, !

This is a river with brilliant colors to the extreme. It flows slowly and emits countless colors of light.

As long as you take a look, you will be deeply attracted by the splendor and magnificence of the color river, as if there are countless vitality multiplying in it.

Incompatible with the color river, there is a gray boat moving slowly along the river in the middle of the river.

I don't know what kind of material the gray boat was made of, but it only looked gray.

Zhou Fan stood on the deck, looking at this peculiar scene, his face was puzzled, he was clearly on the mountain, why did he suddenly appear here?

If it appeared in the Grey River space, he would not be so surprised, but in this strange and strange environment, he had to be surprised.

"I brought you in." A somewhat familiar voice sounded behind Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan turned his head and looked over, what he saw was a young man in a gray suit and black tie.

"Ge Yangshu?" Zhou Fan was shocked. Ge Yangshu was his previous work partner in that world and his best friend.

"No." The young man showed a lazy smile, which Zhou Fan often saw before.

Zhou Fan couldn't help blinking, the person in front of him changed again, Ge Yangshu became a serious old lady.

"Are you kidding me?" Zhou Fan's face sank immediately, and this man became like his dead grandmother.

"I'm sorry." The old lady turned into a bitter-faced middle-aged man and said, "I thought you would want to meet her."

This time, the bitter-faced middle-aged man Zhou Fan didn't have any impression, but his heart was like a stormy sea. The events of his previous life were the biggest secret in his heart, but obviously this strange person knew his secret.

"You have actually met this person." The bitter-faced middle-aged man pointed to his face and smiled: "In your world, he set up a fruit stand across the street from where you work, and you went there to buy fruit twice. ."

"I don't even remember, how did you know?" Zhou Fan was silent for a while, and then he quickly said with a wary face: "Did you read my memory?"

"Read your memory..." The bitter face of the middle-aged man became more bitter, "Forget it, but I only dare to read your shallow memory, and I dare not read it too deep."

Even knowing what happened in my previous life, what kind of deep memory... Zhou Fan's mind turned, he tentatively asked: "What do you mean by deep memory?"

The middle-aged man scratched his head in distress and said, "We finally meet once, there is no need to waste time discussing this kind of thing."

"Then who are you? Why did you bring me in here?" Zhou Fan asked slowly.

When he thought that his father and mother Xiaoliu's body was still outside, his mood became heavy, his shoulders shrugged slightly, and he didn't seem to be very interested in the strange things in front of him.

"Who am I? This question is very difficult to answer." The middle-aged man said bitterly: "In your world, this is called one of the three ultimate questions of philosophy. For me, it is also very difficult. Don't be sad with you, your parents, Xiaoliu, they are not dead."

"You said they didn't die?" Zhou Fan suddenly raised his head and asked, his heart also beating faster, and he was unwilling to let go of any hope.

But he thought it was impossible. Before he came out of the Grey River space, he once asked Zhou Xiaomao if his parents died, could he be rescued.

Zhou Xiaomao gave a negative answer. She said that unless a cultivator has cultivated to a certain level, it is possible to be rescued after death, while ordinary people cannot be rescued at all.

The bitter-faced middle-aged man reached the railing of the boat in a blink of an eye. He waved his hand to Zhou Fan and said, "If you don't believe me, you can take a look for yourself."

Zhou Fan hesitated for a while but walked over. What this person did was beyond his comprehension. If he could drag him into this strange space, it would be easy to hurt him, so there was no need to be too wary.

Especially since he had some doubts about this person's identity, but he couldn't say it.

He walked up to the middle-aged man and looked at the river of color like a middle-aged man.

The flowing color river seemed to have created a huge vortex, which captured Zhou Fan's mind, and he seemed to be plunged into the river, and the sky was spinning.

He saw that the elapsed time kept going back and forth, and countless pictures flickered away in his pupils.

At the moment when the screen stopped, he saw that he was moving in space, no, it should be said that Zhou Xiaomao was manipulating his body to move quickly in the colorful space.

But suddenly the colorful space faded into black and white, Zhou Kitten let out a furious roar, and his body was frozen in the faded space.

Then the picture dissipated, and Zhou Fan's mind shrank back from the river of color. He looked at the middle-aged man beside him and said in amazement, "Did you do it then?"

"It's me." The middle-aged man admitted with a smile.

It turned out that Zhou Xiaomao was talking about him. Zhou Fan's doubts were increasing, but he still didn't dare to ask. The middle-aged man said that he read his shallow memory, but did he see anything about the Grey River space? He was completely unsure.

If the middle-aged man was not the one he thought, and he told the matter in the Grey River space again, he would kill himself.

"What's the use of you doing this? What does this have to do with saving my parents?" Zhou Fan frowned and asked ~www.readwn.com~ This is a buoy. "The middle-aged man explained with a smile: "When you were about to get out of the space movement, I put a time buoy on you. "

"Time buoy?" The doubts on Zhou Fan's face became deeper and deeper, and he couldn't understand the meaning of the middle-aged man's words.

"The time buoy is beneficial for me to find you at that time in the long river of time." The middle-aged man scratched his head again and said in distress: "As long as I can find you at that time, I can make you back to that time now. , this is only when the law of time has been cultivated to the highest level, and the time buoy can be left, so do you understand?"

"You mean to turn back time?" Zhou Fan's eyes narrowed and said, if time can really be turned back, then he can indeed go back to the time before the accident, and his parents, Xiaoliu, and the others will not die.

"Well, it's somewhat similar, but it's not exactly like this." The middle-aged man's bitter face deepened: "Time is very complicated, and there is no force that can stop the time of so many beings from advancing. I will set a time for you. From the moment of the buoy, your time is actually stagnant, and what you experienced just now may just be a very real dream, when I use the time buoy to push you back to that time."

"Your time is synchronized with the world. In short, the time buoy makes your time go forward faster. You have experienced everything that is likely to happen, but the time buoy can make your time return to the original. In fact, only your time has changed.”

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