Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1253: 3000 Years of Hate

From Zhou Fan's point of view, the Secret Pavilion was originally a double-edged sword. He had to rely on this sword to find those who wanted to exterminate the Zhou family, and why they wanted to exterminate the Zhou family and Li Chungniang's whereabouts. He inevitably leaked his own information.

At first, before he came over, he thought about disguising as three different people and asking questions three times.

But after careful consideration, he felt that it was of little significance, because not many people went to the secret pavilion. Unless he went to other secret pavilions to ask about other things, or if the secret pavilion had the heart, it would still call Zhou Fan. People who pretend to pretend to be linked together.

The secret pavilion is likely to have equipment to identify whether the guests are the same person.

Moreover, he thought that even if the Secret Pavilion knew that he was Zhou Fan, the envoy of the Yiluan Division to the North, it would not be a big problem.

He wanted to find those mortal enemies who wanted to exterminate the Zhou family. The mortal enemies of the Zhou family must also know that Zhou Fan wanted to find them. The same is true of the bug girl. He was looking for Li Jiuyue and Li Chungniang. There might already be speculation.

So even if he came to investigate openly, the problem would not be big.

The only thing he didn't expect was to involve someone like the Immortal General, which was really unexpected.

As for him saying that the disappearance of the Immortal General was related to Li Ji and the Great Wei royal family, that was just nonsense. He wanted to lure the Secret Pavilion to investigate this matter for him.

In fact, he did not think that the disappearance of the Immortal God was related to the secrets of the Great Wei Royal Family, because he had carefully analyzed it before, and it was unlikely that the Zhou family's mortal enemy was the Great Wei Royal Family.

Since the mortal enemy of the Zhou family was not the Great Wei Royal Family, the disappearance of the Immortal General God in those days should have little to do with the Great Wei Royal Family.

Besides, even if he doesn't say so, the Secret Pavilion who doesn't know the details will make such a guess.

Later, when he said this, the shadow of the secret pavilion could only follow the trend and let him know that the secret pavilion would investigate the affairs of the undead general.

Zhou Fan took his little sister and continued to think while walking back.

Entering the Secret Pavilion this time is not without gain, he has obtained a lot of useful information.

If the origin of the matter really lies in the undead general who is suspected to be the ancestor of the Zhou family three thousand years ago, it is really unbelievable, because it is too long.

What hatred can last three thousand years?

Besides, the Zhou family didn't even end up in a small village, so was it necessary to kill them all?

There are two more reliable guesses in his mind.

The first is that the mortal enemy of the Zhou family who made the immortal **** disappear is not dead. He has lived until the present age. He hated the immortal **** to the core, and successively hated the descendants of the immortal god.

A man who lived more than three thousand years?

Zhou Fan felt cold when he thought about it. The higher his cultivation, the longer he could live. But as far as he knew, Dawei didn't live as long as a cultivator. It can be inquired that the saint is already four or five hundred years old.

The old head of the Great Buddha Temple is estimated to be about the same age.

If there is no accident, the sage of the courtyard and the old head of the Great Buddha Temple are the most powerful in the Great Wei, and their strength is stronger than them, but also very limited. It seems unlikely that they can live to three thousand years by improving their cultivation realm?

But don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case, what if Da Wei really has such an old monster alive to this era?

The second speculation is that no hatred can last for three thousand years. The Zhou family's mortal enemy has always wanted to kill the Zhou family. It may be because the Zhou family has something that makes them jealous, such as the Zhou family's talent for self-healing.

But it's not that the talent of self-healing has never appeared before. Zhou Fan doesn't think that there is anything special about his talent. However, this enhancement is not magical enough to make people hate it and want to get rid of it quickly.

He remembered what Sombra had mentioned, that immortality would blow God's entire head open, and he could recover... If the ability of self-healing and rebirth is really so terrifying, it seems that it will indeed make people very afraid.

However, Sombra also said that history may have exaggerated, what if it is not exaggerated?

Zhou Fan thought about these things, and he was undecided to find Zhou Xiaomao in case of trouble. He decided to ask Zhou Xiaomao in the evening.

When he was thinking about these things, he had already arrived in the business district of Yangcheng. He looked at the gate of the Crescent Moon Shop. He remembered the first time he came to the Crescent Moon Shop half a month ago. go in.

"This guest, what kind of materials do you want to buy at our shop?" As soon as Zhou Fan entered the door, a young man greeted him and asked attentively.

"I'm looking for your chief steward Wang Haidong." Zhou Fan said calmly: "Just tell him that Zhou Fan is looking for him, and he should understand."

"Yes, guests are invited inside." As soon as the young man heard Zhou Fan say the name of their chief steward, he immediately invited Zhou Fan into the reception room.

Zhou Fan was sitting in the reception room, drinking tea and waiting for a small meeting, when Wang Haidong's hearty laughter came from outside.

"Lord Zhou is here, welcome." Wang Haidong walked in and bowed his hands to Zhou Fan.

"Steward Wang, please take a seat." Zhou Fan said with a smile.

Wang Haidong sat down and asked with a smile, "Master Zhou, this time you are here to sell materials or want to buy some materials, even if you say that, we will definitely try our best to give discounts to Master Zhou."

"Steward Wang, I'm not here to buy or sell materials." Zhou Fan shook his head.

"I don't know what's the matter?" Wang Haidong took a sip of the tea cup and asked with a smile, "If Lord Zhou has any difficulties, our firm will do our best to help."

"I want to ask my firm to find someone for me." Zhou Fan said lightly.

"Looking for people, I'm afraid it's not what our firm is good at." Wang Haidong was slightly startled.

"If you find someone else, the Crescent Company may not be good at it, but the person I am looking for, the Crescent Company will be very good at it." Zhou Fan added.

" I feel very confused when you say this. I don't know who you are looking for? Please speak bluntly." Wang Haidong asked in surprise.

"I want to find a woman named Li Chungniang. If you don't recognize it, then I can find a man named Li Jiuyue. Can you find it for me?" Zhou Fan said with a straight face.

"Li Chungniang and Li Jiuyue?" Wang Haidong frowned and thought hard, then shook his head quickly: "Master Zhou, I don't recognize these two people, you asked our firm to find them, are they from our firm, if so, then I asked the people below to ask the adults to see if there are such two people in our Crescent Moon Company."

"Steward Wang, I'm very upset when you talk like this, I know you recognize them." Zhou Fan's face turned cold on the spot.

Wang Haidong's temples jumped on his forehead. He was thinking about how he had been fooled last time, and why he came here all of a sudden. He also knew that he knew that this was really bad.

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