Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1257: The lost secret

Even if there is only one finger left, he can still be resurrected, and can he ensure that all kinds of strength in his body will not be lost?


Zhou Fan looked down at his body in amazement. He never thought that his ability to deceive people could reach this level.


As for whether it can be resurrected even if there is nothing left of the body... Zhou Fan didn't dare to think about it. From his point of view, it is already very scary to be resurrected with only a little bit of meat left.


This is the unknowable, terrifying and devious talent inherited from the unknowable and monstrous mother.


The Zhou family's mortal enemy... It is very likely that the Zhou family is unwilling to let go of the Zhou family because of the Zhou family's anti-chakra body. Whether it is because of fear of an undead enemy, or trying to occupy this ability, I am afraid that the other party will not want to see Zhou family. There are still people alive.


Zhou Fan's face became more and more serious.


"But don't think too much of beauty. If you want to achieve this level, you still have a long way to go. If you go out and be beheaded by someone, maybe you will die." It's cold.


"Of course I understand that." Zhou Fan said with a dry smile, he still knew the extent of his own healing and regeneration.


"I wonder if there is any way to develop and awaken the deceitful talent in me?" Zhou Fan asked again with a smile.


He used to let nature take its course. After all, the talent of deceitful people generally gradually becomes stronger as his realm improves, but now he knows that his talent for deceitful people is so strong, which makes him a little impatient to further reverse the chakra. The potential of the body is developed.


This ability is probably much stronger than the golden body of the golden body.


And it can also complement the golden body of the golden body cultivator. Even if the golden body is broken and his body is injured, it may not kill him.


Thinking of this, Zhou Fan's heart became more and more enthusiastic.


Zhou Kitten laughed wildly.


"What are you laughing at?" Zhou Fan asked in confusion.


"Many deceitful families will slowly find out a secret method to quickly develop their deceitful talents. There are too many deceitful talents in the world, and there is no one development secret method that applies to all deceitful talents. If there is no suitable secret method, then only If you can practice steadily, and through the improvement of realm, the talent of cheating can gradually become stronger." Zhou Xiaoxia said with a cold smile on his face.


"I've heard of this before." Zhou Fan's face showed disappointment, "I think too much. The Zhou family has long since lost the practice of the scorpion and anti-wheel body, and you can't have it."


If there really is such a method of cultivation, Yi Yimu will not hide it from him, and the Zhou family will not fall to this point.


"I'm not surprised that the Zhou family has been lost." Zhou Xiaomao sneered: "But if the Zhou family doesn't have it, it doesn't mean I don't have it. I guess there will be no one else in this world except me."


"Do you have the method of cultivating the inverse wheel body?" Zhou Fan's eyes narrowed slightly. He wanted to ask Zhou Xiaomao how he got it, but when the words came into his mouth, he changed his words and said, "Since you have it, sell it to me. "


"Don't sell it." Zhou Xiaomao's face turned cold and said: "You son of a bitch, you just forced me to answer your question, do you really think I have no temper? In the future, you will never be able to get any kung fu martial arts equipment from me. sort of thing."


"There's no need to get along with money, right?" Zhou Fan felt a little embarrassed.


Did the retribution come so quickly? Just now, in order to learn about the talent of the deceitful person, he really forced Zhou Xiaomao to answer his question, but things like martial arts and martial arts cannot be forced, which is not in the agreement.


"I've always been like this. If you anger me, you have to pay the price. Do you really think I can't deal with you?" Zhou Xiaoxia sneered: "Do you regret offending me just now?"


"If you don't sell it, I'll ask if the boat can catch it." Zhou Fan ignored Zhou Kitten and lowered his head to ask the boat.


It's just that the boat responded quickly, saying that there is no such secret method for developing the inverse chakra in the river.


The corner of Zhou Fan's mouth twitched, which means that at present, he only has the channel of Zhou Xiaomao to obtain the secret method to develop his deceitful talent.


"Isn't there anything the boat can do?" Zhou Xiaomao sneered: "You dog junior, do you think fishing is really omnipotent? There is not everything in the river."


"If you have money and don't want to make it, you will also have losses. This is a lose-lose situation." Zhou Fan reminded with a kind expression: "You are no longer a child, you are an experienced cultivator, why bother?"


"You're wrong, I always do what I want, and I'm willing to do whatever I like, even if the loss is big." Zhou Xiaomao said with a cold face: "The more you want, the less I give you, the more you will be. If you regret what you did just now, don't think about the secret method of the development of the Pluto chakra, I will not sell it if you don't sell it."


"Do you have any questions about your deceiving talent? If not, I'm going to rest."


"Of course there is, I want to know, the Plutonium is so powerful, how is it compared to the top ten dream Qianchunqiu you mentioned before?" Zhou Fan didn't want to let Zhou Xiaoxiao go to rest, he decided to ask A little more, and at the same time thinking about how to let Zhou Xiaomao let go and hand over the cultivation method of the Pluto chakra.


When it comes to Dameng Qianchunqiu, Zhou Fan thinks of Insect Niang, his heart twitches faintly. Zhou Xiaomao said before that in her era, Dameng Qianchunqiu was a deceitful person who could be ranked in the top ten. talent.


What is the ranking of the infernal innate talent, the anti-wheel body, which is also inherited from the unknown level?


"There is no ranking." Zhou Xiaomao replied.


"How is this possible? Why is there no ranking? I don't think the anti-wheel body is any worse than the Great Dream Qianchunqiu." Zhou Fan said in disbelief.


"But it really didn't have a ranking in my time." Zhou Xiaomao said: "I don't know after You haven't told me why it's not ranked?" Zhou Fan felt that Zhou Xiaomao seemed to Wanting to hide something deliberately, he asked again.


"Because it doesn't have any fame, it's just a deceiving talent that your Zhou family has." Zhou Xiaomao said angrily, and was forced to answer questions she didn't want to answer. She had never felt so disgusted.


"Without fame, the talents of the Zhou family possess the talent for deceiving people..." The suspicion in Zhou Fan's eyes grew stronger and stronger, "Then how did you know?"


"How do I know? It's not within the scope of answering questions. Our agreement is that I will only answer common-sense questions for you." Zhou Xiaomao's face became colder and colder.


"Of course you don't have to answer." Zhou Fan stared at Zhou Xiaomao, his eyes were sharp: "Your surname is Zhou, and my surname is Zhou, you said that Zhou is different from Zhou... I mentioned the Zhou family several times before, you emotions are wrong.”


"You know the lesser-known Pluto chakra body like the back of your hand, and you have the secret cultivation method of the Pluto chakra body."


"I suspect that you are not the boat of the boat, but mine this week. What is your relationship with our Zhou family?"

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