Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1261: Support lineup

Under the huge dark green halo that covered the dark red brain ball that covered the sky in the north, when countless dark green brain **** drifted down, the news spread like the wind, spreading to the entire Xiaoleizhou.


In the meeting room of Xiaolei State Mansion, not only were Zhou Fan's four envoys, but Taoist Buxiao from the academy, Master Huikong from Xiaolei Temple, and old lady Feng, the head of the first family of Xiaolei, were all invited here.


Zhou Fan's mood was as heavy as everyone else in the room, because the red-brained demon was an unknowable monster.


But it is not as easy to deal with as the nightmare he encountered in Yangzhai, Luoshui Township. The red brain demon has powerful destructive power. If one is not handled well, the gray monkey county in Xiaoleizhou will disappear from the territory of Xiaoleizhou. .


As for the northern part of Grey Monkey County, no one is paying attention anymore. There is a red-brained demon in the northern part. It is impossible for the people there to survive.


In other words, a quarter of the people in Grey Monkey County had already died the moment the Red Brain Demon appeared.


Also because of the powerful destructive power of the red-brained demon, Xiaoleizhou has already reported it to Tiannan Road for the first time, hoping that Tiannan Road will give some support to prevent the spread of the red-brained demon's disaster.


But before the support arrives, Xiao Leizhou still relies on its own strength to deal with it.


"It's a red-brained demon." The silver-haired and black-clothed old lady Feng leaning on a cane squinted her eyes, and the wrinkles on her face also wrinkled with her squinting.


"Amitabha, according to the history of Great Wei, the red-brained demon has only appeared three times in Great Wei, but this is the first time in Xiaoleizhou." Huikong sighed softly.


"In recent years, there have been traces of unknowable grades in many places. I don't know if it is the influence of the impending catastrophe, and their activities are becoming more and more frequent." Daoist Buxiao said solemnly.


The appearance of the red-brained demon made the atmosphere in the room a little quiet.


Before the state government, it was not that there were no unknowable-level strange reports coming up, but those unknowing-level can either be avoided or the local forces have a way to deal with them accordingly.


But the Red Brain Demon is different. It will cause great damage to Grey Monkey County, which is where the state capital is troubled.


There were people in the room who were unfamiliar with the red-brained demon, watching the information about the red-brained demon collected by the people below.


First of all, the red-brained demon cannot be killed. To be more precise, this is not something that the Wei officials have a way to eliminate.


This is not surprising. In the face of unknowable monsters, officials often have no way to eliminate them. They can only find a way to let them go or confine them to one place to prevent their disasters from spreading.


Like Caiyi's body, ordinary Taoist cultivators dare not step into its realm, so they can only let it go and turn a blind eye to it.


Fortunately, the spread of color clothing has a certain range.


There is also like a nightmare, the nightmare will leave soon, as long as the nightmare spirit left behind by the nightmare is removed as soon as possible to prevent the nightmare from spreading.


It has been confirmed that the Red Brain Demon will not leave on its own, unless its dark green halo disappears, then it will be willing to leave.


The red-brained demon does not show the intelligence of humans, and the data also says that it cannot be confirmed that the dark green light band that revolves around it is related to it, but it can be confirmed that as soon as the dark green light band disappears, it will leave.


A more reliable guess is that the red-brained demon uses the dark green light to absorb nutrients, and the dark green light disappears, which means that there is no energy it needs here, and it is no longer necessary to stay.


No matter what, they want to make the huge dark green light band around the red-brained demon disappear, and the way to make the dark green light band disappear is to eliminate the small brain demon as much as possible.


The cerebellar demon comes from the dark green light belt and is closely related to the dark green light belt...


"Everyone." Daoist Buxiao said, Zhou Fan and the others who were looking at the documents looked up at him.


"You can look at these things later." Daoist Buxiao said lightly: "Now we have to make a decision. The red-brained demons will cause great damage because of those little-brained demons. They stick tightly to the ground, devour everything, and then It will continue to spread like a plague."


"The cerebellum demon is not easy to deal with. The powerful cerebellum demon is difficult to deal with even the Primordial Liquid Realm cultivator. There are only a few Taoist cultivators in Grey Monkey County. They and Yiluan Si alone cannot eliminate the huge number of cerebellum demons quickly."


"We must send people to support them, and the number of Taoist monks cannot be small. Now we can send four Taoist monks from Xiaolei Academy, including me, that is five Taoist monks."


The words that Daoist Buxiao said did not include Zhou Fan and Chen Yushi of the Yiluan Division, because they belonged to the official family.


It's not that there are only five Taoist monks in Xiaolei Academy, but Xiaolei Academy will also leave some Taoist monks to protect the safety of Xiaolei Prefecture, and it is impossible to dispatch all of them.


"Amitabha, the Buddhist temple can also send five Taoist monks including me." Huikong also said.


Both Hui Kong and Dao Ren Buxiao looked at Mrs. Feng.


Usually, the aristocratic family enjoys the benefits given by various officials. At this time, it is impossible for the aristocratic family to stand by and watch.


"The noble family can send six Taoist cultivators." Mrs. Feng pondered for a while and said, "But if you both go to Grey Monkey County, I won't be able to go again."


It is impossible for the state government to not leave a single golden cultivator. As long as there are golden cultivators and the talisman formation in the state city, even if there is any problem, it can be dealt with quickly.


Also because Mrs. Feng, the golden cultivator, didn't go, the aristocratic family only sent six Taoist cultivators, one more than the academy and Xiaolei Temple, which was meant to make up for it.


"It's so good." Hui Kong and Dao Ren Buxiao looked at each other, and both agreed that Mrs. Feng would stay.


"What are you going to do here?" Mrs. Feng looked at the four Yuan Ei College, the Great Buddha Temple, and the aristocratic family sent Taoist monks to support Yiluan. How many Taoist monks the Yiluan Division wants to send, and they will not interfere with this.


The four Sizheng envoys discussed a few words in a low voice, and soon reached a consensus that three of the fourth levy envoys should rush to the northern part of Grey Monkey County.


In the end, the father-in-law from the palace stayed behind, and Zhou Fan and the others were going to lead the warriors from the office to the north of Grey Monkey County.


As a result, nineteen Taoist monks will be dispatched from the state government, including Taoist Buxiao and Huikong, the two golden monks, and some monks from Qianma and Feihe counties will also come to support. .


Such a powerful lineup should be enough to deal with those powerful little brain demons.


Everyone hurriedly discussed a few more words. Hui Kong, Mrs. Feng, and Taoist Buxiao stood up and left. They wanted to go back and organize staff.


The three forces will not only send Taoist monks, but they will also issue orders to summon their respective warriors to the north of Grey Monkey County.


There are more warriors to be organized by the Yiluan Division. For example, the Qianma and Feihe counties adjacent to the Grey Monkey have already organized the warriors to set off for the northern part of the Grey Monkey County.


These things are handled by the people below. Zhou Fan doesn't need to intervene too much. He returned to the small courtyard where he lived, while preparing his luggage and thinking about this matter.


He knew very well in his heart that what he had to face was not just the little-brained demon.

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