Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1388: method of checking accounts

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Wrinkled Shenshen and Qian Feifei walked away, Zhou Fan said, "Which of you is good at math?"

Du Ni, Zhang Lixiaohu, Yelaitianxiang, and Xiong Feixiu all said that their numbers were pretty good. Among the four, Du Ni came from the academy, and the other three came from aristocratic families. In addition to cultivating martial arts since childhood, the six arts were also important to them. direction of learning.

Especially Zhang Li Xiaohu, who is obsessed with property, is even more sensitive to numbers.

"Very good." Zhou Fan nodded with a smile: "I will teach you a method of checking accounts. The accounts will be written later. You can check them out for me to see if there are any problems with the accounts."

Before crossing, Zhou Fan had been exposed to many strange and bizarre cases, some of which involved economic auditing, so he had a certain understanding of the auditing methods in his previous world.

The accounting methods in his world are much more advanced than those in this world.

Zhou Fan and the four Du Ni talked carefully. The four Du Ni were all intelligent and quickly understood what to do.

Because of this, the eyes of the four of them looking at Zhou Fan became complicated. This method of checking accounts is not complicated, but it is not so easy to come up with it out of thin air.

"Brother Zhou, you are really a business genius." Zhang Li Xiaohu said excitedly: "With this method of checking accounts, people in the caravan will never want to make false accounts to deceive our owners."

"..." Zhou Fan smiled bitterly: "Brother Zhang Li, don't think too much. There are policies above and countermeasures below. There is no method that can't be beaten."

"That's right." Zhang Li Xiaohu said seriously: "But at least it can greatly reduce the phenomenon of making false accounts, and we can not teach this method to anyone, those accountants don't know how we detect them. account."

"No." Du Ni shook his head and said, "These advanced accounting methods will be added to the textbooks of the academy, and will be greatly promoted and popularized in future generations."

After Du Ni finished speaking, he looked at Zhou Fan and said with emotion: "Brother Zhou, you are really a genius. Not only did martial arts lead us all the way, but poetry and poetry are also unique in the world. I didn't expect you to be able to create something like this. Unique way of checking accounts."

"I was born in the same era as you, I don't know if it's fortunate or unfortunate." Du Ni sighed deeply when he said this, and felt a deep sense of frustration to him from Xu Cai Gao Bado, "There is nothing else you can't do. ?"

"You are wrong." Xiong Feixiu rolled his eyes and said, "No matter how powerful Zhou Fan is, there is one thing he will definitely not be able to do, and that is to have a child. If you have the ability, would you ask him to have one and see?"

Zhou Fan: "..."

Du Ni also burst out laughing, "I don't think Brother Zhou can do this either."

While everyone was talking and laughing, Wrinkle Shenshen had already returned with Qian Feifei.

Behind them, two officials from the mansion came in with a large wooden box, which was full of the accounts of the Daduhu mansion for the past six months.

This not only involves the entire Blackwater City, but also the property transactions with the Blackwater Protectorate's counties outside the Blackwater City.

"Let's start." Zhou Fan chuckled.

Everyone in the hall became busy. Yelaitianxiang, Du Ni, Zhangli Xiaohu, and Xiong Feixiu made the calculations, and Shouhou and the others helped out.

Qian Feifei looked at this scene in amazement. He originally thought in his heart that even if Protector Zhou wanted to check the accounts, he would need to borrow the accountant from the house, but he didn't expect that he would start accounting through the people he brought.

Qian Feifei felt a little nervous in his heart, but he still lowered his head and said, "Sir, if it's alright..."

"Counselor Qian, if you're not busy, you might as well stay. I think these books should be completed in half a day." Zhou Fan handed Du Ni a book and said.

"Yes." Qian Feifei could only nod and agree, Zhou Fan wouldn't let him intervene, he could only watch the crowd busy.

"Fortunately, when Xue Liancheng came over last time, he didn't burn the account book." Zhou Fan glanced at Qian Feifei and said meaningfully.

Qian Feifei's face became a little more subtle. He opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything. In fact, the fact that these ledgers can be preserved has a lot to do with him.

If the account book was destroyed, then he, the general staff, would be to blame, so he took someone to save the account book desperately at that time. Of course, this was also the reason why Xueliancheng and the others didn't seem to pay much attention to the account room, otherwise they might not be able to keep it.

In any case, the ledger is indeed preserved intact.

Not long after, Zhang Li Xiaohu stopped writing, walked to Zhou Fan and said a few words softly.

Qian Feifei wanted to hear it, but his martial arts cultivation was mediocre, so he couldn't hear it clearly.

After hearing this, Zhou Fan turned to look at Qian Feifei and said with a smile: "Counselor Qian, go and invite the five accountants in the house, if they're not there..."

Zhou Fan paused and said, "I don't think they can be here, right?"

Qian Feifei's back was sweating, and for the first time he felt an indescribable pressure when facing this overly young Daduhu, "Sir, please rest assured, they won't be Qian Feifei turned around. Going to find someone, Wrinkle Shenshen followed him silently, both to monitor and to protect him.

As for the five accountants, all of them are from Blackwater City. They have a family in the city, so where can they go?

The Daduhu mansion looks very big, but the transmission of news is not slow, especially in the ears of some people who are interested in inquiring about the situation, the new Daduhu has been here for so many days, and suddenly started to check accounts today.

There was panic in the house.

The news spread out from outside the mansion like a fly, and passed into a mansion through a message symbol.

It was cold and freezing outside, and the hall of the mansion was equipped with a warm talisman array.

It was Lei Tianyang, the governor of Hanbei Road, who was sitting at the head of the banquet, and in addition to the five deputy chiefs, there were also six singers with heavy makeup.

The six people said that they had gone to look for Xuelian City outside the wilderness, but they have been making fun in the mansion for the past few days, singing every night.

There was laughter and laughter in the banquet, and the singers also laughed and made the gold masters happy.

It was just that someone quickly walked into the hall and whispered something in the ear of the deputy head guard.

Chao Fu Du Hu was stunned, he looked at the joking people, and said solemnly, "You go out first."

The laughter stopped abruptly at the banquet, and the singers all bowed their heads and retreated with the person who came in.

"Brother Chao, what happened?" Deputy Protector Ma frowned slightly: "Can't you say something later? How could you make an assertion and disturb Master Lei's Yaxing?"

"Lord Lei, I'm sorry." Chao Fudu said with a worried look on his face: "The surnamed Zhou, he is checking accounts in the mansion!"

Deputy Chief Protector Wang, Deputy Chief Protector Ma, Deputy Chief Protector Han, and Deputy Chief Protector Zhan were all stunned.

Lei Tianyang crushed the cup in his hand, and he said coldly, "What's going on? What's wrong with the ledger?"

Weird world of immortality

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