Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1259: Type 1

Zhou Fan watched Zhou Xiaomao disappear into the mist at the stern of the boat. He quietly digested everything he heard tonight. For him, there were too many things he heard tonight.

The Pluidian inverse wheel body derived from the mother of the strange Pluto... Zhou Xiaodog, the ancestor of the Zhou family... The origin of Zhou Xiaoxiao and their Zhou family...

The more he thought about it, the more he felt a headache. It was true that the predecessors dug the pit, the later generations jumped into the pit, and Zhou Xiaoquan betrayed the Zhou Xiaomao. If he wanted to get the method of cultivating the reverse wheel body, it would be very difficult.

Maybe Zhou Xiaomao wanted him to live so much life, and it also meant revenge on the Zhou family?

Forget it, even if there is no way of cultivating the anti-wheel body, the body's deceitful talent will continue to be discovered as the realm improves, Zhou Fan can only comfort himself like this.

He comforted Momo, who was left pitifully by Zhou Xiaomao, and turned around to practice martial arts and techniques, but he quickly stopped.

Because a wisp of mist floated towards him, it turned into a glass-shaped bead, and there were circles of gray mist spinning inside the bead.

This is Lu Daoyu, who was given to him by the boat to steal the secret treasure of Kitten Sanshi.

Is the kitten three-style deduction completed?

Zhou Fan's pupils shrank slightly, and he looked around with a little guilty conscience. After confirming that Zhou Kitten didn't appear, he quickly grabbed the bead.

The beads turned into gray rays of light and quickly merged into his body.

The huge knowledge system exploded in the sea of ​​​​other people's souls, and the blue veins on his forehead burst. He saw Zhou Xiaomao, who was holding a kitten knife, practicing the swordsmanship. Feminine or rigid or domineering or brutal.

All kinds of swordsmanship, it seems that she knows all the swordsmanship in the world.

But these knife techniques were finally simplified into one form. He saw the kitten in the boat leaping high, and the kitten knife with the wide door slapped and smashed to the ground, shattering into countless rock dust.

This jumping up and falling down and slapping the knife contains countless mysteries, all of which are in his eyes, but even if he sees these complicated knife techniques clearly, it will take a while to comprehend them.

When all the illusions disappeared in the sea of ​​human souls, Zhou Fan's face turned pale, and he found himself slumped on the ground.

Momo didn't know what happened, so he barked and patted Momo, indicating that he was okay.

It turned out that he just completed the first style, but even so, when Zhou Fan remembered the first style of the domineering kitten three style, his heart couldn't help but tremble.

It's really terrifying. It's not like he hasn't seen Zhou Xiaomao use the first type of kitten three-style before, and even confronted it several times, but at that time, Zhou Xiaomao was forced to suppress the realm, but this time it was different. To the complete kitten three-style first style.

He felt a sense of consternation, this kitten's third-style first-style was even powerful enough to overwhelm the whole world.

No wonder Zhou Kitten is proud of her kitten three-style, claiming that no monk can force her to make a complete kitten three-style.

I don't know how she came up with such a crazy and powerful sword technique. She has gone too far in the way of the sword.

Zhou Fan suddenly thought that maybe Zhou Xiaoxiao created such a powerful sword technique to deal with Zhou Xiaoquan.

Zhou Xiaoxiao didn't want to pass on the knife technique to him, and was worried that Zhou Xiaoquan, who might be alive, would know about it?

Zhou Fan didn't know if he guessed right, but he didn't want to miss such a strong sword technique.

He even felt that if he really completely mastered the first style of the three kittens, even if the surnamed Xiao was in the rune realm, he would be able to kill him with one knife!

He stood up slowly, but his head was still tingling. The first form of the three kittens looks simple, but it is very complicated. No matter the movement or the running route of the true essence, it is very special. If there is no Lu Daoyu, even if He can't learn after watching it 10,000 times.

Zhou Fan's hands are a little itchy. He wants to start learning the knife technique here, but he doesn't dare. If Zhou Xiaoxiao knows that he has successfully learned the first type of the kitten three-style, he will not be torn apart. .

Even though it seemed that they had fallen out now, Zhou Fan still didn't want to anger Zhou Kitten, so he decided to put the first style of Kitten's three styles outside to learn.

He was also eagerly thinking about when Lu Daoyu would be able to complete the Kitten III Form II and if the ship said he could complete the Kitten III Form deduction, he even doubted whether it could be done.

After all, Zhou Xiaomao has never used the second style in front of him, but because of the supernatural powers of the boat, he will not lie to him about this kind of thing.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. It has been half a month since I talked to Zhou Xiaomao that night. Zhou Fan has not seen Zhou Xiaomao for the past half month, but he doesn't care too much about this kind of thing. He is very busy now, he is busy breaking through to the late stage of the Primordial Liquid Realm, and he is busy cultivating the first form of the kitten three-style.

Zhou Xiaoxiao never said what the name of the first type of the three types of cats is, but Zhou Fan guessed that this first type should be a split from her previous shouting, "I will cut the sky, I will cut the ground, and I will slaughter the gods". Earth, even if it wasn't, Zhou Fan was ready to call it that.

Even though Zhou Fan was mentally prepared, he still had a big head when he learned to split the ground. This first move was more difficult than he thought. He practiced hard for half a month, but he had not succeeded once.

The boat kitten uses the ground split, and every time it jumps and chops down, but in fact, the first style does not necessarily have to jump up, it can be lifted from the bottom to the top, or it can be split horizontally, the key is to 'shoot' come out.

But it is difficult to shoot the knife. He knows all the tricks, that is, it cannot really succeed. Every time it is a failure or a mess, the effect is extremely poor.

He wondered if there was a flaw in the sword technique Lu Daoyu deduced?

But he pondered it carefully, and felt that there should be no problem with the ground-splitting style deduced by Lu Daoyu, but what was wrong?

Zhou Fan tried to discuss with the boat, but the boat ignored him at all, and he did not dare to ask the boat kitten for advice.

If Zhou Xiaomao knew about it, he felt that there would be no guidance, and Zhou Xiaomao might personally die with him in the ground-splitting style.

He tried many methods, and deliberately asked a blacksmith to build a knife with a door as wide as a boat kitten, but it was useless.

He even ran into an uninhabited field, jumped high, and imitated the boat kitten and shouted shamelessly, "I will cut the sky, I will cut the ground, I will slaughter the gods." The result was even worse than the previous attempt.

That time, Xiaoxuan was also a little frightened. Xiaoxuan kept using words to test her master carefully. She wondered if the master was practising martial arts and became stupid?

Zhou Fan ignored Xiao Ling, he felt very depressed, he was right, and he did it meticulously, why couldn't he use it?

He could only keep comforting himself in his heart, feeling that it was just too little practice, but even so, he had deep doubts about his talent for swordsmanship.

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