Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1396: suspended killing

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The heads of the twelve running people flew up, and blood spurted out of their skulls. Their bodies rushed forward a few steps before they fell to the ground.

People who saw this scene stopped immediately, their faces were faintly distorted, and they were overwhelmed with fear.

It's just that the twelve heads have not yet landed, and among the people who were standing still, the heads of others flew up one after another, spraying bright blood in the air.

There were screams of extreme fear in the crowd.

Trying to find the enemy who is unknown whether it is human or strange.

It's just that they didn't see anything, and their heads kept flying.

A piece of fresh life was mercilessly harvested, and blood soaked the snow.

Soon someone found the pattern, and the heads flew in groups and began to try to distance themselves from their partners.

It's just that there are people everywhere in the camp, and even if you want to distance yourself, it's not an easy task.

Someone collapsed in fear and knelt on the ground, begging and shouting not to kill him.

Pleading was useless, the head still broke from the neck and fell to the ground.

In just a short moment, dozens or hundreds of snow thieves died. Some people in the camp were roaring, some were screaming, and some were escaping. It was a complete mess.

At this time, in the center of the camp, someone suddenly snorted. This snort was like a spring thunderstorm, shaking all the snow thieves.

In the camp, a figure with a height of no more than five feet flashed like lightning. He stood in the area where the most people's heads were broken at the first time, and his eyes glanced around like electricity.

The head didn't fly anymore.

The camp was completely quiet, and he stared at this dwarf who had never met before.

The dwarf was wearing a black robe, with messy silver hair, and there seemed to be five or six earthworms appearing on his face, which was extremely ugly.

Xue Liancheng also walked out of the main tent and stood beside Shorty.

"Go," said the dwarf.

It's just that as soon as he said these words, there was a commotion in the west of the camp.

The dwarf turned into a black thunderbolt, and he soon appeared in the west of the camp. There were a dozen corpses with severed heads left in the west of the camp. The snow thieves here were screaming and running away.

The dwarf's face was calm, and he glanced around like electricity, but he still couldn't find it.

At this time, there was a huge noise from the south.

The dwarf changed color suddenly, the other party was so fast, his body swayed, and he went to the south again, and there were eight more corpses in the south.

Before he even had time to take a closer look, there was another terrified cry from the east.

The cries of snow thieves kept ringing in different corners of the camp.

Opponents are roaming their harvesters at unimaginable speed.

"Xueliancheng!" Shorty's cold and stern voice echoed in the camp: "Let your people gather in the center of the main tent."

"If you don't want to die, let me gather at the center." Xue Liancheng immediately roared.

The snow thieves came back to their senses and rushed to the center as if they were one after the other.

But in it, because the crowds are getting denser, more people are dying.

No longer is the head flying, but the body is torn apart, it is a looming weapon, like the invisible sickle of death, the harvesting speed is faster, and a large number of people are dying.

If it wasn't for the dwarf chasing like thunder and lightning, the enemies in the dark could not stay, slowing down their harvesting speed, and more people would die.

When everyone gathered in the center of the tent, the dwarf had a cold face, his body turned into a black thunderbolt, and he just circled in a breath. Taking the crowd as the center, a black thunder light appeared and circled the crowd.

The dwarf stopped, his eyes looking at the crowd like electricity, the snow thieves were still panicking, talking in a low voice or a loud voice.

But no one has made that heart-shaking sound of death.

Indicates that harvesting has stopped.

The dwarf's face was slightly cold, and he felt a little regretful. If the opponent dared to mix into the crowd and continue to fight after he set up the rune defense, then he would never be able to go out under his rune, and the opponent in the dark would definitely Can no longer hide.

Too bad this adversary is smart.

"Senior Lu, he seems to be gone." Xue Liancheng said, his face was shrouded under the mask, but his voice was so deep that it seemed to merge with the whistling wind.

The number of dead has not been counted, but the loss in this short period of time is too great.

Even though these snow thieves were all his tools, they were recruited through painstaking efforts. After so many deaths, it was impossible for him not to feel distressed.

The dwarf's name was Lu Gaogan, which was given by his parents, hoping that he would be as tall as a bamboo pole, but his parents didn't know that there were actually very short bamboo poles.

Lu Gaogan just nodded slightly.

The two walked into the main tent, but when they reached the entrance of the tent, Lu Gaogan whispered a word, Xueliancheng nodded slightly, and he turned to call for his subordinates.

The subordinates soon brought five people over.

These five people are exactly the five people from Dynasty Mahanzhan. They have different Come in with me. "Xue Liancheng just glanced at the five of them lightly and said.

Xue Liancheng took the five people into the main tent. The tent was as warm as spring. Shorty Lu Gaogan was sitting high on the main seat. There was a low stool under his chair, otherwise he would not be able to sit like this. high.

Although the dwarf was short, the five people from Dynasty Mahanzhan had just seen the dwarf make a move, and they knew that this was a very powerful cultivator. ."

There was no warmth in Lu Gaogan's eyes, and he said lightly, "Sit down."

Xueliancheng sat down first.

Dynasty Mahanzhan and the other five also sat down.

"I haven't been able to spare time to have a good chat with you all before. I've offended you so much, please don't take offense." Xue Liancheng said with a light smile.

The five Dynasty Mahanzhan shook their heads and said a few polite words. After they were brought here with the help of Lei Tianyang, Xueliancheng appeared once, showing the cultivation of the golden body in front of them.

They didn't dare to have any more ideas in their hearts. The difference in strength was too great. Even if they went to the five Huayuan realms together, they would not be the opponents of Xueliancheng. Now there is a person who is more powerful than Xueliancheng. Lu Gaogan.

A trace of resentment from being quarantined for the past few days has long since vanished.

Even they faintly felt scared. The origin of this snow thief group was mysterious, and for some reason they slaughtered three villages one after another. They felt like they were caught in a huge vortex. If they had a choice, they would definitely not. I am willing to come here, but choose to take my family to the end of the world.

But now that it's here, it's hard to go out again.

"You have seen what happened just now." Lu Gaogan said slowly: "You are all experienced monks, I would like to hear your opinions."

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