Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1252: keep secret money

Is the Secret Pavilion its mission to pursue the truth of history?

Zhou Fan said in awe: "The Secret Pavilion really impresses me."

"Where, where, the pursuit of historical truth is our secret pavilion's pursuit, and we sell information just to maintain the operation of the secret pavilion." Soi Ying said modestly.

"Immortal God's business is settled like this." Zhou Fan twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "How about the third thing I asked you about?"

Zhou Fan asked about Li Chungniang.

"I'm sorry, according to the clues you provided, we found that the woman named Li Chungniang does exist, but her traces are limited to Gaoxiang County. After leaving Gaoxiang County, we never found any of her again. clues."

"The important clues you provided us, such as the Taoist cultivator Chen Fupi around her, also did not find any clues about this person." Soi Ying regretted.

Zhou Fan was stunned for a moment and said, "Is it because I can't find her? Where is Wanbao Pavilion?"

"I also checked Wanbao Pavilion. It does have many branches in Xiaoleizhou, but behind it is the Crescent Moon Shop." Hei Ying replied.

"You said the Crescent Moon Company?" Zhou Fan's expression changed slightly. He had been to the Crescent Moon Company before and was deeply impressed by the Crescent Moon Company, "Who does the Crescent Moon Company belong to?"

"This..." Hei Ying hesitated for a moment and said, "We can't say, we can't check it again after we find out that it's a crescent company."

"Why can't you check it?" Zhou Fan's face was slightly dark: "I spent money, does your Secret Pavilion do this?"

Hei Ying smiled bitterly: "This guest, we can't talk about this, the reason is very simple, in our Secret Pavilion, there is a rule."

"This rule is called keeping secret money. Some forces do not want others to inquire about them from us, so they will pay us a sum of money. As long as someone investigates their affairs, we can't say it for the sake of keeping secret money. "

"You mean that Crescent Moon Company paid you a large sum of money. Even if you know who is behind Crescent Moon Company, you must not reveal it to the public?" Zhou Fan asked with a cold face.

"It can be said that this is the case," Hei Ying said with a smile: "Of course, according to the rules, if the guest is willing to pay more than the other party's secret money, we can tell the guest immediately, and then we will return the money to that force or person."

"Your Secret Pavilion can really make money." Zhou Fan snorted coldly: "How much money did the Crescent Moon Merchant pay you for keeping secrets?"

Zhou Fan decided that even if it was 100 million profound coins, he would smash the pot and sell the iron to get it together. This Crescent Moon Business must have a lot to do with Zongniang.

"It's ten billion profound coins." The shadow said slowly.

Ten billion mysterious coins... Zhou Fan's heart twitched slightly. This secret money is too exaggerated. He found that he couldn't afford it at all. Besides, if it didn't matter, he couldn't afford to hurt.

"How come there are so many?" Zhou Fan asked in disbelief.

"That's not clear." The shadow shook his head and said, "I'm only responsible for communicating with the guests. If it wasn't for my hands, I wouldn't be able to know it. Of course, even if I knew, I could only say no. Know."

Zhou Fan was silent for a while. He felt that the ten billion Xuan coin secret money could not be just to beware of him, but also to beware of some of its opponents. The moon character of the Crescent Moon Company may come from the moon of Li Jiuyue, combined with the barren village incident in the Burning Valley, 10 billion profound coins is not surprising, but that deserted village was wiped out by the so-called rebellion.

What is Li Jiuyue's purpose? What about the bug girl? What role does she play in Crescent Moon Merchant?

Zhou Fan cautiously restrained himself from inquiring about Yegu Village, otherwise the secret pavilion would probably link it to the Crescent Company. He just wanted to find the bug girl, but he didn't want to put Li Jiuyue and the bug girl in danger. .

The Crescent Moon Company issued 10 billion mysterious coins to keep secrets, obviously to keep their own great secrets. The Secret Pavilion has no integrity at all. As long as someone can afford the money, they have no principle of keeping secrets.

"If you can't afford it, then forget it." Zhou Fan shook his head.

Zhou Fan basically asked what he wanted to ask, and the shadow refunded 18 million Xuan coins to him.

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