Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1412: nightmare

om, the latest chapter of the strange world of immortality!

time is limited.

Zhou Fan's heart is very heavy, and there is indeed not much time, because before the second type of deceitful talent awakens, if they don't think of an effective way to save Mengmeng, then Mengmeng will be in danger.

And more importantly, they can't know when the second kind of deceitful talent will wake up, and the second kind of deceitful talent might explode in the next moment.

So they can't wait any longer.

"Brother Zhou, the three methods you mentioned, I have found a method to strip off the talent of the deceitful person, but the success rate of this method is not high, and there is no chance of 50%." Li Jiuyue said worriedly.

Yingjiu once provided him with three methods. The first one was the method of sealing, which would seal the talent of the deceitful person.

The second is the stripping method, which can strip out the talent of the deceitful person, but this method is very dangerous.

The third is to change the body, and there is also a great risk in changing the body.

In fact, there are not only three methods, Yingjiu also created a container method, but the specific steps of this method, Yingjiu refused to disclose, so this method is impossible to start.

"Don't be in a hurry to try the method with a low success rate." Zhou Fan took a deep breath and said, "I will think of a way, you... Let the bug lady not worry too much."

Now that something has happened to Mengmeng, I am afraid that the most worrying thing is the insect girl.

It's just that in front of Li Jiuyue's nominal husband, it's not suitable for him to care about more things.

"Brother Zhou, I killed Mengmeng." Li Jiuyue over there was silent for a while and said in a hoarse voice.

"The world is impermanent, who would have thought that Mengmeng would be like this?" Zhou Fan sighed: "Brother Li, don't blame yourself too much, Mengmeng will be fine."

Zhou Fan knew in his heart that Li Jiuyue felt guilty for instigating Zongniang to give birth to children.

The two were silent, Zhou Fan said, "Brother Li, feel free to contact me if you have anything, I'll find a way."

"Brother Zhou, there is a way to contact me in time, no matter what the cost, I am willing." Li Jiuyue said again.

After disconnecting, Zhou Fan gave a wry smile, I am afraid that the price can only be paid by him.

Hearing this terrible news, he paced back and forth in the courtyard, restless.

Mengmeng is his daughter, and now he is suffering from a disease that will kill him at any time, how can he not feel anxious?

The little girl came out of the house, Momo was sitting on her dog's head, and Xiao Qian was also sitting in the courtyard, and the three little ones didn't dare to disturb Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan forced himself to sit on the snow. He sprinkled a handful of white snow on his face and washed his face with snow water, which made his irritable heart calm down.

He kept thinking about what to do, and now he should not be able to delay any longer, things must be resolved quickly.

He resisted the urge to fall asleep immediately, because now that he found Ying Jiu in the dream, it was useless.

Until late at night, he couldn't think of a good way. He looked at the dark sky and sighed lightly.

Instead of thinking about it, he went back to the house and lay down to sleep.

Only a thin gray fog drifted slowly on the boat tonight.

Zhou Fan didn't see Yingjiu, he picked up Mengmeng in the cradle, Mengmeng was still the same as before, blinking his black pupils, his small hands stretched out in the direction of his face, and giggled.

You troubled little fellow... He forced a smile and looked at the table.

On the table tonight is a round fruit of green emerald color. The round fruit is not big, but it emits a faint hazy green light.

"Have you made a decision yet?" Ying Jiu's hoarse laughter sounded behind him.

"Did anyone tell you that your voice is ugly?" Zhou Fan turned to look at Ying Jiudao with a stern face.

Yingjiu had a wicked smile on her face, "Of course there is. In the past, an enemy heard my voice and knew it was me. He chose to commit suicide. Are you ready?"

Zhou Fan was silent for a while. Of course he understood what Yingjiu said. Mengmeng had awakened the innate talent of the underworld anti-wheel body, and he couldn't hide it from this guy at all.

"Do you have the heart to watch your child die?" Yingjiu asked with a smile: "Of course, such a thing is not surprising. Most of the monks are ruthless, and some are more ruthless in their pursuit of the Dao."

"You choose to give up Xiao Mengmeng's life and protect yourself, and no one can blame you for doing so."

"It is Zhou Xiaomao who is ruthlessly pursuing the Dao, not me." Zhou Fan said with a cold face.

"Zhou Kitten is my last guide, is that dwarf winter melon?" Ying Jiu, of course, knows her previous guide very well.

"If you dare to call her Dwarf Melon in front of her, then she will definitely kill you." Zhou Fan sneered.

"It's a pity that I can't see her, otherwise I really want to know if she can kill me?" Yingjiu said with a frenzy instead of being angry: "The guides who can board the ship are very interesting, their strength should be good, but I Never heard anything from them in his memory."

"Either they were not in the same era as me, or the ship erased my memory of them..."

Zhou Fan frowned and listened. He already knew about this strange thing, but he also had no answer. He turned and said, "Are you really unwilling to change your mind? As long as you are willing to save Mengmeng, I am willing to give you one million. A big grey worm."

One million big gray worms is already the limit he can produce.

Yingjiu looked at Zhou Fan, and she burst into a harsh laugh, "Why should I change my mind? If you swallow that fruit, I will save Xiao Mengmeng."

"If I refuse, you won't save me, right?" Zhou Fan said.

"Why do you know why you ask?" Yingjiu said with a bright smile on her face.

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, he was very disgusted with this wickedly smiling face, even though Yingjiu didn't look ugly when she grew up.

"I want to know what choice you will make?" Yingjiu smiled and said, "This is the greatest fun before I wake up and challenge the boat. Maybe you need to think about it again?"

"But maybe in the next instant, Xiao Mengmeng will die because of the awakening of the second kind of deceitful talent, or maybe you already have two daughters, maybe the death of one daughter is for Does it matter?"

"What kind of fruit is it?" Zhou Fan asked.

"You can't say that." Yingjiu shook her head and said, "I should have told you that I almost fell to get it back then. It is very important to me, you can swallow it, this is you honor."

Yingjiu mentioned that competition, not only three monks who were no less than her, but also two unknowable monsters. For this fruit, the world at that time was bombarded with holes and completely ruined.

"I can't bear such an honor." Zhou Fan said with a cold face, "Why don't you take back such an honor."

Yingjiu smiled without saying a word.

Zhou Fan said again: "Can't you say anything? Can't even say the name of this fruit?"

"It's not that the name can't be said." Yingjiu said strangely: "It's just that it appeared in the world for a short time. Before I got it, it didn't have a name at all. Some people call it the fruit of nightmares, and some people think it's not a fruit. It's an unknowable and weird." (The Weird Cultivation World.. 151151060)--(The Weird Cultivation World)

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