.

Of course this is just a rumor and not reliable.

Zhou Fan walked around the stone pit, and the stone pit could not go down arbitrarily. Even if there were some rare spiritual plants and precious ores in the stone pit, there were also all kinds of strange things inside.

If you go down to investigate rashly, it is a question whether you can survive.

In the Land of Hundred Ques, 90% of the monsters live in the stone pits, and there are many powerful monsters and groups of monsters.

Going into the pit without knowing the details of the pit is a taboo in the Land of Hundred Curses. This is the truth that all the murderers who live here understand.

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