Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1158: black line

Zhou Fan didn't know that the two leaders of the Poison Silkworm Gang were plotting to deal with him, and he was adjusting to the environment in the pit at the moment.

The further down, the dimmer the light, and the shape of the giant pit is all kinds of strange, and it must be a conical shape with a wide top and a narrow bottom. Some are like a cylinder, and some of the pit walls are steep, making it look like an irregular square.

There are not only dark boulders and gravel in the giant pit, but also some strange vegetation such as vines and dwarf trees, and there are occasional groves in it.

The depth of the crater is even more difficult to know.

Because the bottom is pitch black, the strange thing is that if you go down to a certain level, whether it is a torch or any lighting equipment, it will be completely swallowed by the darkness, and you can't see what exists at the bottom at all.

Therefore, people who go into the pit often regard the disappearance of light as the boundary. Once the lighting equipment is unavailable, they will immediately turn their heads and dare not move forward.

This boundary is called the black boundary.

No one dares to cross this line easily, because it is too dangerous to do so, and no one in the land of Hundred Currants knows if anyone has actually reached the bottom of the pit. There are rumors that going down is a road of no return, and it is impossible. Back to the human world.

Of course, not all pits are like this in the Land of Hundred Pills. Some pits are very small, and there is no darkness that devours the light. It is easy to reach the bottom of the pit, and there is nothing abnormal at the bottom of the pit.

A pit like that is less dangerous, but not of much value either.

In general, if you want to find good things in the Land of Hundred Curles, only those giant pits that are large and dangerous to a certain extent will have them.

The giant pit that produces Yuanjing is full of various dangers.

Zhou Fan was not in a hurry to explore further, because he was too small compared to this giant pit.

Judging from the information he obtained, the strange thing about the giant pit is that the materials in the pit can never be dug out. It stands to reason that a giant pit is so big that people enter the pit every day, so it should have been dug up long ago.

But this is not the case at all. Many people go into a huge pit in the Land of Hundred Pills every day, but as long as they are lucky, they can dig something of certain value. It has always been so,

I have never seen a giant pit where resources are exhausted due to mining. Some monks guessed that each giant pit is a special small space, and this small space is larger than they thought, but they don't feel it. out it's big.

It is precisely because of this that the materials in the pit can not be fully excavated. There are also monks who guessed that the growth environment in the pit is special, the resources here grow fast, and the mining speed of those who go to the pit is far lower than the growth rate of the material, of course. This is all just guesswork.

It can be said that the land of Baiqu is both a dangerous place and a treasure land, but such a place is occupied by a group of desperadoes.

In addition to the fact that the land of Baiyu is far away from human settlements, there is another very important reason. The efficiency of mining in the land of Baiyu is too low.

There are two reasons for the inefficiency of mining. The first is that there are many dangerous and strange things in the pit, and those who go into the pit have to deal with it carefully.

The second reason is that the position of the materials in the pit will continue to change. If someone who goes to the pit finds an immature spiritual plant in the pit that cannot be picked yet, and wants to remember the location and wait for it to mature before picking, this is simply impossible. Because if he comes back the next day, he won't see that spiritual plant again.

Other materials are similar, and no one can tell what is going on, so when they encounter valuable things, they will be picked up immediately, and it is impossible to keep them for later picking.

Some of this information was known before Zhou Fan came, and more was learned from the information obtained by the inn.

If Zhou Fan wanted to explore and dig Yuanjing by himself, his speed would not be faster than those experienced diggers.

The better way is to open the giant pit to the desperados in the Land of Hundred Cursors, then collect the pit fee, and then use the pit fee idea to exchange for Yuanjing.

But he didn't do it, and didn't even plan to open the giant pit to anyone.

Because compared to this method, he has a better way!

"Little 绻." Zhou Fan called out softly.

Xiao Ling didn't get out of his bald head, but stuck out her little girl's head from the lush dog hair of her younger sister. She asked sleepily, "Is it time to eat? Are there any duck legs today?"

"As long as you do this well for me, there are a lot of duck legs." Zhou Fan laughed.

"Really?" In an instant, Xiao Ling seemed to have been beaten with blood, and her whole person became energetic and said insincerely: "Xiao Ling does things for the master and will never give up. The mere duck legs are not important, but it is still necessary. Xiao Qian can't get enough to eat, so he doesn't have the strength to do things, and if he doesn't have the strength to do things, he can't do things beautifully for the master..."

I believe you, it's not for duck legs... Zhou Fan twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "Okay, okay, I know that the sun and the moon can be learned from the heart of Xiaoxuan, so listen to me now."

"Yes." Xiao Ling listened carefully.

"How's your little 绻 training? Didn't you train their treasure hunting ability and fighting ability before?" Zhou Fan asked.

"Xiao Xiaoxiao is a little stupid, but it's already useful." Xiaoxiao said hurriedly.

"Then send your little one to explore around, remember what I told you before, no more than a thousand." Zhou Fan urged.

"Master, do you really need so many little 绻?" Xiao 绻 said excitedly.

Zhou Fan had made an agreement with her before that if ten little scorpions died, she would give her a duck leg. If a thousand little scorpions were wiped out, she would have a hundred duck legs!

So many duck legs are enough for her to eat for a long time.

No, I can't think like that, I'm the mother of the little guys anyway, how can it be cruel to think that all my children are dead... Xiao Ling's mouth drooled as she thought.

"Yes." Zhou Fan nodded with a smile.

There are at most one or two hundred people going into this giant pit in a day, but he has a thousand little scorpions to help him explore, and the efficiency is not known how many times higher. The key is that everything the little scorpions get are his~ It is not like the pit person only gives him a little pit fee.

This is the reason why Zhou Fan did not open the giant pit to outsiders.

Even if it's not as much as Brother Niu's bull lice, and Brother Monkey's monkey hair, but a thousand little scorpions are enough... Zhou Fan thought a little smugly.

"Look at my multi-layered avatar." Two strands of Xiao Qian's long hair started to break in the middle and fell to the ground, turning into a small bun that was one round smaller than her.

The two little scorpions are still splitting, and the number is increasing.

Zhou Momo and the younger sister were all barking, and they were very excited.

Xiaoxiao let Xiaoxiaoxuan split, she raised her head and asked, "I wonder what the master wants Xiaoxiaoxuan to find for you?"

Looking for what?

Xiaoxiaoxiao has a fatal flaw, that is, they do not recognize most of the materials in the pit, and I am afraid that even if they see it, they will miss it.

Zhou Fan is very clear about this, but he already has a countermeasure.

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