Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1239: Father grandmother

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Zhou Fan was originally worried that the other party would arrive at Sanqiu Village sooner than him, but when he arrived at Sanqiu Village, he found the Daliu couple very smoothly. He immediately took the Daliu couple away.

When leaving Sanqiu Village, Zhou Fan left a letter to Lu Kui and the others, pretending to be Zhou Fan's friends and telling them that Xiao Liu and the others were all rescued safely, so they don't have to worry, and they also asked them to beware of outsiders.

Zhou Fan was just a reminder to the villagers. In fact, his ability was limited and he couldn't care too much, but those people seemed to be afraid that their identities would be exposed and would not do anything to the village.

Zhou Fan took Daliu and his wife and couldn't walk too fast. He passed the message sign and didn't get together with Chufu and Xiaoxuan on a meadow until noon.

This is still Xiao Ling's parents and the others meeting with Chofu, staying in place to wait for Zhou Fan, and then Zhou Fan catches up with them.

Xiaoliu's mother, Zhu Chunmei, saw Xiaoliu, hugged Xiaoliu, and complained for a while, but Daliu smiled honestly. He felt that her daughter did a good job and saved Brother Zhou and the others.

Zhou Fan scratched his head. To be honest, their team is very weird. There are people, dragons, bullies, and there are even more **** from the outside.

Chifu only brought the mushroom demons, and the mushroom demons were all standing on the other side, orderly, without making any strange noises.

Chifu was a little reserved, she seemed a little taciturn.

Zhou Fan suddenly remembered a very important question, how should he tell his parents about Chofu?

Needless to say, Momo, she is still young, if her parents know that they have a granddaughter who is a dragon, she will probably be shocked.

But Eclipse is so big, she can't keep saying it.

"Little girl, I'm going to tell my parents that you are my daughter." Zhou Fan said to Chifu softly.

Qifu was overjoyed at first, but she quickly said nervously: "Zhou Fan, I'm a little scared, or else forget it..."

After all, she felt that she had a strange bloodline. She knew that humans were very afraid of strange things. She could feel that the couple Oliu and Zhou Yimu were a little afraid of the strange things she brought.

"Don't be afraid, you forgot, I am also a deceitful person." Zhou Fan laughed and comforted.

The crowd began to head towards the Carrion Bone Swamp. The reason why Chifu only brought the mushroom demon was because she used a method suitable for the teleportation of the mushroom demon. Otherwise, she would not be able to carry so many strange things overnight. Just got to this location.

Now that everyone wants to go to the Rotten Bone Swamp, it takes at least two to three days to travel without teleporting with the Daliu couple and Yi Yimu couple.

On the way, Zhou Fan told his parents the identity of Chofu. Of course, some things were too scary. He didn't go into details. children.

After listening to this, Yi Yimu and Gui Feng looked at each other and fell silent.

Chufu looked apprehensive. She was afraid that Zhou Yimu and his wife would not recognize her. What should she do then?

The Da Liu couple who heard it by the side were also stunned. Xiao Liu just looked at Zhou Fan curiously. She didn't expect Zhou Fan to have a daughter, but she didn't think it was a big deal.

Zhou Fan was calm on the surface, but he was also a little nervous. Chifu was just the beginning, and Momo didn't dare to say it.

But after digesting this fact, Zhou Yimu and his wife quickly opened their eyes with a smile.

"What did you do, Afan? Are you telling us now?" Gui Feng complained, and she looked at Cifu with a kind smile: "Little Cifu, I'm your eldest mother."

Zhou Yimu also looked at Chifu with a look of anticipation. He coughed dryly and said, "Gui Feng, don't force the child. After all, it's the first time we meet, and it's normal for the child to not be called."

"Big father, big mother." Chofu relaxed and called out a little shyly.

Big father and mother means grandparents.

Zhou Yimu and Guifeng were both very happy. In fact, there were not too many traces of strangeness on Chufu's body. They didn't like it for no reason. Even Yiyimu taught Zhou Fan a lesson with a straight face, saying that such a thing should not be hidden from them.

Zhou Fan was speechless for a while, but he soon realized that he had underestimated the receptivity of people in this world. After all, this is a world full of weirdness and anything can happen, and people's receptivity is surprisingly high.

Thinking of this, Zhou Fan glanced at the hidden little black dragon again, he still gave up telling his parents about the little black dragon, or waited, at least until the little black dragon could transform.

Everyone went all the way, and Zhou Fan teleported away from time to time to check if there were any chasing soldiers behind.

Even if this possibility is very small, Zhou Fan does not dare to be careless. After all, he is not sure whether those people will think of any special technique or equipment to chase after them.

When he went back to take away the Daliu couple, he also burned the Daliu family's house.

Time is passing, and soon the sky is getting dark.

Zhou Fan doesn't need to worry about the food for everyone. Chofu ordered the mushroom demon to find all kinds of wild fruits and beast meat for everyone to eat. The wilderness is rich in resources, and there is no shortage of food.

As for the food of the mushroom demon group, they go out to hunt on their own.

Zhou Fan chatted with his father and mother Xiaoliu, and when it was late at night, the father and mother fell asleep one after another.

There are mushroom monsters guarding outside the There are talismans to dispel the shadows, and Zhou Fan also lay down and sleep at ease.

There were too many things that happened that day, and his mind was also exhausted, and he soon fell asleep.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw Zhou Kitten with a cold face.

"Are you all right?" Zhou Xiaomao said coldly, "It's none of my business, it's the boat that interferes."

"Can I still be here if I have something to do?" Zhou Fan said angrily, "Your space movement is unsuccessful, give me back your life."

"It's impossible." Zhou Xiaomao sneered: "If you want to blame the boat, you can blame the boat. If it wasn't for the boat, I would have sent you out successfully, and even if I was forced to leave your body at the last moment, but I also vaguely perceive that there is no problem with positioning, I should have sent you to the vicinity of the Burning Valley."

Zhou Fan looked helpless. It was really no wonder Zhou Xiaomao, and as Zhou Xiaomao said, sending him to the Burning Valley was a success. He wanted to use the excuse of failure to get back his lifespan. is impossible.

"How are your parents? What's going on?" Zhou Xiaoxiao glanced at Zhou Fan and asked.

"They're all right, this should be done by the Zhou family's mortal enemy, but I don't understand how they found our Zhou family?" Zhou Fan asked suspiciously: "After all, so many years have passed, if they want to come over I should have found it earlier."

"Could it be that I entered the Taoist realm and were perceived by them? The jade pendant left by the ancestors of the Zhou family didn't have the shielding effect it should have?"

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