Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1389: Greed for ink

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What can be wrong with the ledger?

Of course there are big problems!

Lei Tianyang has only been here for a short period of time compared to Zhou Fan. Even if the five deputy chiefs of Wang, Chao, Ma, Han and Zhan are on Lei Tianyang's side, it does not mean that Lei Tianyang will not ask about this kind of thing. Tell Lei Tianyang without reservation.

Now Lei Tianyang asked with a stern face, the five looked at each other, Deputy Protector Wang took a deep breath and said, "Actually, it's not a big problem, it's just that the five of us are the masters of the house and are making advance payments. It is inevitable that there will be some big-handed..."

"How much is missing?" Lei Tianyang is not used to this kind of thing. Originally, if the water is clear, there will be no fish. Who would hold the power and not be greedy?

It's just that he didn't expect that these five people didn't tell him, but Zhou Fan caught the handle. If he had told him, those ledgers would no longer exist!

Lei Tianyang didn't tell the five people about Xueliancheng. Of course, the five people might have guessed something vaguely, but they didn't dare to ask, but maintained a corresponding tacit understanding.

The five of them hesitated, Lei Tianyang's face turned cold, and he said to the Deputy Protector, "It's about five million Xuan coins missing."

"Five million profound coins!" Lei Tianyang's face immediately became ugly, "Do all five of you have a share?"

The five all nodded with a wry smile.

"You guys are really brave." Lei Tianyang angrily scolded: "According to the laws of the Great Wei, greed for more than 100,000 profound coins is enough to kill you all. Since you dare to be greedy, why don't you clean things up?"

"Sir, calm down, of course we have done a very clean job. I heard that Zhou Fan asked their people to check the accounts, and it would not be so easy to find out." Deputy Zhan Hu said hurriedly.

"Idiot." Lei Tianyang was trembling with anger, "He can think of checking accounts, so don't hold on to such extravagant hopes. Why do you keep the account books?"

"Sir, it's not that we want to keep it." Ma Duhu said with a sad face: "Qian Feifei and the civil servants are responsible for keeping accounts. There is only one way for us to keep the accounts. Kill all these insiders Feifei..."

They are just greedy for money and kill people they never thought about.

"Are those accountants greedy for money? Where's Qian Feifei?" Lei Tianyang asked with a dark face.

Deputy Protector Wang said: "The five accountants have all taken some money. They shouldn't dare to betray us. As for Qian Feifei, he didn't take it, but we think he should know something."

During the period when there was no Daduhu, the Daduhufu was dominated by them. How could Qian Feifei and these civil servants dare to disobey the five of them?

"That's over." Lei Tianyang sighed, "As long as Zhou Fan finds out the problem with the ledger, how could the five accountants keep secrets for you?"

The five deputy chief guards were all slightly startled, and then quickly realized that Lei Tianyang was right, it would be too stupid for them to pin their hopes on those five accountants.

"Sir, you must help us."

"Sir, you have to think of a way..."

The five people panicked and called for help. Lei Tianyang stared at him. If he could, he really wanted to leave. These five idiots messed up his good game of chess.

Lei Tianyang's face was sullen, his face was terrifying, he said coldly: "Now there is only one way..."



The audit was only half-finished. Zhou Fan threw the prepared account books on the ground and threw them in front of the five kneeling accountants.

The five people picked up the account books and looked at them. Their faces were pale. In the winter, they were sweating profusely. The accounts were clear.

"Sir, that's enough, don't check it any more." The oldest accountant couldn't hold it anymore, and he was the first to kowtow: "I'll say anything, just ask the lord to spare my life."

When the other four saw that someone was recruiting first, the four of them were busy kowtowing and begging for mercy.

Qian Feifei's knees also softened. He sighed and knelt down as well. There was a problem with the ledger, and he, the chief official, could not escape being held accountable.

Zhou Fan said coldly: "Say, how much money you greedy ink, of course, you want to take everything down, that's fine, but don't blame me for not telling you beforehand, the amount is too large, can you afford the guilt?"

"My lord, the five of us were only forced to take hundreds of Xuan coins, all of which were forced by Mr. Wang and the others." One of the accountants said with a bitter face.

The remaining four accountants responded in succession.

Zhou Fan just listened with a cold face, and when he heard that he had lost five million profound coins, he just sneered: "It's really greedy, all five of them have a share, right? But do you have proof? Your one-sided words are a little thin."

The five accountants looked at each other, all five of them gritted their teeth, took out a booklet from their arms, and presented it to Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan took the pamphlet and casually flipped through a few pages. He was overjoyed. The detailed accounts kept secretly by the five people were all the money that the five deputy governors took from the treasury under various unreasonable names. He knew that it was safe now. Now those five deputy have been protected.

Zhou Fan wanted to check the accounts, but he just wanted to try it, because he felt that the Heishui Duhufu did not have Daduhu for half a year, and the five deputy Duhus who were in charge of the operation of the Heishui Duhufu might not be doing things cleanly, maybe Will leave some handles that he can intervene.

He wanted to find fault in the first place. Even if the ledger couldn't find the problem, he would find a way from other aspects. The purpose was naturally to drive these five disobedient deputy governors out of the Daduhu mansion.

He is a great protector who holds great power. He could have acted arbitrarily and directly drive out the five deputy protectors, but Hua Feihua sent Lei Tianyang, so he couldn't be too reckless, lest Hua Feihua go to his book.

Now that there is evidence, it will be different. The five deputy chiefs are no longer a threat to him.

"Eunuch Ao, take a look." Zhou Fan handed the booklet to Eunuch Ao, and he said softly, "You stand on my side, and I'll give you half the credit."

Eunuch Ao used to be lazy, but when he heard that half of the credit was given to him, he immediately regained his energy, picked up the booklet and flipped through it at will, and said sharply: "Is there a king in the world, a mighty emperor, who eats the royal salaries, Don't be grateful to Dade, how dare you be so bold, greedy and bend the law, and have no sages, our family must report this matter to the sages, and punish you nine clans!"

The five accountants were so frightened that they were only forced to embezzle hundreds of Xuan coins. They thought it was too much to execute them, but they didn't expect to punish the Nine Clan, and they almost fainted.

Eunuch Ao, you are going too far... Zhou Fan couldn't bear it, he coughed lightly: "Eunuch Ao, let's not talk about their guilt, those five deputy guards..."

"Five million profound coins for greedy ink, of course they raided the house and asked for the execution, and handed it over to me. If Lord Zhou is interested, then Lord Zhou can go." Eunuch Ao said excitedly.

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