Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1251: immortal

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"Emperor Li Ji of Great Wei, no matter how powerful he is, he can't take down the world alone. After he raised his flag to rebel, many people voluntarily followed him. These people made great contributions to the establishment of the Great Wei Dynasty. Among them, the most famous are The four heroes." Shadow said.

"But I remember that there are three major heroes. These three heroes are the three generals and gods of King Xiao Ye, and the descendants of the three of them are the three largest families in the Wei Dynasty." Zhou Fan couldn't help but said.

Now Zhou Fan knows many things about the Great Wei. Speaking of the fact that apart from the Great Wei Emperor, the strongest family is the Xiao Yewang three. This is a fact that many martial artists and cultivators know.

The three positions of the civil officials of the Wei Dynasty have always been held by people from the three families.

However, Zhou Fan didn't know the names of the three heroes. The history books only called them Xiao Jiangshen, Wang Jiangshen, Ye Jiangshen, generals and generals. Besides their strong personal strength, they were also very good at leading troops in battle. .

Now that I think about it carefully, it seems that the names of the generation of the Great Wei Jianchao were deliberately hidden, like Emperor Taizu. If it wasn't for the Secret Pavilion that his name was Li Ji, Zhou Fan wouldn't know.

"Most of your history books are indeed described in this way, but as long as you carefully investigate some ancient books, you will find that they describe the four major heroes who followed the extreme emperor and established their careers. Later, the history books gradually evolved into three major Hero, no one knows the existence of another hero." Soi Ying said with some sense.

"Could it be a typo?" Zhou Fan questioned.

"It's not a typo, our people also read the historical books and classics they searched, and gradually found some more descriptions of this person. It can be confirmed that his surname is Zhou, but his title is unique. He is called Immortal." The shadow shook his head.

"Immortal?" Zhou Fan's expression became a little more subtle.

"Yes, there is only a small allusion recorded in the book, saying that he once fought a strong enemy to the death, his head exploded, and everyone thought he was dead, but it only took a day for his head to grow back. Drinking, talking and laughing with people, everything is business as usual." The shadow said calmly: "This is also the reason why he is called the undead general."

"There is a realm in the Dao Realm called the Immortal Realm, but the cultivators in the Immortal Realm are more difficult to kill at most. It is not impossible to kill them. They can grow back when their heads are exploded. Maybe this history book is exaggerated, but it is deliberately mentioned. , which shows that this person has an extraordinary ability in the aspect of self-healing of severed limbs."

Zhou Fan had a strange expression on his face, but his face was hidden under the human skin mask, and his heart was beating sharply. If the history books were right, that person was indeed probably an ancestor of their Zhou family.

"Is there any more information about this person?" Zhou Fan asked again.

"No, we rummaged through all the books and found only a few words. We don't even know his name, and we don't know why he suddenly disappeared." The shadow shook his head and said, "We also want to thank the guests, If we hadn't checked this matter for the guests, we wouldn't have known that such a person existed at the beginning of the Great Wei Dynasty."

It is said that there is no canon saying that he was killed. It is more accurate to use the word disappearance.

"If you want to thank me, then return some more profound coins to me." Zhou Fan said with a relaxed smile.

"That can't be done." The shadow shook his head and said, "Thank you, thank you, we have spent a lot of effort to check these things for our guests."

Profitable businessman... Zhou Fan slandered silently. On the surface, he was relaxed, but in fact he felt very heavy. If the so-called undead general is the ancestor of the Zhou family, then maybe the reason why the Zhou family has been hunted down may be because of this undead general. god.

"The immortal general you mentioned may have a lot to do with the Zhou family that I want to investigate. I think you will continue to check the news of this person for me. The price is easy to negotiate." Zhou Fan glanced at the shadow again and said.

"This guest, I'm afraid it's not a matter of price. The Great Wei Dynasty was founded three thousand years ago. This incident happened three thousand years ago. It seems that our Secret Pavilion most wanted to know the origin of the Great Wei Taizu or the Great Wei Royal Family, but we haven't been able to find anything useful. News, a person three thousand years ago can find so much information, we have spent a lot of effort."

"I'm afraid I won't find any useful information if I investigate further. It's just a waste of time." Hei Ying politely declined.

"If you want to know the origin of the Great Wei Taizu, you can check the undead general of Zhou for me by the way of the investigation of the Great Wei Taizu. Maybe you will find more things about the Great Wei Taizu when you check the undead general of Zhou. What?" Zhou Fan advised.

"It's impossible. In fact, we have checked the three generals of King Xiao Ye before and know something about them, but we have enough evidence to prove that it was also impossible for them to know the origin of the Great Wei royal family when they lived in that era."

"The undead general, who is also one of the four great heroes, is impossible to know." The shadow still shook his head.

"I've already checked three of them, so I don't care about checking another one." Zhou Fanhe said with a smile: "If one of the four great heroes had an accident, maybe he knew the origins of the Great Wei royal family, so he would suddenly disappear."

The black shadow over there let out a snort, he ignored Zhou Fan, turned his head to the dark place and muttered, and then the black shadow seemed to have a fierce dispute with someone.

The quarrel was loud, but because of the formation, Zhou Fan couldn't hear what they were talking about. He could only wait patiently and watch the scene curiously.

After a while Sombra's quarrel with the man stopped, he turned to look at Zhou Fan and said, "Guest, I'm sorry, I was really rude just now."

"It's nothing, are you willing to take over this mission?" Zhou Fan asked expectantly.

"I have to say that the guest's words really moved our hearts. Now even if the guest says not to investigate, we will continue to investigate, but because we are not sure what information can be found, we have decided not to charge any fees from the guest for the time being. Sombra paused and said, "Once we find out, our charges will be very expensive. Of course, if the price is too outrageous, guests can choose not to get information from us."

"Then how long will it take for you to get results?" Zhou Fan didn't ask about the price, it only makes sense to discuss the price if it is found out.

Now that the Secret Pavilion is willing to investigate, it is a surprise to him.

"It's hard to say, guests can come to the Secret Pavilion to inquire every once in a while." Sombra said: "Of course, if guests find out about this undead general, they can come and tell us, and we will buy them at a high price. news."

"Okay, if I know the news, I will definitely come and tell you. After all, I will tell you, maybe you will be able to investigate more about him based on the news I said." Zhou Fan readily agreed, his eyes flickering. After a moment, he said, "May I ask why the Secret Pavilion wants to know the origin of the Great Wei royal family so much?"

Hei Ying hesitated to answer: "Our Secret Pavilion has always been responsible for investigating the truth of history. The Royal Family of Wei is so mysterious, of course our Secret Pavilion is not willing to let it go."

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