Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1263: Xiaolei Academy

Xiaolei Academy is more like a paradise-like research institution. There are too many monks here who don't care about world affairs. The academy provides resources for them to study techniques, martial arts, and classics, and occasionally gives pointers to advanced students.


Because of this, most of them are geeks who are addicted to cultivation and study, and are indifferent to external affairs.


Even if Daoist doesn't laugh in charge of Xiaolei Academy's affairs, it doesn't mean that he can direct these monks to do things.


If it weren't for this, Daoist Buxiao also considered bringing two more Taoist monks over there. Now he promised that he would bring four Taoist monks, but now he feels a little guilty, because he may not be able to make up four monks.


The first person he found was the butcher.


The butcher closed his arms and hung a black leather apron. He picked up the meat chop knife and was carefully cutting the donkey meat on the cutting board.


Daoist Bu Laugh explained his intention.


"As soon as I leave, the world's No. 1 donkey meat stall will be closed for many days. What do you do with the customers who often come to the meat stall?" The butcher said reluctantly.


Daoist Buxiao twitched the corners of his mouth. As far as he knew, this donkey meat stall didn't have many customers for a year and a half, and every day the donkey meat was digested by the academy.


"Don't worry, fellow Daoist Tu, the donkey meat in the donkey meat stall is so delicious, they will still come back when you open the door." Daoist Buxiao said, "We usually have received so many favors from the academy..."


The butcher stomped open a piece of bone with a knife. He grinned and said, "I understand, if you take short hands and eat soft mouths, Taoist priest, I will go with you."


Daoist Buxiao breathed a sigh of relief. The butcher was the best talker in the academy.


Daoist Buxiao walked in the corridor of corpses, and soon stepped into the path that appeared on the side, and gradually saw a house surrounded by a fence.


A middle-aged woman was holding a dustpan. Her hand took out the grain from the dustpan and spread it on the ground. A group of chickens squeaked at the grain.


It looks like a very rural scene.


"Fellow Daoist Dong." Daoist Buxiao said hello and explained his purpose.


"I'm not good at fighting, you've got the wrong person." The middle-aged woman surnamed Dong said with a stern face.


"But Daoist Dong is good at medical skills, and maybe he can save our life at a critical time." Daoist Buxiao said sincerely.


What he thought in his mind was that you are not good at fighting, but you are good at killing.


"I'm gone, aren't the chickens at home going to starve to death?" The woman surnamed Dong asked worriedly while looking at the fluffy chickens.


"I can find someone to keep them for you first, and make sure they'll be fine when you come back." Daoist Buxiao said quickly.


The woman surnamed Dong hesitated and said, "Okay, you don't need someone to take care of the chicks, I'll take them there."


Daoist Buxiao left the house of the woman named Dongqiuxia. He stepped into the corridor of corpse souls again, and soon came out of the corridor of corpse souls and came to the door of the library.


The two wide wooden doors have mahogany reliefs. On the left is a man in armor, and on the right is a thin woman with long hair.


"Cousin." The long-haired and thin woman choked.


"Cousin, don't be sad." The man in armor comforted the thin woman with long hair.


"How can you not be sad, the academy is rumored that the catastrophe is imminent, it is estimated that you and my cousin and sister will not escape the catastrophe." The long-haired and thin woman sighed: "It's a pity that you and I are still single, and I really want to die. Also single."


"Single ghost..." The man in the armor said in a low and painful voice, apparently being told something sad.






The two woodcarvings couldn't bear it any longer, they clinged to each other and cried together.


Daoist Buxiao's face was stiff, he couldn't laugh, he could only cough lightly: "Two, can you open the door for me and cry again?"


The two woodcarvings didn't answer the Daoist's words, but they cried and the door opened automatically.


Daoist Bu Laugh quickly walked into the library.


There were only two people in the library reading books.


Daoist Buxiao came in, because there was a talisman formation, if the two of them didn't look up, they wouldn't find Daoist Buxiao coming in.


Daoist Buxiao sat at the square table against the wall and said softly, "Elder Shu."


A shadow appeared beside the square table, and the shadow said in surprise, "Do you want me to go to Grey Monkey County to help?"


Obviously, the news has spread in Xiaolei Academy.


"Yes." Daoist Buxiao said frankly.


"Don't go, don't go, when you're old, you don't want to go anywhere. Can't you find someone else for this kind of thing?" Shadow said.


"I always have a sense of unease about this incident. I'm the only one who doesn't get old. I'm not at ease." Daoist Buxiao sighed.


"Don't talk about it, I'll just go." Shadow snorted: "I know you must be deceiving me, but even if you give back your favor."


"Thank you for being old, I will have someone take care of the library for you." Daoist Buxiao said with a sigh of relief.


He came out of the library and walked in the corridor of corpses, thinking about who should be the last one.


At this moment, the woman in black veil floated over as if her feet were not touching the ground.


It's Mrs. Cat Eater.


Daoist Buxiao wanted to avoid it subconsciously, and asked Madam Chimao to go first, but Madam Chimao stopped, she looked at Buxiao and said: "There is a red-brained demon in Grey Monkey County, are you looking for someone to deal with the small-brained demon? ?"


"Yes." Daoist Buxiao was slightly startled.


He was a little puzzled, Mrs. Cat Eater never cared about anything, just concentrated on her ghost practice.


"I'll go too." said Mrs. Cat Eater, and she floated away again.


Leaving his mouth open to speak, the stunned Daoist did not laugh.


Why does she want to go?


Daoist Buxiao didn't understand a little. He stood quietly for a while and shook his head. No matter what, if Mrs. Cat Eater is going, that person will be counted.


The people finally got together, Taoist Bu Laugh thought for a while, he left the academy, went to the outer city market, and found the old blind fortune-teller who Zhou Fan had met once.


"Old Daoist Bu Laugh bowed his hands to the old blind man.


"Does the Taoist want to fortune-telling? If you want to fortune-telling, sit down. If you're not fortune-telling, go away quickly. Don't disturb my business." The old blind man said with a smile.


Daoist Buxiao showed helplessness. He took out three profound coins and put them on the table before he said softly, "Old gentleman, there is a red-brained demon in Grey Monkey County, and I have to leave the state capital for a while."


The old blind man didn't speak, he just picked up three profound coins, turned his white eyes up, and rubbed lightly.


"I'll ask the old gentleman to take care of you here in the state capital." Daoist Buxiao stood up as he spoke, and he handed over again and prepared to leave.


He also doesn't know the origin of the old blind man, but someone from Jingdu Academy once told him that if Xiaolei Academy encounters something difficult, he can try to come to the old blind man for help.


He had visited the old blind man twice before, but the old blind man was talking nonsense, and he never came again.


But this time, he felt inexplicably uneasy in his heart. Before leaving, he wanted to come over and explain a few words. Whether it will work or not is unknown.


"Daoist, you are so fierce, take your diseased locust tree with you. It's better to die than a dead tree, don't you think?" The old blind man's voice faintly entered the ears of Daoist Buxiao.


Although the voice was light, it seemed as if there was a thunder in the heart of Daoist who did not laugh.

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