Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1245: Crescent Moon Company


How to contact the Secret Pavilion?

Regarding this question, Chen Yushi just chuckled: "If you are in other places, it must be difficult, but if you are in Xiaoleizhou Mansion, if you want to contact the Secret Pavilion, it will be easy, it has a stronghold in Xiaoleizhou Mansion. ."

Chen Yushi told Zhou Fan the address of the Secret Pavilion, he paused and said, "I suggest you don't rush to the Secret Pavilion, if you can use the Secretary's channel, use the Secretary's channel, because the Secret Pavilion is too expensive, such as It has a rule that you have to pay 100,000 profound coins as an entry fee.”

"This entry fee is non-refundable, and then charges are based on the difficulty of the news. The price is unacceptably high."

Zhou Fan listened silently, but the more he did, the more he was looking forward to the Secret Pavilion.

"Does the Secret Pavilion only accept profound coins?" Zhou Fan asked.

"That's not true." Chen Yushi shook his head and said, "If you have an equivalent item, it will also accept it, but it's better to use Xuan coins."

"I don't have much profound coins in my hand. You recommend me a company that accepts materials, and I'll sell some materials." Zhou Fan thought for a while and then said.

The money he had obtained from the Land of Hundred Fells, the Class A Class of the Academy, and the Department of Yiluan was nearly 20 million profound coins!

But Chen Yushi said this, but he has to make corresponding mental preparations, and wants to clean up all the unnecessary materials in his hands and exchange them for Xuan coins.

What he sold to the Sanmu caravan before in the Land of Hundred Cursed was only some inexpensive and large materials, and he still had very precious materials in his hands.

"There are many shops in Zhoucheng, but if you want to sell more precious materials, if you have to say that you have a good reputation, that is the Crescent Shop." Chen Yushi was very familiar with everything in Zhoucheng, he said immediately.

"Crescent Moon Shop not only has a business in Xiaolei Prefecture, but also has its presence in many states, and it is an emerging business in the past ten years. In order to compete with other old businesses, its bids are often generous."

Besides Crescent Moon, Chen Yushi recommended two other firms to Zhou Fan as second choices.

After Zhou Fan memorized the names of these three businesses, he left the Yiluan Sifu and went to the most prosperous business district in Yangcheng.

The business district gathers the firms of major families or merchants. There is a lot of traffic here, and every day there are caravans traveling from south to north to complete transactions here.

Of course, not only the central city has a business district, but also the inner city and the outer city. The materials responsible for each business district are not the same. The outer city is the cheapest but the largest area, followed by the inner city. The materials traded in Central City are the most expensive.

Xiaolei Prefecture is the center of a state. Every day, I don’t know how many materials are shipped here for trading. A small part is consumed by the prefecture, and most of them are shipped to other places farther away.

Zhou Fan walked around the business district. The first thing he came to was Crescent Moon.

"My lord, don't know what to buy?" Zhou Fan just walked through the high door of the store and entered the lobby, and soon a shrewd-looking middle-aged man came over and asked.

"I want to sell materials." Zhou Fan replied.

"I don't know what material it is?" The middle-aged man asked respectfully again.

Even though companies mostly collect materials through caravans, it is quite common for some rare materials to be brought by a single person.

Zhou Fan was prepared for this. He took out a pre-written list of materials and handed it to the middle-aged man.

The list of materials includes not only the name of the material, but also the quantity and weight of the material.

The middle-aged man has been dealing with materials all the year round. He glanced at it quickly, and then his eyes showed extreme shock. His hands trembled slightly. If the materials and quantities on the paper were correct, this was at least a transaction of ten million profound coins.

He glanced at Zhou Fan, rolled up the list of materials, so that outsiders would not notice, he whispered in a more respectful tone: "Sir, please, this is too big, I will ask our chief steward, let me He talks to you in detail."

The middle-aged man did not doubt whether Zhou Fan could come up with so many materials, because Zhou Fan said that, he had to believe, at least superficially, that the firm was in business, and they could not offend any possible customers.

Even if this matter is false, in the end it's just a waste of effort, they have nothing to lose, and the chief executive will not blame him for it.

Zhou Fan was invited into an elegant room, and another maid served tea.

He sat for a while before the middle-aged man walked in with a man.

Zhou Fan looked over, the man was wearing a large black robe, he had a pair of thick lips, the corner of his eyes jumped sharply when he saw Zhou Fan for the first time.

Zhou Fan keenly noticed the change in the man's expression, even though the man was in good control, he quickly returned to normal.

"This must be Lord Zhou." The man said with a hearty smile: "My lord, Wang Haidong, is the chief steward of our firm."

Zhou Fan said before that his surname was Zhou, so it's not surprising that this man would call him that. It doesn't mean that an official can be called an adult.

Zhou Fan stood up and just cupped his hands. After a few words with Wang Haidong, he said, "Steward Wang, I don't know what the materials on the list I brought, how much is the estimate?"

Wang Haidong said politely, "Before I came here, I had someone do the calculations, and I will definitely give Master Zhou a reasonable price."

Zhou Fan could only wait patiently and chat with Wang Haidong.

After a while, someone came over and whispered in Wang Haidong's ear.

After Wang Haidong listened, he nodded slightly, waved his hand, and let the man retreat, and he smiled: "Master Zhou, if the quantity and weight of the materials you brought are correct, our company is willing to pay 35 million yuan. What do you think about the price acquisition of coins?"

It's not that Zhou Fan doesn't know the When he was in the business district before, he went to other places to inquire about the price of his materials. The reputation of the company is good, who knows if it will deceive people?

And Zhou Fan's estimated psychological price is at most 30 million mysterious coins, and he cannot rule out the possibility that he can only sell 28 million.

But the Crescent Moon Company was willing to give out 35 million profound coins, which surprised him.

Zhou Fan felt a little weird, he drank a sip of tea in silence, and didn't say a word.

"Master Zhou, this is already the highest price that our company can offer. We won't want it if it is higher. Otherwise, you can ask elsewhere. If they are not as high as us, you can come back." Wang Haidong chuckled lightly. : "Actually, this price is the first time I saw that Lord Zhou has made a deal with us. In the name of making a friend and then cooperating again, I mentioned some more to the Lord."

"This transaction really didn't make much money."

This reason sounded quite reasonable. Zhou Fan nodded and said with a smile: "That's ok, it's only 35 million. You can prepare a room with no one for me. I'll ask you to come in again."

"Of course there's no problem with this." Wang Haidong also guessed why Zhou Fan did this. Some people came here with storage bags, and they didn't want people to see that they took things out of the storage bags and applied for a separate room. rare.


The Weird World of Immortal Cultivation </p>

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