Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1395: the carnage begins

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Mi Rongzhi saw Zhou Fan walking slowly from the foot of the mountain. His face was complicated, but he quickly bowed his hands and said respectfully, "Sir."

"You came from Xuelian City, right?" Zhou Fan asked.

He hasn't really confirmed whether Mi Rongzhi really joined the snow thieves in Xue Liancheng.

"Yes." Mi Rongzhi nodded. He pointed to the far side of the cliff where Zhou Fan had observed, and said in a low voice, "Sir, Xueliancheng and the others are hiding there."

"Does anyone know when you came out?" Zhou Fan asked again.

"No one knows, but I need to hurry back, otherwise someone will find out after a long time." Mi Rongzhi replied.

"How many snow thieves are there?" Zhou Fan asked.

"Not much, so far, there are only more than a thousand snow thieves." Mi Rongzhi looked down at the cliff and said.

More than a thousand snow thieves are indeed not many. After all, this is the fourteenth great thief. It is rumored that the powerful thief has more than 10,000 snow thieves under his command.

"They just stay in the Heishui Duhufu, so there are not many people that can be recruited. Only those who are familiar with them can join them." Mi Rongzhi continued: "I also found an acquaintance and was able to join the Snow Thief Group, but Once you join, you cannot leave at will, and if you are discovered, you will be executed immediately.”

"And they are very alert, and there is no fixed nest. They will change their position within ten days at most. This is the reason why I can't notify the adults..."

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly and said: "There is no fixed nest, how do you solve the food?"

Only a fixed nest can store food. If there is no fixed nest, there may be a danger of running out of food. This is a team of more than 1,000 people. People eat and horses chew, and the consumption is not small.

"We are not short of food, and every once in a while, food will be continuously shipped from outside sources. As for the person who shipped the food, I don't know. Among the snow thieves, it is not allowed to inquire about these things. I am afraid of being suspected. , so I didn't dare to ask." Mi Rongzhi looked confused, "But I guess, there is a fixed caravan to cooperate with Xueliancheng, otherwise it really doesn't make sense."

Zhou Fan didn't ask more about this, he turned and said, "Where's Xue Liancheng? Have you met him?"

"I have seen Xue Liancheng twice, but he is wearing a black cloak coat and a snow ghost mask on his face. I just know that he is tall, but whether he is a man or a woman is unclear." Mi Rongzhi replied seriously: "I just joined his snow thief group, and my status is not high, so I can't get too close to observe."

"Every time he appears, is there any special person around him?" Zhou Fan asked with a frown.

"It's all people I don't know, and they look like snow thieves, so I don't think there's anything special about it." Mi Rongzhi shook his head and said, "We were divided into ten teams, and the captains of each team were above the Qi orifice rank. Martial artist, the one who has the most contact is also the captain, it is really difficult for us to get close to thieves like Xueliancheng."

"Everywhere he went, he would stay in the tent of the talisman, and he seldom came out to walk around, but his cronies came in and out..."

Mi Rongzhi said what he knew, but as he said, his status was too low, and it was difficult to contact people at the level of Xue Liancheng.

"Then have any special people joined your snow pirate group recently?" Zhou Fan asked.

Mi Rongzhi lowered his head and thought for a while, and he quickly raised his head: "It seems that such a group of people has joined us, but they are managed separately from us, and Xueliancheng seems to be on guard against them, we are not allowed to approach them, so I don't know what happened, there seems to be a woman and a child among the group, but I haven't seen any woman or child since, and I don't know where they went."

Zhou Fan's face became a little subtle. He asked this because he wanted to know whether the five Dynasty Mahanzhan really joined the team of Xueliancheng.

But it does sound a bit like the five of them, with their family and family, and the woman and child have not been seen since... Zhou Fan guessed that it was probably too cumbersome, it should have been taken away from the snow pirate group and settled elsewhere.

"Sir, I have already found the Snow Thieves Group in Xuelian City for you, and told you everything I know, can I stop returning to the Snow Thieves Group?" Mi Rongzhi's question interrupted Zhou Fan's thoughts.

Zhou Fan looked at Mi Rongzhi and asked, "Why don't you want to go back? Although I have malicious intentions, it doesn't mean that I can get Xue Lian City. You stay in Xue Lian City's Xue Lian City, isn't it?"

"After all, I joined the snow thief group of Xue Lian City with a certain purpose, and it is inevitable that they will find out that I have bad intentions." Mi Rongzhi said with a bitter face: "Of course the adults want me to go back, and I can't refuse, but I really don't want to go back. Now, although I'm not a good person, I've done a lot of bad things before..."

"But it's never been like these days, as they've killed so many people, there are old people, children, women here, even though I've tried my best to avoid touching these people, I sometimes have to swing the knife, which is already It's more than I can handle..."

Mi Rongzhi didn't say any more, he just waited for Zhou Fan's words, he made a ghost oath, life and death depended on Zhou Fan.

"Let's go." Zhou Fan was silent for a while and turned around: "I promised As long as you complete the task for me, I will spare you, but you don't let me in the Blackwater Protectorate. Or Hanbeidao sees you, do you know?"

Mi Rongzhi didn't speak any more, he knelt down and kowtowed, then walked away quickly, and soon disappeared on the top of the cliff.

Zhou Fan looked at the group of snow thieves below, and now they have found them, but what should I do?

He didn't know how many masters were hidden in this snow thief group.

If time allows, he may try it slowly, but he can't wait.

Because Mi Rongzhi told him that the Tomorrow Snow Pirates will massacre the fourth village, which village is still unknown.

If he didn't want another thousand or two innocent people to die because of him, he had to do it.

His mind quickly turned down the Eagle Cliff, found the little sisters and the others, and said in a low voice.

"Do you understand?" Zhou Fan patted the little sister's head and asked.

Momo and the little sister both barked.

"Master, don't worry, if they don't understand, what about me?" Xiao Ling patted her little chest and said confidently.

I am most worried about you... Zhou Fan twitched the corner of his mouth, he nodded with a chuckle.

As dusk approached, the snow thieves of the snow pirate group hidden in the snow were having dinner.

There was a huge noise in the Tudi camp, and all the snow thieves were stunned, and soon someone shouted and ran towards the source of the noise.

It was just a team of twelve people who were running towards the noise. During the run, their heads suddenly flew up. The twelve heads were mixed with hot blood, and soon they were covered with snowflakes like white sugar.

Such a strange and terrifying scene was deeply imprinted in the eyes of some snow thieves.

The tidal wave of fear instantly filled their hearts and lungs.

What they don't know is...

The slaughter has begun!

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