Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1246: Shadow in the Cabinet

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The room is ready soon, and there are various utensils for handling materials.

Zhou Fan checked the room, and carefully laid out a symbol formation to block peeping, before he took out the same material from the storage book. people come in.

Crescent Moon has a special person in charge of verifying the materials, and Wang Haidong just stood by Zhou Fan and watched.

After a while, people from Crescent Moon Company reported that there was no problem with the quantity and weight of the materials. Wang Haidong beckoned, and his subordinates handed over four banknotes. Three banknotes were worth 10 million yuan, and one was Five million votes.

This is Zhou Fan's request.

Wang Haidong handed the bank note to Zhou Fan.

With a smile on his face, Zhou Fan took over the bank note and checked it carefully, and then put it away after confirming that there was no problem.

Wang Haidong politely sent Zhou Fan out the door in person.

"Steward Wang, please stay." Zhou Fan turned around and smiled: "It's strange, I don't know why, I always feel like I've seen Steward Wang somewhere?"

Wang Haidong laughed and said, "This may be a hit-and-miss."

Zhou Fan nodded slightly and said, "Perhaps, I don't know where Manager Wang is from?"

"I'm not from Xiaoleizhou, my hometown is in Yunniu Prefecture." Wang Haidong said, "Could it be that Lord Zhou is also a native of Yunniu Prefecture?"

"That's not true, I'm from Xiaoleizhou." Zhou Fan shook his head and said, "That's why I feel wrong, but why do I think Manager Wang seems to recognize me?"

Wang Haidong was silent for a while before smiling and said: "Your lord is really amazing, in fact, I just happened to know about the new envoy of Zhengbei from Xiaoleizhou Yiluansi, and the lord looks very similar to what outsiders said, and his surname is Zhou, so if there is no Wrong, Lord Zhou should be the Lord Zhengbei Envoy of this state, right?"

"It turns out that it is." Zhou Fan said suddenly.

"That's why Crescent Moon Company also asks Lord Zhou to take care of him." Wang Haidong said eloquently.

Zhou Fan greeted Wang Haidong a few words before he turned around and left.

With a smile on his face, Wang Haidong kept watching Zhou Fan disappear into the crowd of people on the street. He turned and walked towards the shop.

"It's very dangerous, fortunately he hasn't seen me, otherwise things must be bad." Wang Haidong relaxed and thought, sweat was already seeping from his back.

Zhou Fan walked a long way before he glanced back at the direction of the Crescent Moon Merchant, with a thoughtful look on his face. No matter what Wang Haidong said or did, he still felt that something was wrong.

But what was wrong, he couldn't think of it for a while. After he decided to go back, he wanted to check the origin of the Crescent Moon Company.

Zhou Fan didn't delay much. He walked out of the business district and soon came to a relatively remote street, but it was sparsely populated.

He walked along this street and found a closed shop at the end of the street.

On the shop, there was only a strange character written on the white cloth shop sign supported by bamboo poles, and Zhou Fan didn't recognize this character either.

But he knew he didn't look in the wrong place, so he turned to another alley and took advantage of no one's attention, put on a wig, put on a human skin mask, and asked the little girl to wait for him outside before walking over and knocking knock on the door.

There was a black rune light flowing on the door, and a small black circle appeared in the middle of the door.

Zhou Fan quickly drew the simple rune Chen Yushi had told him with his True Yuan inside the small black circle.

This is the threshold. If you want to enter the Secret Pavilion, you must have a cultivator or a cultivator to be able to enter.

After the rune was painted, the black rune light that circulated on the door disappeared in a flash.

With a creak, some heavy wooden doors opened automatically.

The sun shines in, and you can see tiny dust particles flying.

Zhou Fan stepped into the store, the store was dark and he didn't see anything.

The wooden door closed automatically, which made the room darker.

A faint blue light appeared, making the wooden room instantly brighter.

A faint blue rune line appeared on the floor of the plank, and the quiet blue rune line quickly rose from the plank, turning into a round table and two chairs.

There was a black figure sitting on a chair. The black figure was looking at Zhou Fan with some deep eyes, and then he smiled and said, "Guest, please take a seat."

Zhou Fan sat on the opposite side of the shadow with a calm face.

He had already heard about it, and no one had ever known who was in charge of the secret pavilion. He couldn't see the face of the person hidden in the shadow, and it was difficult to guess his age from his voice.

"Guests come to my secret pavilion and want to know the rules of my secret pavilion." The shadow knocked on the blue tabletop made of the blue rune as a reminder.

Zhou Fan took out a hundred thousand profound coins from the talisman bag and placed it on the table.

He didn't doubt that the shadow was someone who faked the Secret Pavilion. With such a big power, no one dared to fake it at will.

One hundred thousand profound coins floated up and landed in Hei Ying's hands. He took a look at it and put it away with a smile: "Very well, why are the guests here? We sell news and buy news that we don't know. "

"Before I came, I heard that the Secret Pavilion knew almost everything, and you still acquired news?" Zhou Fan pretended to be surprised.

"There is no omniscient organization in the world. Our Secret Pavilion deals in news business, but we never dare to be so arrogant." Heiying said, "Especially in a special country like Dawei."

"What's so special about Da Wei?" Zhou Fan asked curiously.

"I can't answer you for free. The price of this news is one million profound coins. Do the guests really want to know?" Hei Ying asked back.

Zhou Fan looked at the dark shadow reflected by the blue light, he hesitated for a while, and decided to check it after he went back. If he asked casually, it would cost one million profound coins, but he couldn't accept it.

" Don't gossip, please state your purpose." Sombra said.

"I have something to ask you, but if it's appropriate, I can also sell the information I have, but I don't know if you need it." Zhou Fan said.

"Whether we need this news, we will evaluate it if the guest says it." Sombra replied.

"I don't know if you have heard of the Thousand Deception Alliance?" Zhou Fan asked.

The Qianjing League was the masked organization he had met.

"Of course we've heard of this." Soi Ying nodded and said, "Thousands League has always been active in Dawei, and is defined as an evil organization by the officials. It has been more active than ever recently."

"I know the name of the leader of the Qianjing Alliance and where he is now." Zhou Fan said casually.

In fact, he didn't know at all.

Hei Ying tilted his head slightly. He seemed to be listening to something. After a while, he shook his head and said, "Unfortunately, we already know the news, or we would have bought it for 100,000 profound coins."

"Only 100,000 profound coins?" Zhou Fan said stunned: "Your price is too low. The official family wants the leader of the Thousand Deception Alliance, and the reward for providing information alone has been added to 3 million profound coins."

"Guest, if you sell it to the official family, you may reveal your identity, but if you sell it to us, no one knows that it is the information you provided. Our Secret Pavilion has always had a good reputation. Of course, we get the news. If the official family wants it, we will It will be sold to the official family for at least ten million profound coins, but I don’t think it has much to do with you.” Hei Ying said.

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