Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1420: fusion character

Zhou Fan first opened the black iron box, which contained a mass of black lacquered mud.


But this mud is not completely dark, with a hint of red.


Zhou Fan looked at this mass of mud, he felt as if his mind was being captured, and quickly closed the black iron box, and this feeling disappeared.


"Don't say I didn't warn you, in the outside world, if you dare to look at Wang Zhiwei like this, your soul may collapse and die." Yingjiu said slowly, extending a finger , her fingertips overflowed with a little golden light.


This golden light flew towards Zhou Fan, and soon followed Zhou Fan's eyebrows.


This golden light is the fusion method of Wang Zhiwei's thoughts. This is what Zhou Fan agreed with Yingjiu in advance. It is impossible for him to ignore it, so Yingjiu will give it so readily.


The fusion method of each talisman is not the same. Zhou Fan took a closer look at the accommodation method given by Ying Jiu, and he was relieved. It will not be difficult, the difficulty of the rune state is whether the flesh can accommodate rune species.


Zhou Fan raised his head and thought again, "I'm so thin now, so when I wake up, I'll be like this, right?"


Yingjiu nodded. Regarding this small problem, she said lazily: "It's not a big problem for you. When you go back and find some powerful herbs and meat to make up for it, your body's qi and blood will soon recover. Having said that, you are pregnant, you really need to make up for it, and you can't lose the child in your belly anyway."


Speaking of which, Yingjiu let out a frantic laugh again, she thought it was very funny.


Zhou Fan snorted, as long as it was confirmed that nothing would happen.


When Zhou Fan woke up in the morning, before opening his eyes, he heard Xiao Qian's choked voice: "Master is like this, he will definitely not be able to save him, we will divide the master's belongings later, and then we will each Let's go."


"You should wake me up in advance. Even if I can't wake up the master, I can still hear the last words that the master left us. Now, the master didn't even leave us the last words." Xiao Qian cried again. complained.


"..." The corners of Zhou Fan's eyes jumped. He opened his eyes and saw Xiao Ling crying beside his quilt. He angrily said, "You idiot Xiao Ling, if I die, you will still be alive..."


"Master, you are not dead." Xiao Ling was stunned, not even wiping away her tears.


Xiaomei and Momo both barked twice.


"Nonsense." Zhou Fan ignored Xiao Ling, he found that he had indeed lost weight, and he was still skinny. Those who didn't know thought he was the brother of Thin Monkey.


When he remembered what happened on the boat, he had a faint headache again.


"That's great, the master is not dead." Xiao Ling wiped her tears with her sleeve.


Zhou Fan was moved to look at Xiao Ling, it seemed that Xiao Ling still cared about him.


"If the master dies, the duck legs that owe me will never be recovered."


Zhou Fan: "..."


"Xiao Ling, your two hundred duck legs are gone!"


Zhou Fan gave Xiao Su a lesson, and then he put away the black iron box that contained Wang Zhi's cunning thoughts.


The fact that Zhou Fan became thinner overnight could not be concealed from the people in the house. Du Ni and the others were a little frightened when they saw Zhou Fan like this. Zhou Fan said that it was caused by cultivating some special exercises, so he was appeased. Du mud them.


Then he started to eat and drink, not only big fish and meat, but also some nourishing and precious medicinal materials.


A cultivator in the golden body has an amazing absorption and conversion rate of food and medicinal materials. In just three days, Zhou Fan is no longer as frighteningly thin as before, and his blood energy has also recovered a lot.


This made Thin Monkey feel a little regretful. Sure enough, it was impossible for Afan to continue to lose weight like him.


After Zhou Fan recovered most of his vitality, he did not wait any longer, but began to arrange several sets of talisman formations in the courtyard, and then took out the black iron box that contained the king's delusions.


In addition to the black iron box, he took out a piece of black ore, a piece of blue bamboo, and a celadon vase, which contained purple water.


He bought these three things from the caravan in Blackwater City. There are very few caravans in Blackwater City, but it doesn't mean that there are none. Fortunately, these three things are not too rare items, otherwise trouble.


He took another black porcelain basin, and first poured the purple water from the celadon vase into the black ceramic basin.


Then he threw the black ore into it again. As soon as the black ore came into contact with the purple liquid, it quickly melted.


The liquid in the porcelain basin turned purple-black.


Zhou Fan then threw the blue bamboo into it, and the blue bamboo also began to melt, turning into a blue liquid.


If the order of these is wrong, such as throwing the green bamboo in first, the black ore will no longer be able to melt, and these materials will be useless.


Zhou Fan's face was slightly condensed as he looked at the incompatible blue, purple and black three-color liquid in the black porcelain basin. within the liquid.


The three-color liquid is constantly absorbing the spreading true essence, and the three-color liquid begins to emit a soft light.


After a while, Zhou Fan let go of his hand. This is the 'food' he prepared for Wang Zhiweixiang. This method of accommodation was created by Ying Jiu. It took a lot of thought to learn from the accommodation methods of other runes to create this accommodation method.


Wang Zhiwei is not a living being, and the word 'food' is just an easy-to-understand term. Only when Wang Zhiwei is full will it change into its true form.


He closed his eyes, Xiao Ling and the others had already been driven into the house by him, and they were not allowed to peek at them, otherwise, if they were influenced by Wang Zhi's cunning thoughts, it would not be a joke.


Zhou Fan, who closed his eyes, opened the black iron box and poured it into the black porcelain basin. He heard a strange sound of zizi, and when the strange sound dissipated, he opened his eyes carefully.


A fist-sized black flame was floating in front of his eyes. The center of the flame was constantly changing with various strange illusions. These illusions were changing so fast that it was dazzling.


Zhou Fan looked at it with bright eyes, this is the true form of Wang Zhi's delusion.


He put his hands together and began to form marks one by After each mark was completed, a golden light fell into the dark flame. The rest is the size of a thumb.


Zhou Fan stretched out a little bit of jet-black flame, and the jet-black flame stuck on his fingertips, his shirt was torn in pieces, and he pressed the jet-black flame on his fingertips to the pit of his heart.


The dark flames penetrated from the pit of the heart.


Zhou Fan was covered in dark flames, his brows were slightly wrinkled, he closed his eyes and ran his true essence, trying to integrate Wang Zhiwei into a part of his body.


His body and soul trembled faintly because of this, and he tried his best to start a long rally with the runes in his body.


Time passed slowly, the dark flame that had been burning gradually converged into the body, and there was a dark flame rune between his eyebrows, and the flame rune gave people a feeling of illusory and unreal.


At the same time, the powerful aura emanating from his body continued to rise.


Match the realm!

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