Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1236: ferry

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Is the time buoy changing my personal time?

Zhou Fan had a headache, but he only needed to know that his parents, Xiao Liu, and the others could be rescued. He looked at this strange middle-aged man with a solemn expression and asked, "Why did you set this time buoy on me?"

Zhou Fan knew very well that this person had set a time buoy on him in advance, indicating that this person might have foreseen what would happen next, but even so, why did he help him?

The middle-aged man suddenly turned into a petite young woman. Her innocent face flushed red and she said, "The time buoy is set because people are worried about you."

Zhou Fan twitched the corners of his mouth, he just stared at the woman silently, wanting to know the real answer.

The woman was wearing a pink and blue palace dress and looked cute and cute. Her smile and frown gave people a feeling of pure water. She sighed and said, "I knew you wouldn't believe it, but I can't tell you the answer. ."

"..." Zhou Fan was silent for a while and said, "Then can you change your image, it would be good to change back to the one just now."

The woman touched her puffed face and asked in surprise, "Is this bad? I've seen your memory..."

"As you wish." Zhou Fan interrupted the woman angrily and continued.

The woman giggled, and she quickly changed back to that middle-aged man with bitter gourd. She changed so fast that even if Zhou Fan kept staring at her, he couldn't find out how she changed.

"Then what do you want?" Zhou Fan asked. He changed his way of asking the person's purpose.

"What do I want?" The middle-aged man smiled, but his bitter face was ugly, "There is a saying in your world called... um, I remembered it, saying that there is no hate for no reason in the world, There is no love for no reason, I help you, of course, there is a purpose."

"It's just that I'm not a stingy guide. I'll help you generously. You only need to give me a little reward in the future."

The stingy leader... Zhou Fan's face froze, even though he had guessed before, but now it has been confirmed, he is still shocked.

"Yes, you all call me a boat." The middle-aged man nodded again and admitted.

Zhou Fan's mood became more complicated. He had a lot of guesses about what a ship was before, but he was more inclined to think that the ship was a more mechanical being, because sometimes the ship wouldn't answer when asked a lot of questions. A touch of humanity.

But now, standing in front of him in such a humane way to communicate with him makes him overturn his own guesses.

He understands that this is probably really a boat. Except for a boat, who has such a great supernatural ability to set a time buoy and reverse a person's time.

"You seem to have a lot to ask, but you don't know where to start?" The middle-aged man said with a bitter face: "Then don't ask, and although I can set a time buoy for you, this But if you take a great risk, you may not be able to do this for you in the future, and you can't stay here for too long."

"Otherwise, the time buoy disappears, and you will never be able to return to the original time point. Let's go."

"My sister..." Zhou Fan was awakened, and he suddenly wanted to ask the question he cared about most.

But some force pushed him behind his back, and he fell upside down, sinking into the river of color with a thud.

"Oh, it's so dangerous, I finally sent him away." The middle-aged man grimaced, and he turned into the innocent girl in a pink and blue palace dress.

She took out the mirror and looked at herself, and said with admiration: "It's really annoying. He obviously likes this type in his heart, why doesn't he admit it?"

She casually threw the mirror into the colorful river, cleared her throat and sang: "The waves are rushing, the rivers are endless, and the world's affairs are mixed into a surging trend..."

The girl's voice reverberated in the colorful river, and her delicate voice just sang the magnificent song with her own unique charm.

The gorgeous river ripples in shallow circles of ripples.

After she finished singing, she covered her cheeks with a pair of jade hands and said intoxicatedly, "There are still many interesting things in that world. Of course, the key is that I sing well."



Zhou Fan fell to the ground, and he jumped up quickly, with his little sister and Momo beside him.

The shadows from all around are gathering, and the shattered bone armor on the little girl is emitting blood-red light, but the blood-red light makes them not dare to get too close, just running around and roaring.

Looking at this familiar scene, Zhou Fan's spirit was shaken, his memory quickly recovered, he understood what happened, and he returned to his original time.

He quickly released the broken bones on the little girl's body, and then took out the rune beads to illuminate everything around him, dispelling those shadows.

He was excited and thought about it calmly.

There is only one chance, and he can't make mistakes again.

Xiao Ling came out of Zhou Fan's head. She felt that the master, who was in a very bad state before, seemed to be in a much better state, but she didn't know what happened during this period.

Zhou Fan quickly took the talisman, and he picked up the little sister and used the teleportation technique to run wildly.

Xiao Ling stretched out her hair and wrapped it around Zhou Fan's shoulders to prevent herself from being thrown away by the master of teleportation speed.

She was a little confused, shouldn't it be time to confirm where this is right now? What is the master running around?

However, through her night vision ability, as Zhou Fan stopped, she quickly saw the lights lit up in the dark.

With a look of shock on her face, she recognized at a glance that this was Burning Valley.

But how did the master know that the Burning Valley was in this direction in the dark?

Zhou Fan put the little girl He patted the little **** the head and explained softly, "You guys are waiting for me here."

After he said this, he instantly entered a state of invisibility. He didn't alert anyone, he sneaked into Sanqiu Village, and found his own home.

There are two people from Sanqiu Village guarding the door of the house.

But to the invisible Zhou Fan, these two guards were like decorations. He silently knocked out the two guards, sneaked into the house, picked up a piece of clothing used by his parents, and set the house on fire. Throwing the two guards away, he quickly left his home.

The fire in the house was rising, and it was estimated that it would be discovered soon. He lit the house to remove all traces of his father and mother's life, so that the other party would have no way to use these traces of life to find people in the future.

He quickly left the village and returned to the little sister and the others.

"Master, what are you doing?" Xiao Ling asked in confusion. She felt more and more at a loss. Now, shouldn't she just enter the village and ask Xiao Liu what happened to them? Why dive in?

But Zhou Fan didn't answer. He took out the human-detection disk, burned the corner of his clothes, and scattered ashes to activate the human-detection disk.

The black needle on the detective board swayed, pointing out a direction.

"Come on, let's go." Zhou Fan mentioned the little girl again, and quickly teleported towards the dark place.

What he has to do now is to make the time difference as far as possible. Only by buying more time can he ensure the safety of his parents.

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