Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1413: Fruit of the Road

om, the latest chapter of the strange world of immortality!

Nightmare fruit? An unknowable monster?

Known as the fruit of nightmares, Zhou Fan can still understand a little, maybe because this fruit is terrible, but some people think that it is not a fruit, but an unknowable monster?

"Why do you think it is an unknowable monster?" Zhou Fan asked, glancing at the green jade-like crystal clear fruit.

"Well..." Yingjiu smiled and said, "I didn't want to tell you, after all, if I told you, maybe you wouldn't dare to eat it, but I can feel that you dreamed of swallowing this fruit to save Xiaomeng. Determination."

"That's no fun, and I want you to be constantly rocking, so I've decided to tell you a little bit about it."

"Really? I'd like to hear it, what's so special about it?" Zhou Fan looked down at Mengmeng and said.

"It is said that it came to a powerful dynasty at first. That dynasty was prosperous and powerful, and it had the top cultivator sect as its backing." Yingjiu said: "Just seven days after it appeared, that dynasty disappeared."

"No?" Zhou Fan was slightly taken aback and said, "Why not?"

"No one knows this." Yingjiu shook her head and said, "What can be known is that there are no more living people in that dynasty, there are **** corpses everywhere, and the mountains and rivers are dyed red."

"If there is no living person, how do you know it has something to do with it?" Zhou Fan wondered, "It's just a fruit."

Yingjiu mocked and said: "You have too little knowledge, of course you don't understand. When such a big dynasty perishes, the cultivator behind it must of course find out what happened. The cultivator who is proficient in the technique of deduction finally deduced it. On this fruit, it is the cause of the demise of that dynasty."

"Could it be that someone moved his hand in order to get this fruit?" Zhou Fan guessed.

"But it wasn't taken away." Yingjiu said, "It still stayed in that dynasty and was taken back by that top cultivator sect. Another seven days passed, and that top cultivator sect was in everyone's hands again. Before they knew it, they all died."

"Even the ancestor of the cultivator sect was not spared. Later, someone extrapolated to this fruit, and this fruit has become famous since then."

"After destroying a powerful dynasty and a top cultivator sect, some people think that it is an unknowable monster in disguise, and some unknowable monsters may not be able to do this."

"What happened after that?" Zhou Fan asked after seeing Yingjiu stop.

"Later?" Ying Jiu smiled strangely: "Then there was a fight, I joined the fight, and I can't tell you about the future."

There was indeed an indescribable fear in Zhou Fan's heart. If what Ying Jiu said was not false, then this fruit had an ominous aura.

To allow a dynasty and cultivator sect to be destroyed without anyone noticing, no one escaped, and no one noticed in advance, this kind of thing is too terrifying.

"Could it really be a quirk, right?" Zhou Fan looked at the green fruit again, and asked cautiously.

"What do you think?" Yingjiu asked with a smile.

"I don't think so." Zhou Fan shook his head and said, "But I have a difficult question in my mind."

"What question? Say it, if I find it interesting, maybe I will answer you." Yingjiu said with an undisguised smile on her face.

"That dynasty and that cultivator sect will be gone in seven days, so why is it okay for you to get this fruit?" Zhou Fan asked.

"Who said I'm fine?" Yingjiu laughed wildly: "How do you know I'm fine?"

"At least you are not dead." Zhou Fan said.

"Yeah, I'm not dead." Yingjiu sighed and said, "But you don't know what happened to me in those seven days. I encountered more danger in those seven days than in my entire life combined."

"What kind of danger?"

"You can't say that." Yingjiu shook her head.

"So this is a fruit that brings bad luck, right?" Zhou Fan asked again.

"You can say that." Ying Jiu smiled lowly, "How funny and shuddering bad luck is, but it doesn't just bring bad luck."

"Then why does it cause you to fight? What's so special about it?" Zhou Fan asked, thinking to himself, if this is just a fruit that will make people unlucky, it will not attract such a high-level person like Yingjiu. The monk coveted.

"Because, there are rumors that it contains the Dao, the fruit of the legendary Dao, which can make us monks who can no longer progress further." Yingjiu answered Zhou Fan's question, "Such rumors are like wind. It spread and caused another bloodbath, and then I thought it was very interesting, so I joined the fight."

"The fruit of the Dao that implies the Dao..." Zhou Fan said in amazement, "So is this true?"

"Of course not." Yingjiu laughed again, "This is a lie, if it is really the fruit of the Great Dao, will it be your turn? But it is really mysterious, and I don't even know a little about it. I don't regret getting it, it's much more interesting than the rumored Fruit of the Great Way."

If it is not the fruit of the Dao, what would it be? Zhou Fan wanted to ask again, but Yingjiu refused to answer.

"I still want to ask." Zhou Fan looked at Yingjiu with bright eyes and said, "Will I die if I swallow it?"

Yingjiu looked at Zhou Fan and said with a sinister smile: "Who knows? I can swear to the boat, I don't know what will happen if you swallow it, you are still afraid of death, since this is the case. , I can tell you one more thing, you are likely to die if you swallow it, so do you still want to swallow it?"

It is very likely to die, this is really a poisonous fruit, UU reading www. Zhou Fan's face turned cold, "Why do you have to ask me to eat this fruit? How can this benefit you?"

"You have repeated this question many times. Maybe it's not good, maybe it's not bad. I always ask if it's fun, and don't care about the result." Yingjiu laughed again.

"But this fruit is not easy for you to come by. If I eat it like this, even if you poison me to death, wouldn't your fruit be gone?" Zhou Fan said regretfully.

Yingjiu laughed louder, and she felt more and more happy.

"Am I right?" Zhou Fan asked, his unpleasant laughter gave him a headache.

"No, I didn't expect you to ask this question so quickly." Yingjiu smiled, "If you didn't ask, I wouldn't say it, but you've already asked this, then I can tell you, nothing at all. No pity."

"You're not the first to eat this fruit."

Ying Jiu's voice echoed on the boat, making Zhou Fan's heart twitch faintly. (The strange world of immortality.. 151151060)--(The strange world of immortality)

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