Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1262: lift the ban

Zhou Fan knew that once he went out openly and no longer stayed in the safe state capital, the Zhou family's mortal enemy would soon know that when he couldn't find his parents, the other party would definitely not be willing to let it go. any chance of killing him.

This is a very dangerous thing, but he can no longer stay in the state capital, and there will be a time to go out.

Zhou Family's mortal enemy... Zhou Fan's eyes gradually cooled down. Now his advantage is that the other party still doesn't know how strong he is. The golden body cultivator and the old man surnamed Xiao in the Rune Realm.

Such a lineup is terrifying to deal with a Primal Liquid Realm cultivator.

Now that Zhou Fan met three golden monks and one rune monk, he could only escape with his own body.

Even if he has mastered the first style of kitten, he is not too sure that one can play four, but if he has mastered the first style of kitten, maybe he can...

Zhou Fan thought seriously, and soon packed his bags and left the rented house.

When he came to the Yiluan Sifu to wait for departure, Chen Yushi called him over.

Not only Zhou Fan, Yuan E, and Father-in-law are also there.

Zhou Fan was a little surprised and was about to set off. What did he want to say when he gathered people together?

"I'm considering whether to open the battlefield to all the forces?" Chen Yushi glanced at Zhou Fan and the three said.

Zhou Fan's faces became a little subtle.

Chen Yushi's meaning is to allow people from all forces in Xiaolei Prefecture to enter the northern part of Grey Monkey County to hunt small brain demons.

They hadn't considered this before because they thought that with the official family, the Great Buddhist Temple, the Academy, and the aristocratic family, they should be able to solve it.

Some merchants, sects, and small and medium-sized families are not allowed to enter without permission, and the northern part of Grey Monkey County is currently in a blockade stage.

But in such a big place, if you want to block it, you need a lot of troops. It is still unknown whether Grey Monkey County can be completely blocked.

If the little brain demon ravages the northern land of the gray monkey, it will spread to all directions. At that time, the Yiluan Division of the gray monkey county can't stop it, and the blockade is more aimed at the non-official forces outside.

Do those forces want to go in?

Of course they want to!

When the red-brained demon appeared, it was not only the creatures in the North that suffered, but also the eccentrics who didn't have time to escape.

The death of the geeks may leave precious materials, most of which will be eaten by the small brain demon, but there is a certain probability that the brain pill can be obtained by killing the small brain demon.

Brain pills are a rare material that has a nourishing effect on the human soul.

A strong human soul is of great benefit to both warriors and monks. The simplest benefit is that no matter what you study, it will be easier to concentrate and your comprehension will be higher.

Of course, this is only the simplest benefit. With the improvement of the realm, the requirements for the human soul are even higher.

There are very few materials in the world that can nourish the human soul, and the red brain demon has only appeared three times in Dawei. Usually, the brain pill is a rare material with no market price.

"I oppose." After being silent for a while, Father-in-law He objected: "What our officials can solve, don't let those forces get involved, otherwise it may make the situation even more chaotic, and this will make other states What do you think of our Xiaoleizhou Yiluan Division?"

"They will say that we are incompetent, that we borrowed the power of the people to solve the problem, and that it does no good to our reputation."

Yuan Ei was silent, he hesitated.

"I think we can give it a try." Zhou Fan said slowly: "We can't confirm how many cerebellum demons there are now. We were worried that the number of cerebellum demons would exceed our estimates. At that time, we would not be able to restrain the spread of cerebellum demons, and let those forces join in to hunt cerebellum demons. more harm than good."

"We can take some measures to guide those civil forces, which can effectively prevent the situation from being chaotic, and even if we don't let them in, there will definitely be some martial artists who will attack our blockade for the precious materials of brain pills, and it is better to block them. "

"As for what other states think of our Xiaoleizhou, it doesn't matter. If we can't deal with the Red Brain Demon, we will definitely be severely punished."

And the father-in-law frowned slightly.

Yuan Evil said: "I think Lord Zhou is right, what we need to consider first is the danger of the red brain demon to Xiaoleizhou, and if the civil forces join in, we don't need to set up too many blockade lines, and we can concentrate our forces more. To deal with the little brain demon."

"In that case, I have no opinion." Father-in-law He quickly changed his mind and agreed.

As for Chen Yushi, he said this because he originally tended to let civil forces enter the field.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, you will understand that the blockade line at most stops some low-level warriors, and high-level warriors can also break in if they break in hard.

Lockdown doesn't make much sense.

After reaching an agreement on this matter, the people under my own announced the decision of the Secretary of Yiluan to the civil forces.

This is originally a matter of the official family, and you don't even need to ask the opinions of the academy and the Great Buddha Temple.

Xiaoleizhou Mansion Academy, Dafo Temple, and Aristocratic Family organized manpower, so Zhou Fan and the others didn't need to worry.

After the staff of Yiluan Division organized the first batch, Zhou Fan, Chen Yushi, and Yuan Ei, the three four envoys, hurriedly took the first batch of top martial artists from Yiluan Division and quietly rushed to Grey Monkey County.

The reason why it was quiet was a suggestion from Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan believes that when Xiaoleizhou has so many events, he should be more careful. Xiaoleizhou is also the state that the living dead hate the most. The living dead may ambush them halfway. In order to avoid such an accident, act carefully and do not reveal whereabouts. necessary.

Chen Yushi and Yuan'e agreed with Zhou Fan's opinion very much. There is nothing wrong with being careful. If there is any loss of manpower on the road, it will be an unbearable loss for them.

In fact, what Chen Yushi and Yuan E didn't know was that Zhou Fan was more worried about the halfway ambush of the Zhou family's mortal enemy than the living corpse.

If it is Zhou Fan even hopes to follow the Taoist monks of the academy, the Great Buddha Temple, and the aristocratic family on the road, but unfortunately, the academy, the Great Buddha Temple, and the aristocratic family are not the Yiluan Division after all. The Yiluan Division was much lower.

Yiluan Si couldn't wait for everyone in Qi to set off together.

Daoist Buxiao returned to Xiaolei Academy. There were not many students in Xiaolei Academy. There were more monks who entered the Taoist realm. The students of the academy were concentrated in various counties. They went to support Grey Monkey County.

As for Juxiong and Gaoxiang academies, because they are too far away from Grey Monkey County, they are not allowed to support them for the time being.

These matters are handled by the county academy, and Daoist Bu Laugh is more concerned about the manpower rushing to Grey Monkey County this time.

Thinking of this, he faintly had a headache, because these Taoist monks in Xiaolei Academy are not easy to invite.

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