Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1189: longevity cloud fruit

Du Canyang took advantage of this to rush over from the side of Wei Yun and the others, but Gong Laogui's palms slapped him again and again.

Du Canyang had no choice but to step aside and face the old ghost Gong a few times.

The old ghost Gong had no fear of Wei Yun and Du Canyang in the Primordial Liquid Realm.

Wu Kai, who was holding a copper rod, rushed forward and was suddenly entangled by Liao Banyan.

Zhou Fan wanted to take advantage of this gap to rush over, but he was also forced to retreat by the anger from the melee crowd.

In the canyon, the eight people scuffled together, the qi scattered in all directions, the rocks splashed, and half of the canyon collapsed along with it, and the boulders rolled down.

Tang Wenkang and the others in the back did not step forward, but just watched the melee of the eight people.

Even if half of the canyon collapsed, the longevity cloud fruit and the fruit trees were not damaged under the deliberate control of Zhou Fan and the others.

The long knife in Zhou Fan's hand slashed out, and a green-black knife slashed on Wu Kai's copper stick, smashing the copper stick that Wu Kai hit into the air, and at the same time smashed out a punch, smashing the claws that the palace old ghost hit. .

When the eight people fought, they mainly used martial skills, mixed with martial arts, and no one used magic techniques, because magic techniques required a certain amount of time to prepare and were not suitable for use in such an environment.

Anyone who wants to pick the longevity cloud fruit will be besieged by the other seven people.

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly. It was not the way to drag it on. He rushed forward again, pretending to be picking fruit.

Immediately, four people used Gang Qi to attack Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan was already prepared, he turned around and slashed out with a knife, and countless golden flying feathers splashed out from the tip of the knife.

It is the Feather Sword Gang transformed by the Storm Feather Spirit.

Yu Dao Gang was overwhelming, covering all seven people present at once.

The seven did not dare to be careless, but they knew that if they dodged, they would let Zhou Fan take the opportunity to win the Cloud Fruit of Longevity. .

After all, this is just astral qi, and it is not really impossible for the monks who have cultivated their true essence.

The sound of bang bang bang kept ringing, and at the same time as the feather blade gang dissipated, the gang qi attack of the seven people immediately followed them forward like flowing water, and slammed towards Zhou Fan, who had already reached out to pick the fruit.

Zhou Fan's second knife was already ready to go, and he slashed out.

The purple-gold sword glow turned into a purple-gold wall.

Under the attack of so many Gang Qi, the purple gold wall trembled faintly and cracked.

But for Zhou Fan, this period of time was enough. He plucked the longevity cloud fruit, teleported five feet forward, stopped to take out the jade box from the talisman bag, quickly put the longevity cloud fruit into the jade box, and again closed.

When Wei Yunqi and the others saw this, their expressions became a little subtle.

Instead, Zhou Fan looked as usual.

"We worked together to kill him, and then we will discuss how to divide the longevity cloud fruit?" Du Canyang said with a cruel smile on his face.

If Zhou Fan could be killed, it would definitely be a good thing for him.

But the other six didn't answer, just frowned slightly.

Zhou Fan sneered: "You can't kill me, which of you can compare to me in terms of wheel speed?"

This is also the reason why the six did not speak rashly. They already knew from the battle at Sunset Castle that Zhou Fan's movement was extremely fast, and it was difficult to catch up with him.

"Forcing me away, you will be missing one person. Is it really worth it for the longevity cloud fruit?" Zhou Fan continued: "You don't need me to say it, you also know that the longevity cloud fruit is precious, but this fruit can only be used in a lifetime. Eat one, and eat the second, and there will be no longer lifespan effect.”

This is all recorded in the classics. The longevity cloud fruit is rare, but because of the defect that you can only eat one in a lifetime, the value is not too exaggerated.

"Zhao Daoyou is joking. Since you have won the longevity cloud fruit, of course we will not shoot you again. After all, we are not only here for a longevity cloud fruit." Wei Yun said with a smile: "It's just a longevity cloud fruit. It's just, fellow Daoist Du was just joking with you, you don't need to care too much."

Du Canyang sighed a pity, he knew that it was impossible to instigate everyone to deal with Zhou Fan together, and it is very likely that he would not kill Zhou Fan, but would force Zhou Fan away, making the team lack the help of a Taoist cultivator. .

Others will be reluctant to act like Wei Yun.

Du Canyang just snorted, he didn't say anything more.

Zhou Fan put away his long knife. He looked at those people and didn't rush back. He was worried that Wei Yun and the others would suddenly turn their faces. Even in the competition just now, he deliberately reserved a lot of methods that were useless. The martial power of the class is useless, and Zhou Fan is not afraid of turning his face, but turning his face now is not good for him who wants to find the ghost general.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

Zhou Fan quickly took out the jade box containing the longevity cloud fruit from the talisman bag.

Wei Yun and the others looked at Zhou Fan in puzzlement, and did not understand why Zhou Fan took out the jade box again.

Zhou Fan opened the jade box, took out the longevity cloud fruit, and directly swallowed the fruit in front of everyone.

Everyone's eyes widened, and the precious longevity cloud fruit was eaten at will?

Zhou Fan didn't feel any pity at all. He originally wanted to keep it for himself, but now that he eats it, even if Wei Yun and the others are full of bad thoughts, they will disappear.

Wei Yun and others felt a little regretful, but they had to admit that Zhou Fan was so decisive that they had no reason to take action. starter

Du Canyang turned and walked away with a sullen face. After a few steps, he suddenly rushed in the direction of Tang Wenkang and the others.

Wei Yun and the others were puzzled, Zhou Fan showed anger, his body teleported away, and at the same time he let out a howling.

Does Tang Wenkang have any younger sisters over there?

Zhou Fan was afraid that Du Canyang would not be able to get the cloud fruit of longevity, so he vented his anger with his dog.

Zhou Fan let out a whistle, and the little girl understood what it meant, turned around and ran away.

But Du Canyang didn't chase Zhou Fan's He didn't mean to vent his anger with the dog, it would be too tasteless to do so. Tang Wenkang took the photo.

He wants to kill Tang Wenkang!

Because Tang Wenkang came with Zhou Fan, because Tang Wenkang's inn once helped Zhou Fan, so he should be damned!

His palm was filled with hatred, and he was unambiguous. Even if Tang Wenkang was a Qi Gang martial artist, even if Tang Wenkang had a talisman on his body, even if Zhou Fan hurried back quickly, he would still be sure to kill Tang Wenkang.

Once Tang Wenkang died, even Zhou Fan would not be able to turn against him again because of this!

Just as Du Canyang thought, even if Zhou Fan has teleportation, but he has no intention of calculating, Zhou Fan is really difficult to reach, he can only slash out, the black and thunder arc lingering sword gang shoots away, trying to force Du Cang. Chanyang withdrew his hand, but Du Chanyang slapped his left palm back, which was reserved for this situation.

It seemed that no one could save Tang Wenkang, and Tang Wenkang also seemed to be frightened by this palm.

But at this moment, a black figure appeared, blocking the palm of Tang Wenkang.

There was a muffled bang, the wind whistled, Du Canyang's palm was stopped, and his left palm also smashed the knife Gang that Zhou Fan hurriedly chopped.

Everyone is watching this scene.

After Zhou Fan arrived, he also stopped, with a look of surprise in his eyes. The one who rescued Tang Wenkang was the weird guy in black with a hood and a hood brought by Wei Yun.

This person actually has the ability to stop Du Canyang's palm, this person is a Taoist cultivator!

Just why did he save Tang Wenkang?

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