Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1244: Secret Pavilion

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It is impossible for Zhou Fan to stay outside the wilderness forever and escape from the human world, which is still unacceptable to him now.

If it really doesn't work, those people can't threaten him with his parents anymore, and he can escape at any time.

What happened before was reset by the ship's time buoy, which means that nothing happened, and those people couldn't really understand his strength.

In this way, even if a master of the Rune Realm is sent to deal with him again, he is confident that he can escape.

After Zhou Fan made up his mind, he went to Chifu to discuss, and Chifu assured him that even if Bai Lengsun came back, she would not let her hurt Yiyimu and the others.

Chofu now not only controls the mushroom demon group, but also the grass seed and other monsters. Her strength is also increasing day by day. If the former Bai Lengsun was not necessarily a match for Chofu.

Besides, Zhou Fan won't let Yiyimu and the others live outside the wilderness forever. This is just an expedient measure. He still wants to let his parents and the others return to the human world to live.

Zhou Fan was very relieved about Chifu. He discussed with Chifu how to ensure the safety of his parents if Bai Lengsun really came back suddenly. After confirming that there was no major problem, he said goodbye to his parents and the Daliu family and set foot on the road. The way back to the state capital.

Originally, Xiaoliu wanted to follow Zhou Fan to the prefecture, but Zhou Fan refused, because his return to the prefecture this time was full of risks and unknowns. He might not be able to take good care of Xiaoliu. Xiaoliu was left with her parents, and Zhou Fan told her Practice well.

Not to mention Xiaoliu, he originally wanted to keep Momo and leave it to Chifu to take care of him, but Momo refused to follow him. Zhou Fan couldn't, so he could only take Momo by his side.

In fact, apart from Momo's reluctance, he also thought about it. Momo's current growth state is not very clear. If something happens, Chifu may not be able to handle it, so it's better for him to take it with him.

Xiaomei also followed him. It was impossible for him not to bring Xiaomei. At the critical moment, Xiaomei's broken bones and the one in Xiaomei's body might be able to play a big role.

When I came here, I paid the lifespan and there was a boat kitten to help move the space. When I came back, it was not so simple.

It took Zhou Fan half a month to return to Xiaolei Prefecture.

Of course, he sent a message to the prefecture through the local office of Yiluan in Xiaoleizhou on the way, reported the safety, and said the approximate date of his return. If there is no news, the office of Xiaolei Yiluan will think that He is missing.

Zhou Fan's return went smoothly. There was an accident at his home, and his departure was also allowed by the Yiluan Division.

He went back to the mansion to sell the vacation, and Chen Yushi also asked him to go over and ask about what happened.

Zhou Fan did not elaborate on this, but said that he had encountered some troubles, and now he has dealt with them.

Zhou Fan said this, but Chen Yushi didn't ask in detail, he just nodded and said, "If you need help with something, just tell me, if I can't help, there is still the academy."

"If that's the case, then thank you Brother Chen." Zhou Fan called Chen Yushi this way when no outsiders were around. "I do have something to ask Brother Chen. I want to know what to do if I want to inquire about some more secret information?"

Zhou Fan's practice time is still shallow, and many things are not as good as Chen Yushi's rich experience.

"Inquiring about news?" Chen Yushi raised his eyebrows slightly: "Our Yiluan Division has all sources of information, you can also use the news channel of the division for personal matters, as long as you pay a certain amount of merit points according to the value of the news. "

"Apart from the Sifu, is there any other way? The Sifu may not be able to find out these things for me. The things I want to find out are relatively secret." Zhou Fan said again.

He said so, but in fact he didn't want people to know what he was investigating. There might also be those mortal enemies in the government office.

Chen Yushi pondered for a while and said: "In addition to the Sifu, other forces also have their own news channels, such as the academy and the Great Buddha Temple, but these two news channels overlap with the Yiluan Division to a certain extent, and there are things that the Yiluan Division cannot find out. , a lot of times they don't either."

"The only one that meets your requirements is the Secret Pavilion."

"What kind of power is the Secret Pavilion?" This was the first time Zhou Fan had heard of such a place.

"It's not surprising that you don't know." Chen Yushi said with a smile: "Secret Pavilion makes a living by selling news, claiming that as long as you can afford the money, there is no news that they can't provide, but it's too expensive, even a Taoist cultivator. It's also sometimes hard to afford the price of a message."

"If you want to get news from the Secret Pavilion, you must be prepared to be tortured."

"Is it really that powerful? If it was before, I wanted to know where the Dead Corpse Mountain was? Is there a way for it?" Zhou Fan asked in disbelief.

Chen Yushi's face became serious, and he said solemnly, "It is very likely that he knows where the Dead Corpse Mountain is, but the price is not what the official family is willing to pay, so he didn't ask him."

Zhou Fan looked surprised. He was just joking, but he didn't expect to get a positive answer. He couldn't help but ask, "Can't the officials force it to say it?"

And there are forces that Dawei officials cannot conquer?

"Brother Zhou, this is really impossible to do, otherwise I think the official family will not miss such an The secret pavilion is a very special existence in the eyes of the monks who know it." Chen Yushi showed a face. The strange color said: "It does not belong to the jurisdiction of our Great Wei."

"It also exists in other countries. I heard that it spans the entire continent. The official family has reached some kind of agreement with the Secret Pavilion. The Secret Pavilion is engaged in news trading in Great Wei. Great Wei does not interfere with it, and it cannot be used in news trading. Do other things outside."

"It has never been associated with any forces in the Great Wei, and even the official family cannot command it."

The more Zhou Fan heard, the more surprised he became. He couldn't help but ask, "How many forces are there in the Great Wei territory like this?"

"There is only one like this." Chen Yushi said amused: "How many do you think there will be? The world is very big, but no country has ever been stronger than the Great Wei. If the sages of the next two countries didn't care about them, they would have become our Great Wei long ago. part of it."

"The Secret Pavilion can't interfere with the Great Wei. Allowing it to do transactions with the Great Wei is already quite special, and there will be no second one."

"So, there is no news in the world that the Secret Pavilion does not know?" Zhou Fan asked expectantly.

"Of course it's impossible. No matter how powerful the Secret Pavilion is, it's impossible to know what you ate today, what you said, and when you went to the thatched hut." Chen Yushi joked.

Nonsense, of course I know this, the news I'm talking about is relatively big news... Zhou Fan was a little speechless, he asked anxiously: "Then how can I contact the Secret Pavilion?"

This secret hall is so powerful, he must know a lot of information that he wants to know!

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