Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1243: choose to go back

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Does the ship dare not interfere too much with the outside world?

"Why?" Zhou Fan asked.

"I don't know, I don't know." Zhou Xiaomao's eyes flickered: "I can't figure it out either, but it doesn't matter, as long as you know that it doesn't dare to interfere too much with the outside world, that's fine."

"Where's the good?" Zhou Fan asked in confusion.

"You don't understand, this is very important to the guides like me who want to escape from the ship's control." Zhou Xiaomao regained his composure: "If it can interfere too much with the outside world, then I escape, and it will What if I get it back?"

Zhou Fan's expression became subtle. Zhou Xiaomao's words made sense, which was also good for him. After all, if he wanted to get rid of the ship's control in the future, and the ship wouldn't dare to do anything in the outside world, then his safety will also greatly increase.

Even though the boat helped him a lot, he still kept a certain amount of vigilance against the boat before he knew the purpose of the boat.

Zhou Fan discussed with Zhou Xiaomao for a while, and finally seeing that there was nothing to discuss, Zhou Fan stopped asking, but walked aside and started to think for himself.

Discussion with Zhou Xiaomao gave him a lot of valuable clues. If it weren't for Zhou Xiaomao, he would never have known about the reincarnated person.

But is he really a reincarnation like Zhou Xiaomao said?

Zhou Fan couldn't tell, but he hoped not. He didn't want to have another past life memory for no reason, especially this past life memory seemed to be very special, but it was not something he could decide.

After Zhou Fan got out of the boat, Zhou Xiaomao flicked her fingers, and the gray fog rolled, forming mysterious runes, which she was deducing.

But soon she waved her hand irritably, and the runes dissipated. Her temper was always straight, and the technique of deduction was never something she was good at, so she couldn't figure out anything.

"The reincarnated person...the lifeless person...the blood of the Zhou family..." She whispered to herself, her face became indifferent, because after excluding the lifeless person's interference option, she thought of a terrible guess.

She trembled with anger, looked down at the deck and said sternly, "Could it be that his previous life was that bitch? Tell me an answer, we can discuss what you want."

She originally thought that she would not wait for an answer, but the ship replied quickly, and the ship denied her guess.

She breathed a sigh of relief, but felt lost again.

"Thank you for telling me the answer, what do you want?" Zhou Xiaomao asked, she didn't want to owe the old guy anything.

But the ship told her the answer first, and if it asked too much, she would not agree.

It's just that the boat didn't ask anything, it just seemed to just want to tell the truth to the kitten Zhou, kitten Zhou waited for a while before the boat asked for it, she raised her eyebrows and said: "You tell me the answer, are you afraid that I will embarrass me? him?"

The boat did not answer.



After a few days, Zhou Fan had brought his parents and the others back to the Carrion Bone Marsh with Chofu.

The Carrion Bone Swamp has completely become the territory of the mushroom demon, and the powerful monsters of the Old Man Charm have already been driven away or killed by the Rot Bone Swamp.

Many places in the Carrion Bone Marsh are filled with miasma, which is not suitable for human habitation, but there are not many of them, so they can find a place without miasma to live in peace of mind.

In order to prevent the wind from changing and drifting in with a miasma, Zhou Fan took great pains to set up a talisman around him, planted spiritual plants, and improved the living environment of his parents.

Many of these talisman utensils came from the exchange of the big gray worm and the boat kitten.

Chifu sent another group of grass-seeds to guard the safety of Yimu and the others.

With the grass seedlings around, I am not afraid of strange people who do not open their eyes to break into the residence and disturb Yiyimu and the others.

Zhou Fan was a little worried that Bai Lengsun would come back suddenly. If he was in the carrion swamp, of course he wouldn't have to worry about this problem, but he couldn't stay in the carrion swamp forever, and he had to leave.

Especially after confirming that it was impossible for those people to find their parents again, he planned to leave.

Apart from accompanying his parents and the others for the past few days, Zhou Fan has been thinking about what he should do in the future after this incident.

The Zhou family's mortal enemy obviously found out that the Zhou family discovered his existence, and knew that he had become the envoy of Xiaoleizhou's expedition to the north. All this was clearly investigated.

Even a relatively superficial investigation was enough to make him feel the strength of the Zhou family's mortal enemy. After all, those people knew that he was only a cultivator who had just entered the Taoist realm, and he could send four golden body cultivators plus a rune realm cultivator. strong camp.

He doesn't even know who his opponent is now.

But these people deliberately hide their identities and dare not let anyone know their identities, which is enough to explain some problems.

Zhou Yimu mentioned that the information left by the ancestors of the Zhou family said that the mortal enemy was not the Great Wei royal family, but he mentioned that the mortal enemy would always be there if the Great Wei did not fall.

First of all, it was not the Great Wei Imperial Family. Zhou Fan was skeptical before, but now he thinks it cannot be the Great Wei Imperial Family, because if it is the Great Wei Imperial Family, there is no need to be so secretive.

The Great Wei royal family could have issued an edict without any reason to define the Zhou family as rebellious, and directly dispatched masters to kill them all, and no force would dare to protect the Zhou family.

In Great Wei, there is no force that can compete with imperial power.

It's not the Great Wei Royal Family, that's just as he thought before, maybe it's a power that is both prosperous and bad with the Great Wei Royal Family or even the Great Wei.

What kind of power would that be?

Zhou Fan couldn't guess it for a But there is a special thing, that force is so secretive, it obviously doesn't want other forces or officials to know about it, he doesn't seem to be afraid of violating the laws of Great Wei. , there seem to be other factors.

Zhou Fan did not continue to speculate, these can be investigated slowly.

He decided to return to Yiluansi to continue to be his envoy to the North, because the Zhou family's mortal enemy did not dare to kill him openly, otherwise he would not think about catching his parents first, and then set up a bureau to lure him over.

Since he didn't dare to kill him openly, why didn't he dare to go back?

After returning, perhaps the Zhou family's mortal enemy will continue to use secret tactics to deal with him, but he is not afraid. He is a state envoy with four expeditions and a high-ranking official. As long as it is not the Great Wei royal family behind the scenes, he dares to go back.

He wished that the mortal enemy of the Zhou family would continue to deal with him, so that he could know who was behind it!

He still remembered the scene of the death of his father and mother and Xiaoliu in his heart. The other party wanted to kill him, kill his father and mother, and he also wanted to destroy the other party.

He had already thought carefully that the Zhou family's mortal enemy could not be the academy, because if the academy wanted to deal with him, it could use a simpler method, such as asking him to help with things, and then setting up a bureau to kill him.

It is even more impossible for the Yiluan Division with many factions.

If he doesn't go back, those people may not be able to find him again, but he will lose the support of the Yiluan Division and the Academy, and may be turned into a wanted criminal by those people's ideas. Then he wants to return to the human world to do something. , it would be difficult.

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