Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1260: red brain

A few days later, when Zhou Fan was distressed by the three-style, first-style splitting of the kitten, a small official knocked on his door.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Fan asked casually after letting the clerk in.

"Sir, Lord Yuanye said that he will come over later with your father-in-law and Lord Chen, and let you go over to discuss things." The little official replied.

"I see." Zhou Fan said.

After the little official left, Zhou Fan showed a look of surprise. If the four of them had not had a major event, they would not gather at the rest of the time except for the meeting at the beginning of the month to discuss matters. Did something major happen?

In the past half month, nothing major has happened in Xiaoleizhou Mansion. Zhou Fan occasionally takes action to deal with some cases that his subordinates can't solve. The rest of the time is used for free time for cultivation.

He was also concerned about the living corpse. During this time, many ghost generals and ghosts were either captured or killed, but the corpse owner of the living corpse was never found.

He hadn't asked about the Secret Pavilion yet, and Wang Haidong, the Crescent Moon Merchant, didn't respond as he thought before.

Zhou Fan waited for a while before entering the meeting room.

Only Yuan E and Father-in-law were in the room, and Zhou Fan greeted them with a smile.

Yuan Ei and Father-in-law He also responded with a smile, and the atmosphere in the room was harmonious. Even though they were from different factions, when the interests of the factions did not conflict, they got along quite well.

It didn't take long for Chen Yushi to arrive.

After seeing the gathering of the four envoys, Yuan E's face became serious, and he said solemnly: "Just now, there was an urgent report from Gray Monkey County, saying that a large area of ​​crimson light appeared in the sky in the northern area of ​​Gray Monkey County, completely covering it. A quarter of Grey Monkey County."

The faces of the three Zhou Fans were slightly condensed, and astronomical changes are not uncommon in this world. Even if the delusional image is one of the astronomical changes, before the appearance of the Luoshui Township Nianma, they also cast the light.

But Grey Monkey County is about the same size as Zhou Fan, a small country in the ancient world. It covers an area of ​​3 million hectares. If it occupies a quarter, it is hard to imagine how much the crimson light covers. big.

Such a large-scale astronomical change is rare.

"Have Qin Tianjian in Grey Monkey County and Qin Tianjian in Xiaolei Prefecture said what happened to this celestial phenomenon?" He asked in a hurry.

Qin Tianjian has always been responsible for observing celestial phenomena, watching the changing stars, and calculating solar terms.

There are many visions that do not create any danger, but there are quite a few visions that portend danger.

The main responsibility of the Qin Tianjian is to confirm whether these visions will cause harm to the world.

"It's still being confirmed." Yuan E frowned slightly: "But it should be soon, such a large-scale vision is rare."

He said so, but he was worried that this kind of vision had not appeared before. If so, it would be difficult to take any targeted measures.

"The people above didn't say that the catastrophe is coming, so this should have nothing to do with the catastrophe." Chen Yushi said.

The catastrophe is coming, it is no secret to the four of them, even if no one can figure out what the catastrophe will look like, but the upper level has said that if it really comes, Yiluan Secretary will know quickly.

The four continued to discuss, but did not elaborate on what measures should be taken by Grey Monkey County. Even if it was unclear what the abnormal phenomenon was, Grey Monkey County would try to prevent the disaster in advance.

Measures such as organizing the migration and departure of people in the northern region have already been done in advance.

People from all the villages and villages in the entire northern part of Huihou County have been evacuated and migrated. If you look down from the sky that has turned crimson, you can see people crawling like ants on the criss-crossing footpaths and in the wilderness, far away from their homes. .

It's just that even with the help of officials, long-distance migration outside the wilderness is still very difficult.

They all understand that the lucky ones on the edge of the northern region may be able to walk out of the area covered by the crimson sky in a day, the unlucky ones may have to walk for several months, or because of some danger on the road, they will die forever. on the way of migration.

Of course these migrants understood, but they dared not stop there, because if the vision was really dangerous, they would just stay and die.

Three days passed by in agony.

In the past three days, Xiaolei Prefecture, Huihou County Yiluan Division, academies, and Dafo Temple have all been urging Qin Tianjian or others to check the books.

Based on the crimson celestial phenomenon all over the Northland and some strange migrations and escapes in the Northland, they still cannot fully confirm what the crimson anomaly in the northern region of Grey Monkey County is, but there are already several guesses.

The results pointed to by these guesses are all terrible.

"It can't be delayed any longer." Yuan Evil's voice echoed in the meeting room, "Not only Grey Monkey County, but also Qianma County and Feihe County, which are adjacent to Grey Monkey County, should also make corresponding preparations..."

Zhou Fan, Chen Yushi, and their father-in-law all had solemn expressions on their faces, because the results predicted so far are not ideal, and the gray monkey county's power system may not be able to handle it.

"Finally, we..."

A hurried knock on the door interrupted Yuan E's words.

"What's the matter?" Eunuch He said sharply.

"Four adults, the vision of Grey Monkey County has come, it's the red-brained demon..." The people outside said in a trembling voice.

Red Brain... Red Brain...

Yuan E's words could no longer be said. Zhou Fan and the three also showed horror on their faces. The Red Brain Demon was the worst result in the previous speculation, no one.



Advent happens at noon.

The sky, which was so crimson that one dared not to look at it, suddenly emitted a bright crimson light.

It was as if the blazing sun in the sky had fallen.

All those in the Deep North or beyond the North stopped, subconsciously staring at the dazzling crimson light in the sky.

Under the illumination of the crimson light, a shadow so huge that it enveloped the entire northern land descended.

It was so huge that the huge people everywhere in the North could only see when the shadows became clear, what they saw were crooked crimson ravines, and those ravines were bottomless.

Only by standing far and far in the Northland, with a broad field of vision, can you see clearly what is shrouding the Northland.

It was a huge crimson brain sphere. The crimson gully was a folded brain sulcus. It was suspended in the sky of the northern land of the gray monkey. Another huge dark green halo emerged.

The dark green light band revolved around the dark red brain ball, and dark green light spots as fine as particles fell from the light band.

Drops of dark green light scattered in the wind.

The northern humans who were watching this scene froze slightly, and burst into an uproar.

Every human uproar in the northern land gathered together and made a loud noise. They felt uncontrollable fear and began to flee for their lives desperately.

It's just that there are too many scattered dark green light spots, and they can't escape.

The dark green light spot floating in the air looked very small, but when it really fell, the humans who hurriedly fled for their lives were stunned to find that each light spot was a head stained with dark green liquid.

Dark green brain spheres the size of a human brain.

Looking at this scene from a distance, the faces of the warriors and talismans from the Yiluan Division in Grey Monkey County were pale, and there was only one thought in their minds.

North is over.

Grey Monkey County may also be finished.

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