Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1188: Taniguchi

The suspicion of the old ghost Gong is not surprising. After all, they have come all the way. If they say curse toxins, they should have encountered it together, but it happened to Deng Yizhi.

"Fellow Daoist Gong, it's better not to say things that are baseless." Wei Yun said calmly, "Any accidents can happen in the wilderness, have you never seen someone in a group suddenly have an accident? ?"

"No, but it's all because of those people who made stupid mistakes. My disciple is also in the arrogance stage. His wilderness experience is no less than that of any of you. Do you think he will make those naive mistakes?" Gong Laogui sneered. rhetorical question.

"Then what do you want?" Du Canyang asked.

"I don't want to do anything, I will check this matter slowly. If it's an accident, I can't blame anyone, but if I find out that one of you murdered my disciple..." Gong Laogui didn't say any more, but this Threats in words are full of ten.

"Now I suggest moving on, what do you think?" Gong Laogui turned around and said.

Gong Laogui didn't mention his apprentice's death, but talked about this topic, and everyone thought about it seriously.

"I agree, you can't be afraid to move forward just because someone died, right?" Li Gaofeng chuckled, and he squeezed the concubine's chin with his hand: "My women are not afraid, don't you even have mine? Are women better?"

"I'm also in favor of moving forward." Du Canyang said.

In the end, no one raised any objections. Even if an accident happened, it would just come back in vain. No one really could accept it.

After forming a unified opinion, everyone just paused for a while and then continued to move forward. The old ghost Gong just put away some of Deng Yizhi's talisman utensils that had not been burnt out. As for the corpse, the fire had already been burned.

After something like Deng Yizhi happened, everyone became more cautious, and the speed of progress slowed down a lot.

Under Wei Yun's suggestion, everyone is responsible for supervision in one direction.

The terrain of Qianji Giant Pit is all kinds of strange, it is like a small world, there are mountains, hills and forests.

And unlike other giant pits, it gets darker and darker as you go, there seems to be no black boundary here.

Not only Zhou Fan had such doubts, but Mu Sanying, who entered here for the first time, also had such doubts, she asked Wu Kai next to her.

"It's because it's too big to walk into its dark area." Wu Kai explained.

After walking for half a column of incense, everyone stopped, and a narrow canyon appeared in front of them.

"Crossing through the canyon or going around?" Li Fengfeng asked, looking at the canyon in front of him.

If the canyon is dangerous, the terrain there may be blocked inside.

Of course, with their strength, even if there is a problem with Taniguchi on both sides, they can escape to the top of the cliff, but they are afraid that there are unknown dangers inside, and even the top is blocked.

"Cross it." Du Canyang said, "It's a waste of time to go around. If there is no problem in passing through the Taniguchi, then we can separate after a short walk."

He was already impatient to stay with these people, especially Zhou Fan was among them. He hated Zhou Fan to death, but unfortunately he was not sure that he could win against Zhou Fan.

According to their footsteps, they have already walked out of the edge area of ​​the Thousand Machines Giant Pit. As long as they walk out of the edge area, the probability of finding rare materials will greatly increase, and they are not suitable for walking together again, which is not beneficial to anyone.

So far, along the way, they have not found any material worth paying attention to, but this is also expected.

Wei Yun and Gong Laogui also agreed with Du Canyang's opinion. Wu Kai said that he should be more cautious and wanted to bypass the canyon.

Zhou Fan did not express his position in a hurry, but glanced at Liao Banyan, who had been taciturn.

"I'm in favor of going through the canyon." Halfway Liao said.

In this case, most of them agree, and Zhou Fan's words are meaningless. In fact, he also thinks that it is better to go through the canyon and save more time.

After reaching an agreement again, everyone walked slowly towards the canyon, and soon reached the Taniguchi.

Even if they had already decided to go through the canyon, they would not hesitate to change their minds if they observed anything unusual in Taniguchi.

Standing at the mouth of the valley, they could clearly see a small brown tree as tall as a person in the center of the canyon.

The small brown trunk is bare, without any branches or leaves, only the main trunk and a golden fruit that grows on the top of the main trunk.

The fruit is as big as a fist, with a faint white cloud pattern on the fruit surface, and the cloud pattern emits a faint cloud.

"It's the Longevity Cloud Fruit!" Li Gaofeng's eyes showed a fiery look, he tapped his toes lightly, embraced his concubine, and swept towards the Longevity Cloud Fruit.

It's just that the moment he moved, Wu Kai, Wei Yun, Du Canyang, Liao Banban, and Gong Laogui all used their movements to rush forward. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

Zhou Fan deliberately slowed down a beat before rushing forward, and his heart became hot.

Longevity cloud fruit is a life-enhancing substance. Taking it can increase your lifespan by five years. It is not of great use to those who have a long lifespan, but it is undoubtedly a life-saving medicine for monks who are about to end their lifespan. They are willing to Pay a great price to get the longevity cloud fruit.

For Zhou Fan, who has a short lifespan, of course he is not willing to let go of such life-enhancing After all, even if a golden fishing rod can catch things that increase lifespan, his gray worms are simply not enough. He is the life-enhancing object that he has caught once.

The golden fishing rod consumes a lot of gray worms.

But no matter how eager he was in his heart, Zhou Fan still retained a trace of reason. He was not the first to rush out. He was afraid that there would be a trap ahead, and that he would be the target of public criticism. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer: https://

In a short instant, Li Gaofeng, who was still at the forefront, was still the one who acted first. Seeing that he was about to pick the Cloud Fruit of Longevity, this was a sneer from the old man, and he grabbed at Li Gaofeng with a claw.

The black claw light cut through the air and enveloped Li Gaofeng. Seeing that Li Gaofeng was about to be cut into several pieces by the claw shadow, Li Gaofeng seemed to have eyes on his back. The concubine he had been holding shot, the jade palm shot out, The blood-colored palm smashed the jet-black claw light.

Li Gaofeng took this to speed up. He dared to be the first to rush to the front. Of course, he had already been on guard against those behind him attacking him.

In the blink of an eye, Li Gaofeng was already close to Chi Chi from the Longevity Cloud Fruit. His face was filled with joy.

It's just that his hand suddenly retracted, and at the moment when he retracted, a black rope like a snake appeared in the original position of his hand.

And holding the other end of the black rope is Wei Yun.

Li Gaofeng let out a scream, he turned around and rushed towards Wei Yun, he and his concubine shot together, the momentum was not small.

However, the black rope in Wei Yun's hand snaked back on its own, fighting with Li Gaofeng.

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