Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1234: hold your head

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"It turned out to be true." Zhou Fan shook his body for a while, his face showed a tragic look, the rusted knife was sheathed, and there was already a roulette wheel in his left hand.

He pulled the roulette with his right hand, the silver roulette turned quickly, the roulette stopped, a circle of golden runes submerged into his body, and a vast and powerful aura erupted from his body.

The golden light radiated from his body, making him like a mortal god.

At this time, sixteen black pythons also flew down from the sky.

The white-haired old man noticed Zhou Fan's changes, the corners of his eyes twitched violently, and a very bad feeling appeared in his heart, he didn't dare to delay any longer, and killed with a cold drink.

Sixteen black pythons rushed towards Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan stood blankly.

Hundreds of return swords shot out at once, killing all sixteen black pythons in an instant.

Under so many slashes, even the sixteen black pythons could not be reborn, and the mask was cut by the slashes.

What he drew was the 'ten thousand spells' of the law wheel, which had endless power to cast spells within ten breaths.

The talisman was destroyed, the white-haired old man spat out a mouthful of black blood, and his face showed a look of horror. This man was a hundred times stronger than before.

The white-haired old man didn't dare to stay any longer, his body was glowing with black light, and he wanted to cast a spell to escape.

However, it was slashed again with a single knife, and the blazing arrows shot from the sky and covered the earth. The white-haired old man couldn't even let out a cry of exclamation, and was chopped into countless tiny pieces of flesh and bones.

Zhou Fan's eyes were empty, the golden light of his body gradually faded, he put the knife in the sheath, stood and looked at the rising sun, the sun couldn't bring any warmth, his heart was like falling into ice and snow.

"Master, what's the matter with you?" Xiao Ling looked worried, she had never seen her master like this.

This call made Zhou Fan tremble for a while, his whole body seemed to have returned to his soul, his body teleported away, and he soon came to the foot of the mountain.

The morning wind blew his clothes and hunted.

Looking up at the top of the mountain, he felt frightened for no reason. He wanted to turn around and run away, not going up.

But he still split the talisman and climbed up the mountain.

His consciousness was in a trance, and he didn't know how he climbed to the top of the mountain.

He saw his father and mother Xiaoliu lying in a pool of blood, their heads were chopped off, and their faces were slightly distorted in pain.

He seemed to be unable to breathe. The most important thing in his life was taken away. He stood for a while before staggering over.

He knelt on the ground and stretched out his trembling right hand, but he didn't know what to do.

"Father and mother Xiaoliu and the others are dead..." He withdrew his hand, his voice was hoarse and low, and he tasted a faint salty and bitter taste in his mouth.

Only then did he realize that his tears flowed down at some point.

The familiar pain of losing his grandma, sister and relatives came back, as if an awl was piercing his heart.

He couldn't save his sister, then his grandmother died, and now he can't save the three of them.

He couldn't bear to look at the corpses of his father and mother again, so he bent down, rested his forehead on the ground, and cried bitterly.

The cry drifted away in the wind.

"Afan... is that you?" Suddenly Yi Yimu's voice sounded from his ear.

Zhou Fan raised his head, looked over with blurry tearful eyes, and found that it was the wooden skull of Zhou Yi who had closed his eyes, his **** face shaking.

"Dad, Daddy." Zhou Fan walked over and hugged Zhou Yimu's head. He suspected that he was hallucinating.

"It's really Afan." Zhou Yimu didn't open his eyes, he shouted in pain: "Afan, go, go, those people are amazing, go away, leave us alone."

"Father, it's alright, it's alright." Zhou Fan hurriedly said, "I killed them all and won't come again."

He knew that this was not an illusion, and he suddenly remembered that he was a self-healing body. That father also had the blood of the Zhou family, and he would also have the talent for a self-healing body. This may not have been shown before, but he was stimulated at the moment of death. Gotta wake up.

This is the reason why Dad was able to speak suddenly.

But he soon felt heartache again, because he knew the self-healing body very well. Even if his head was beheaded now, he would not be able to survive. Dad might not last long now.

He frantically thought of a solution, but he just felt that his mind was blank.

"Just kill it." Zhou Yimu breathed a sigh of relief and suddenly said anxiously, "Where are your mother and Xiaoliu? What happened to them?"

Zhou Fan's thoughts were interrupted, and his face showed a look of pain and said, "Father, mother and Xiaoliu suffered some minor injuries. It's no big deal if they fainted, and you'll be fine."

He bent down and joined his father's head to his neck to see if it could heal.

"Afan, you lied to me, I remembered, your mother and Xiaoliu were both killed by that thief, and so did I." Zhou Yimu's voice dimmed.

Blood continued to flow from the interface, dyeing Zhou Fan's hands red. Tears overflowed from his eyes. He choked, "Dad, I'm sorry, mother and Xiaoliu are dead."

He understood that he couldn't save him, and he couldn't bear to lie any more.

"Fortunately, you are still alive. I don't know why I can still speak, but I'm running out of time, Afan, listen to me." Yi Yimu's voice became smaller and smaller.

Zhou Fan picked up Zhou Yimu's head, and he said sadly, "Dad, you say, I'll listen."

"Those people must have come to my Zhou The strength is not enough, don't take revenge, otherwise you have an accident, and your parents will die, you know?" Zhou Yimu has never wanted to talk like today, I want to say more.

"Yes, I remember."

"Xiao Liu died for your mother and I. I'm sorry for Daliu and the couple." Yi Yimu said in a trembling voice, "We owe Daliu and the others a life, but I'm afraid it won't be enough, you have to remember..."

"What my parents owe is what I owe. Even if I'm afraid it's not clear, I will do everything to pay it back for you." Zhou Fan said softly, thinking that Xiaoliu died like this, his heart ached again.

"That's the only way." Zhou Yimu sighed, his voice was almost inaudible: "Afan, just these two things, your parents are not here, you have to take good care of yourself in the future..."

Yi Yimu didn't say any more, his painful face stretched out and became calm and peaceful.

Zhou Fan called out several times, but he couldn't get a response. He understood something, he held his head in his arms, and Wanzhangxia light illuminated his lonely figure.

As if someone had dug out his heart with a dagger, the great pain penetrated into every part of his body.

He lowered his head, tears falling on the head in his embrace.

The sky is huge, and he is the only one left.

A gray fog emerged from the sky between the rocks and vegetation, obscuring his figure, covering the entire mountain and everything.

The sky and the earth seemed to be covered by gray fog.

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