Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1240: complex means

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"I've checked your jade pendant, and there's nothing wrong with it." Zhou Xiaoxiao said a little displeased: "The problem doesn't lie in this aspect."

"What could be the problem?" Zhou Fan wondered, he thought this fact was too strange.

"How do I know this?" Zhou Xiaomao said coldly: "If those guys have never given up on pursuing your Zhou family, then they may have found out your whereabouts from other sources, and you are wrong, you shouldn't be Staying in one place for too long, once the enemy has any clues, it will become much easier to find you."

"Maybe it's really like what you said." Zhou Fan nodded slightly and sighed, "But it's not that simple to relocate."

It is not easy to move from one place to another to integrate into the outside world.

Of course, it is only for the previous Zhou family. Now Zhou Fan wants to live in another place, it will become very simple.

"What did the boat do?" Zhou Xiaomao's face was calm, but she was in a very uneasy mood. After her split soul was forced back to the boat, she was furious and questioned the boat, but she couldn't get any reply.

"Do you want to know?" Zhou Fan smiled and said, "It's not impossible, you give me back the thirty years of your life, and I'll tell you."

"It's a fool's dream." Zhou Xiaoxiao's face immediately turned cold, "don't talk about it, the old guy in the boat shot, what else can he do? I think about it and know that it must have shot for you to save your parents."

"Indeed, as you said, the boat helped me a lot in saving my parents, but don't you want to know the process? This might help you understand the boat better." Zhou Fan continued to seduce.

Anyway, the boat didn't say that it couldn't tell Zhou Xiaomao about it. If it really couldn't, the boat should have issued a warning to him now. Since there is no, it means that the boat doesn't matter.

"Help me understand the boat?" Zhou Xiaoxia's face became a little subtle, "I don't trust you very much."

"Then I'll give you some hints. I've seen the ship, and even though it's certainly not what it really looks like, I did communicate with it for a while, and every word I said to it may have great value." Zhou Fan said slowly.

"Have you seen the boat? Have you communicated with it for a while?" Zhou Kitten's face became solemn.

Zhou Xiaomao felt quite incredible, because she stayed on the ship for so long and had never seen a ship before. Often, even if she communicated, it was just a message. She was sure not to mention those who boarded the ship before, even if it was other guides. It is impossible to see the ship.

"How about it? You give me the thirty-year lifespan, and I'll tell you in detail. If you don't believe me, I can make an oath to ensure that this matter will never lie." Zhou Fan looked at Zhou Xiao who was thinking. The cat said, "My thirty-year lifespan is of no use to you."

"No." Zhou Xiaomao said coldly, "I don't really believe that the boat will give you any too useful information. If you want, I can use your five-year lifespan in exchange for you."

"Five years is too short, you still give me fifteen years of life." Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows and said, with fifteen years of life, he doesn't have to worry too much that his lifespan will come to an end soon.

"Five years is five years. In fact, don't think that I don't know. You also want to use me to analyze the conversation between the ship and you." Zhou Xiaomao didn't bother to pay attention to Zhou Fan after finishing speaking. If Zhou Fan didn't want to, she planned to turn around. Do your own thing.

"Okay, five years is five years, but as you said, you have to analyze the ship's behavior for me." Zhou Fan did have many puzzled questions in his heart, and the ship's behavior was too suspicious.

Zhou Xiaomao flicked his fingers, and a cloud of white light floated toward Zhou Fan and penetrated into his body.

Zhou Fan checked and found that his lifespan had changed to twenty-two, and he was relieved. At least it wasn't a fool's life less than a year. Now that he has five more years, he has more time to practice. so worried.

But when he thought of losing the twenty-five years of his hard-earned lifespan, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he began to seriously tell what happened to Qizhou Kitten's departure from his body.

Of course, he briefly talked about the process of saving his parents, but only described every move related to the boat in detail. He also concealed the secret that he was a transmigrator, which did not violate his promise. He didn't even ask him to hide his secrets.

He also suspected that his crossing had something to do with the ship, but he was sent away without a chance to ask at that time, and now he can only guess.

Zhou Xiaomao cared more about the boat. After listening to it, she remained silent. After a while, she said, "What do you want to know?"

"What's strange to me is that the ship has great magical powers. It has an easier way to rescue my parents for me. Why did it use such a complicated and troublesome method as a time buoy?" Zhou Fan's face showed a strange look.

It has to be said that it is a very unique experience to talk about the ship under the nose of the ship.

The time buoy is very troublesome. If the ship really wanted to help, Zhou Fan didn't think that such a complicated method would be used.

"As far as I know, there are very few monks who can really practice the law of time into a time buoy." Zhou Xiaomao said solemnly: "But I am not surprised that the boat can do it. The explanation I can think of, with the ability of the boat, maybe Using the time buoy method and using the other simple methods you mentioned I am afraid there is not much difference for the ship."

"Of course it could also be that it deliberately used the time buoy to get something from you."

"How is this possible?" Zhou Fan denied: "It's too easy for it to take something from me, there's no need to pass the time buoy, and I can't feel that it got something from me through the time buoy."

Zhou Xiaomao said with bright eyes: "No, you're wrong, you can't feel it, it doesn't mean it didn't get it, that thing may be invisible, I've never seen a boat pay so much attention to a boarding person, since it's in The outside world has done it for you, and it must have achieved its purpose."

Zhou Fan was stunned. He felt that Zhou Xiaomao had some truth. Some things were invisible. Even if the boat achieved its purpose, it might be difficult for him to discover it at all.

"Just as you insisted on taking my lifespan, what did you get from me?" Zhou Fan immediately asked back.

"I don't think this has anything to do with you." Zhou Xiaomao said with a cold face: "We are discussing the issue of the boat. If you don't want to discuss this matter, then forget it."

"No, I want to know more." Zhou Fan didn't test the kitten again, he said again: "The one you said may exist, but will it be the same as it gave me some help before, it didn't this time Take anything from me and want me to repay this kind of help later?"

"It's not impossible that you said that, but your statement can't explain the action of using the ability of the time buoy to help you." Zhou Xiaoxiao said to the point.

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