Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1159: Exploration pit

"We are mainly looking for Yuanjing." Zhou Fan began to describe Yuanjing's appearance in detail, and after talking about Yuanjing, he added: "In addition to Yuanjing, if Xiaoxiao finds any special materials, he can bring it back. "

All Zhou Fan wants is Yuanjing, and all other materials are only incidental.

Xiao Ling took it down seriously, she waved her hand and shouted, "Stop, that's enough, don't let it go."

Thousands of little ribbons, heads surging, squeaking and muttering.

"Duck legs are delicious."

"Duck legs are delicious."

"Mother is so stingy."

"Don't talk about duck legs, we don't even give us chicken legs."

"Don't say chicken legs, even chicken bones will not be given to us."


The corners of Zhou Fan's mouth twitched as all kinds of squeaking noises came, it is true that if there is a mother, there must be a daughter.

"Shut up." Xiao Qian shouted with her hands on her back.

The little ones all shut their mouths. The number of a thousand little ones is a bit scary. The little one standing at the back may not be able to hear the voice of the little one, but the little one is just used to talking. She and Xiaoxiaoxiao communicated through the mind.

She only needs to give her orders through her mind. After conveying the request from Zhou Fan to her, she asked, "Do you understand?"

"Understood, mother." The little girls answered in unison.

"So the purpose of this time is to hunt for treasures, now change clothes!" Xiao Qian waved her hand again.

The hairs of the little ones stretched out one by one, forming black soft armor on their bodies. In addition to the soft armor, the hair also turned into a black miner's hat. This kind of miner's hat was asked by Zhou Fan, and Zhou Fan gave it to her. designed.

In addition to the miner's hat, the little scorpions also have a small shovel made of hair on their hands.

The little scorpions who had finished dressing up happily raised their shovels and shouted in unison, indicating that they were ready.

"As I told you before, a small group of three, run away when encountering enemies, don't get entangled with them, our purpose is to mine valuable things." Xiao Qian said again: "If you want to mine things If it’s too big to dig, then two or even three groups of people can work hard to dig together, and if no one is available, send someone back to tell me…”

"Let me go now!" Xiao Ling waved her hand.

The little ones immediately scattered and walked towards the giant pit.

Xiaoxiao's people have been reminded by Xiaoxuan in advance that they will not cross the black boundary that cannot be seen clearly. On the black boundary, even if Xiaoxiao has the ability of night vision, they can't see clearly because they have already practiced. The cultivator of night vision has tried it himself.

Zhou Fan has no idea for the time being to investigate what will happen on the other side of the black boundary. He vaguely feels that it must be dangerous there, and his purpose is only Yuanjing.

Xiaoxiao didn't dare to play tricks and ask Xiaoxiaoxiao to send her to death to brush duck legs, because Zhou Fan, the owner, had already warned her that if he found cheating, all the duck legs would be confiscated.

In order to promote Xiaoxuan's enthusiasm, Zhou Fan will add duck legs to Xiaoxuan when he finds valuable things. If he finds a Yuanjing, he will add a duck leg to Xiaoxuan...

One Yuanjing is only given one duck leg. Of course, Xiaoxuan feels that the owner is stingy, but she has no choice. She still asks Xiaoxiaoxuan to actively try to find Yuanjing. .

She knew that this time it was a big deal, maybe she could stock up on duck legs for a year this time!

Xiaoxiao and the others disappeared from Zhou Fan's sight. Zhou Fan did not leave, but stayed in place with Xiaoxiao and the others, waiting for Xiaoxiao to bring things back.

But Zhou Momo watched the little ones leave, she became a little restless, and kept flying around Zhou Fan, barking.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Fan asked with concern.

Zhou Momo fluttered his dragon wings, still barking, and pressed his small head against Zhou Fan's cheek.

"You said you have to look for materials like Xiao Xiaoxiao?" Zhou Fan looked at Zhou Momo for a while before he understood what she meant.

Zhou Momo couldn't speak yet, but she could understand what Zhou Fan said. She nodded again and again, looking forward to looking at Zhou Fan.

"No, it's too dangerous." Zhou Fan shook his head.

Zhou Momo's dragon pupil burst into tears instantly, and she looked pitiful with tears, she hummed.

"Momo can't be self-willed, it's all weird here, and I can't leave to look at you, it's very dangerous for you to run around like a dragon." Zhou Fan looked confused.

If something happened to his daughter, he really wanted to cry without tears.

"Let the eldest go, isn't the eldest in a state of being hidden? Ordinary geeks can't find her." Xiao Ling helped.

"You know it's normal, but what's dangerous here is not only weirdness, there are also many dangers in the terrain here, and Momo doesn't understand anything, in case she walks into the black boundary , what should I do if I can't come back?" Zhou Fan said with a serious face.

Xiao Ling didn't dare to speak for her help. If the eldest lady was ignorant and really lost her way, the owner might anger her and cut her into pieces.

Seeing Zhou Fan's disapproval, Zhou Momo was very sad and threw himself on the little sister's dog and cried.

Zhou Fan has some headaches. Usually Zhou Momo is very well-behaved. Even if he disappears, he is not noisy. He just plays with himself. Maybe he has been suppressed for too long.

But it's not unusual for a child to have a tantrum.

Zhou Fan hesitated for a moment and said, "Okay, don't cry, I can take you to play, right?"

"Master, what should I do here?" Xiao Qian asked.

"Of course you are here waiting for Xiaoxiao to come back." Zhou Fan said.

Xiao Lingying trembled, she shook her head and said, "No, I'm so weak, what if any big monsters pass by and kill me, then you won't have a loyal, reliable and lovely servant."

"This is not a place close to the black boundary, what kind of weirdness can pass by?" Zhou Fan didn't have a good air, and only when he went down would there be a powerful weirdness.

However, Zhou Fan said so, and he quickly felt that it was inappropriate to leave Xiao Ling alone here. If a warrior came in and saw Xiao Ling, or something happened to Xiao Ling, it would be troublesome.

"You let a group of little 绻 come Let them stay here instead of you, you follow me." Zhou Fan said again.

In this way, even if someone came in from outside, the worst result would be to kill Xiao Xiaoxiao and take away some of the materials. This loss is nothing.

Xiao Xiaofei nodded quickly and asked the group closest to them to come back and stay here.

After finishing these things, Zhou Fan let the little black dragon fly forward.

He thought to himself that Momo might get tired of it soon, and then he would go back to see what the little silks brought him back.

However, he soon showed a look of surprise, because Mo Mo fluttered a pair of black fleshy wings, she was not flying around, it seemed that the goal was very clear.

As we moved forward, the surroundings became a little gloomy and dark.

Zhou Fan's eyes became vigilant, but instead of calling Momo back, he continued to follow Momo.

There was a small running sound in the darkness, and a monster ran out of the darkness, staring at Zhou Fan with its dark red pupils.

Zhou Fan recognized that it was a black evil monster, and the monster rushed towards him.

Zhou Fan took out the knife and killed the black demon-level monster with one knife, and then signaled Momo who flew back to continue, but he wanted to see what Momo was looking for.

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