Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1258: Zhou family ancestors

What is your relationship with our Zhou family?

Zhou Kitten was silent for a while and sneered: "Do you really want to know?"

"Of course I want to know, otherwise what am I asking for?" Zhou Fan nodded.

"I can tell you that I used to have the same surname as you, but then I hated this surname and changed it to Bianzhou's boat." Zhou Xiaomao said coldly: "I know a lot about your Zhou family, but with you The Zhou family has nothing to do with it..."

"You said that it has nothing to do with it, then you used to be..." Zhou Fan's face showed a look of astonishment.

"I used to be brother and sister with your ancestors of the Zhou family." Zhou Xiaomao tried to state the matter with a calm attitude, but the anger in her eyes betrayed her.

We are brothers and sisters with our ancestors of the Zhou family... Zhou Fan was a little confused. He didn't expect to meet his ancestor's sister on the boat. The question is, what should the ancestor's sister be called?

Zhou Fan wanted to call out his ancestor, but looking at the little girl like Zhou Xiaomao, he couldn't say it for a long time.

"Don't think about making a relationship, I have already cut off the relationship with your Zhou family." Zhou Xiaomao sneered: "So don't think about calling the ancestors, I will help you."

"If I can go out and can't find your ancestor, I can't rule out that I will take out your Zhou family, so I am your Zhou family's biggest mortal enemy."

Well, it seems that this big leg can't be hugged. If Zhou Xiaomao really wanted to help him, he would have helped him long ago. Zhou Fan didn't have the cheek to call Zhou Xiaomao's ancestor, he frowned slightly: "I don't know. Which ancestor of our Zhou family do you have a grudge against?"

Zhou Fan didn't think Zhou Xiaomao could get out easily, so he didn't worry that Zhou Xiaomao would come to seek revenge, but he still wanted to ask more clearly, it was only good for him to know Zhou's past from Zhou Xiaoxiao's mouth.

"Which one else could there be?" Zhou Xiaomao sneered: "Your Pluto chakra originated from him. He is the first ancestor of your Zhou family, Zhou Xiaogou. It's really karma, and the Zhou family even has the name of his ancestor. forgotten."

The ancestor of the Zhou family was originally called Zhou Xiaogou, and the Zhou family’s scorpion and anti-wheel body came from him... Zhou Fan glanced at Zhou Kitten, one was named Xiaogou and the other was named Kitten. The names of these two brothers and sisters are really It's rubbish, no, I can't say that about the ancestor of the Zhou family, it's really disrespectful.

"Then don't you have a Pluto inverse wheel body?" Zhou Fan couldn't help asking.

"I don't." Zhou Xiaomao said lightly: "He was not a deceitful person at first. When he was young, he encountered a deceitful beast and became a deceitful person. He was lucky. After becoming a deceitful person, he miraculously merged with the deceitful. The power of the Pluto mother is perfect, and her body is not like the other generation of deceitful people who lose control and collapse."

"I gave him the name of the Pluto inverse wheel body."

"What happened to him when he encountered the strange mother of the scorpion?" Zhou Fan asked curiously.

The origins of a generation of cheaters are strange and very different. It seems that Xiaoliu is also a generation of cheaters under special circumstances.

Wanting to integrate the power of the ghost mother, Zhou Fan guessed that the ancestors of the Zhou family must have encountered a thrilling danger, and it was only after nine deaths that they obtained the power of unknowable and strange.

"At that time, his strength was very poor. When he encountered the appearance of the mysterious mother, he went with a large group of cultivators to steal the spirit beads. He was very greedy and was too close to the mother, and the mother found out about him. When he got close, he stretched out a tentacle and stabbed his ass." Zhou Kitten said with a stern face.

Stabbed in the butt... Zhou Fan remembered his elegant nickname called Zhou Juhua, he felt that it might be more suitable for the ancestor named Zhou Xiaoquan, he resisted the urge to cover his face and said, "It just became a lie person?"

"It's strange to say that ordinary people are stabbed by the tentacles of the mother of the ghostly scorpion. If it is not a monk with a high level, he will die immediately. I thought he was not saved, but who knows that he can't breathe for three months. Later, let him survive, it would be great if he died then." Zhou Xiaomao sneered: "But he is so bad, he just can't die, I guess he is not dead now."

"He's your brother anyway, so what did he do to make you feel sorry for you when you said that?" Zhou Fan asked.

Zhou Xiaomao's face became terrifying, she said solemnly: "He betrayed me and almost killed me."

Zhou Xiaomao didn't elaborate, but Zhou Fan could feel her anger, "Have you really checked it out? Could it be a misunderstanding?"

"There is no misunderstanding, all the evidence points to him, and he also admits that he betrayed me." Zhou Xiaomao said coldly: "Do you know what it feels like? We have no parents since we were young, and we are dependent on each other. Wandering, after several hardships, I entered a small sect, and since then I have embarked on the path of cultivation..."

"I have supported me along the way. I have always believed that if there is a need, I can die for him, and he can die for me. I never thought that he would betray me, just to go a step further, even my sister. Can be betrayed!"

"As long as he says it's not that he betrayed me, then I will believe him without hesitation, but in the face of the facts he dare not say so, he still has to admit it."

"Since that day, I have no relationship with him anymore, I just hate that I turned away that day instead of killing him."

Zhou Fan was silent for a while and sighed: "Maybe he has a last resort?"

"There are no hardships, only interests. He taught me a profound lesson. Dao is ruthless. He is trying to enter that mysterious realm." Zhou Xiaoxiao glanced at Zhou Fan, she had calmed down and said, "I believe he is not dead. , he may have encountered some trouble, otherwise the Zhou family will not be left with your father, you and your daughter."

"How do you know that there are only a few people left? After all, so many years have passed, maybe the Zhou family has blossomed and prospered to the We are just left behind..." Zhou Fan couldn't help but said.

"Don't be too naive." Zhou Xiaoxiao sneered: "I have already used the bloodline deduction technique to investigate, and you are the only one left in the Zhou family."

"The mortal enemy of the Zhou family is too cruel. Could the ancestor three thousand years ago be Zhou Xiaogou?" Zhou Fan asked tentatively, and he repeated the story of the undead general.

"That person will definitely not be Zhou Xiaoquan." Zhou Xiaoquan shook his head with certainty after hearing this: "I don't know how many years have passed outside, but from your previous description, he is more like a descendant of Zhou Xiaoquan. That person is too weak, Zhou Xiaoquan always likes to be the leader, rather than following someone to be someone else's subordinate."

Zhou Xiaoxiao turned and walked towards the stern of the boat and said, "When I go out, I will definitely find him and use the kitten knife in my hand to end all my grievances with him."

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