Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1256: Mother of mine

Even if it is unknowable and strange information, it is impossible to be worth 100,000 large gray worms on the river surface. After all, it is just information.


"You're right, the mother of the worm is an unknowable monster." Zhou Kitten interrupted impatiently: "I admit that my quotation just now is unreasonable, 10,000 big gray worms, do you want to hear? Just listen, if you don’t want to listen, forget it.”


Zhou Xiaomao felt very bored. She regretted the transaction agreement with Zhou Fan at the beginning. It was really disgusting. If it wasn't for that agreement, she wouldn't have bothered with this younger generation.


It's really an unknowable monster... Zhou Fan's face showed a serious look, he never thought that the Zhou family's talent for trolling would be related to the unknowable monster.


This news is really amazing for him, and he is more and more inclined to those mortal enemies who are eyeing the Zhou family's deceitful talents.


"I'll give it." Zhou Fan didn't even mean to bargain, and agreed without hesitation.


"Are you really going to give it? Say it in advance. After all, it's an unknowable joke, and it's impossible for me to fully understand it, lest you regret it later." Zhou Xiaomao explained again.


"I don't regret it." Zhou Fan shook his head.


For him, this elusive underworld mother is closely related to his talent for deceiving people. Even if Zhou Xiaomao only knows some simple information, he is willing to pay 10,000 big gray worms.


After all, the outside world may not be able to find any information about this kind of unknowable monster, and the unknowable monster is still too mysterious for humans.


Zhou Xiaomao stretched out his hand again, took 10,000 large gray worms from the glass ball, and said, "The Pluto is a kind of monster that lives in the sea. It rarely appears on land, but no one can Not sure what sea area it will appear in, some monks suspect that it can travel across space and float on the oceans in different places."


"It's size is also changing, sometimes it's as big as an island, sometimes it's bigger than an ocean... If you really encounter such a big, strange and lifeless Pluto, you won't be interested in that ocean world. This will be a huge disaster and an opportunity for people on the surrounding land or sea islands."


"I can understand when you say disaster, but why do you say it's an opportunity?" Zhou Fan asked in confusion.


Zhou Xiaoxiao glanced at Zhou Fan and said, "The body of the scorpion is like a turtle shell, but its body is almost transparent. If you have seen the scorpion, you will find that inside its transparent body, Ninety percent is a flat, round organ that emits a dark glow."


"Our human monks call it its stomach. Every time it appears, the Pluto will devour a large amount of meat creatures. It is a complete carnivore and will float on the water for a long time after it is swallowed. Its stomach will spit out a foreign body called a life bead."


"This kind of life bead is extremely expensive, and it is the main material necessary for many high-level spiritual pills. Even if it is not used for pill refining, just crushing it will heal the body immediately, even if the body is broken. As long as it doesn't drag on for too long, the broken limb can be reborn."


"This is an opportunity."


Zhou Fan was slightly silent, the ability of the Living Spirit Pearl reminded Zhou Fan of his talent for deceiving people.


"The strength of the scorpion's mother is that it can't be killed." Zhou Kitten continued, her face became a little dignified.


"Is it just because it can't be killed?" Zhou Fan asked, feeling a little strange.


"You may not understand." Zhou Xiaoxiao sneered: "You may encounter some monsters that are called unkillable, but in fact, as long as you are strong enough, it is not difficult to kill those monsters. , even if it is a law-type monster, it can be crushed and killed with a powerful law."


"But since the appearance of the Pluto, no cultivator can kill it. It doesn't mean that no cultivator is its opponent. In fact, even now I am sure to defeat it, but I have absolutely no way to kill it."


"Even if you smash its body and use the laws to completely destroy it, it will not take long for it to reverse and regenerate, returning to its former strength. If it hadn't shown the wisdom of human beings, nor the emotions of intelligent creatures..."


"I'm afraid no monk would dare to provoke it."


Reversal of regeneration... Zhou Fan showed consternation. He understood what Zhou Xiaoxiao said. If the mother of the ghostly scorpion can't be killed, it has wisdom. No matter how many times you kill it, it can immediately reverse the regeneration. Then he kept chasing you and hitting you, literally consuming you to death.


Even if Zhou Xiaomao didn't say it, Zhou Fan could understand that the mysterious mother who could be called unknowable must be very strong, so it would be difficult to trap such a level of monsters.


"It can disintegrate and regenerate on its own, and the regeneration location can be chosen by it. There is nothing in the world that can trap it." Zhou Xiaoxiao seemed to know what Zhou Fan was thinking, and said so.


"This..." Zhou Fan opened his mouth slightly, he was really surprised, the ability of this mysterious mother is too terrifying.


Zhou Xiaomao went on to talk about other things she knew about the mysterious Pluto mother, but these things were far less amazing than its ability to reverse regeneration, disintegration and regeneration.


"I know so many things about the mother of the scorpion." Zhou Xiaoxiao said for a while before concluding: "Is there any other special things about it, I don't know."


"It's already a lot." Zhou Fan was very satisfied. After all, this was an unknowable nonsense. Zhou Xiaoxiao was a little surprised that Zhou Xiaomao understood this level.


"Let's go back to the anti-wheel body." Zhou Fan thought for a while and then said.


"The inverse chakra body of the Pluto is from the Mother of Pluto. It inherits the regenerative healing ability of the Mother of Pluto. The stronger it is." Zhou Xiaomao said simply: "As for the other abilities of the mother of the ghostly pluto, as far as I know, the anti-wheel body of the pluto has not been inherited."


"Basically that's all, there's nothing to say about this kind of deceitful talent." Zhou Xiaoxiao glanced at Zhou Fandao.


"Is that all?" Zhou Fan was startled and asked.


"Then what else do you want? Self-healing and regeneration is its ability. This ability is very good for monks. Its ability is simple and clear. What else do you want me to say?" Zhou Xiaomao said impatiently.


"But after all, this comes from the mysterious mother, you have to tell me how much its healing and regeneration ability can reach. It is rumored that my ancestor of the Zhou family had his head exploded three thousand years ago, and he can also recover. Come here, is this really possible?" Zhou Fan could only ask himself.


"If you want to reach this level, it shouldn't be a problem." Zhou Xiaomao said lightly: "You also said that this is a devious talent that has a lot to do with the mother of the ghostly Pluto, even if you are the only one with the Pluto chakra. With one finger left, it can be recovered."


"Also, everything you have in your body, such as the real essence realm, can be restored intact. If you go further, you can be resurrected even if you are completely obliterated, like the uncanny Pluto, I don't know."

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