Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1421: Human head fruit tree

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The snow in the courtyard was swept up by the powerful aura emanating from Zhou Fan's body, as if a small snowstorm broke out in the courtyard.

However, this powerful aura quickly subsided and dissipated, and Fei Xue fell to the ground again.

The dark flame rune between Zhou Fan's eyebrows was also slowly fading. He opened his eyes, and there seemed to be thousands of illusions in the depths of his pupils.

He stood on the snow with a faint smile on his face. When he stepped into the early stage of the Rune Seed Realm, the amount and power of his True Essence increased a lot. Of course, the change of the True Essence is only the second, the more powerful means of the Rune Seed Realm. It is the rune it possesses.

And the rune he possesses is called the strongest king's delusion by Yingjiu!

Wang Zhiwei thought that he still needed time to slowly comprehend and experience it before he could exert its greatest power.

Having entered the Rune Realm, he has such a powerful Rune Seed that even if he encounters the Golden Core Realm, he will no longer have any fear.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, Jindan realm is rare in Great Wei, such monks cannot be dispatched casually, but the Zhou family's mortal enemy must have such monks, but he just doesn't know when they will appear.

He looked down at his heart again, his lifespan had become one hundred and eight years, and when he entered the early stage of the Rune Realm, it only added three years to his lifespan.

The Fu Seed Realm will only add ten years of lifespan in total. Compared with the Golden Body Realm, which can increase the lifespan by 50 years, there is a big gap. Some classics explain that the Golden Body Realm is a leap in life. The Fu Seed Realm only accommodates the Fu Seed, and the True Essence has increased, but the lifespan has not changed much.

Of course, this explanation may not be reasonable, but the fact that the Fu race can only increase the life expectancy by ten years cannot be changed.

Zhou Fan didn't think much about it. He doesn't need to think about his lifespan now. His lifespan is enough for him to live for many years.

He packed up, turned around and entered the house, released Xiao Qian and the others, and then asked the cook in the house to bring him a rich feast. He and Xiao Qian and the others celebrated his entry into the Rune Realm.

In a blink of an eye, several days passed.

In the past few days, Zhou Fan has been comprehending the purpose of Wang Zhi's delusion. He originally wanted to ask Ying Jiu, the first monk to have Wang's delusion, but Ying Jiu didn't want to pay attention to him at all. Disappearing on the boat, he could only think slowly.

The more he pondered, the more he had mastered the fur, he was already amazed by the specialness of Wang Zhi's thoughts. Once he used his own rune, even the Dan Tribulation Realm might not be able to hold many moves from his hands.

And more usages have to be slowly understood in actual combat, but he doesn't want too many people to know that he has entered the rune realm, so his test subjects are currently limited to Xiaoxiao, not even Du Ni and the others. Knowing that he has entered the Rune Realm.

In addition to cultivation, he is also concerned about other things. For example, the negotiations between Zhang Li Xiaohu and the Barbarian Demon tribe are still going on.

Also, after so many days, Hou Shisanjian has not yet arrived at Blackwater City...

If it wasn't for Du Ni and the others, Zhou Fan almost forgot about it. They can't contact Hou Shisan Jian at the moment. They just know that Hou Shi Shi Jian passed the teleportation formation of Cangdong Daocheng, but what happened to Hou Shi Shi Jian. The location, no one knows.

Could it be that he encountered danger on the road and died... Zhou Fan thought worriedly, this possibility is possible, but the more likely reason is that Hou Shisanjian is too lazy, taking two steps and taking three steps back, ghost Know how long he can linger.

Zhou Fan showed helplessness. He touched his belly, and he felt hungry again. This was a change that made him feel uneasy. His appetite was more than three times larger than before.

Originally, after entering the Dao state, he would not feel hungry even if he did not eat or drink for three days, but now he seems to be hungry all the time and needs to take a lot of food. After his hunger, he asked the kitchen to prepare medicinal meals for him.

Otherwise, he would have to eat five or six times a day, which would be a waste of time.

He didn't have to think about this change, it must be because of the three **** in his stomach...

I heard that some women who are pregnant with Liujia are like this. They feel very hungry every day and have to eat a lot... Zhou Fan twitched his mouth, showing a look of crying and laughing. I don't want to tell anyone.

It's really embarrassing. If others find out that his seven-footed men are pregnant, wouldn't they be laughing to death.

He suddenly and terrified to think that in the future, will his flat belly get bigger every day?

If he has a big belly, he can't hide it...

He is now overeating every day, and his skinny body has returned to its original shape. More than that, his body seems to be bigger than before.

"No, if I eat and drink like this every day, I have to practice more diligently, otherwise I will become a fat man." Zhou Fan touched his bald head and thought, "Bald heads are ugly enough, if they gain weight again , it would be even more ugly."

Huh, shouldn't this be pregnant women's fat... Zhou Fan doesn't dare to think about it Some things are really terrifying.

But he can't stop eating. If he doesn't eat, he'll be very hungry. The three little **** in his stomach are all little ancestors. He doesn't care what monsters those little ancestors are now, he only hopes that after they are born , hurry up and stop pestering him.

Zhou Fan doesn't think that he gave birth to those three balls, they are their fathers, he doesn't dare to think so.

Just when Zhou Fan was thinking about it alone, a small official in the Daduhu mansion hurried over and said that Du Ni and the others told him to hurry over.

Zhou Fan knew there must be something urgent, so he hurried to the meeting room.

"My lord, Brother Zhang Li has heard news that a huge 300-foot-tall fruit tree with a human head appeared overnight in the Wild Demon Ice Region." Du Ni said in a hurry.

A huge human-headed fruit tree three hundred feet high?

Zhou Fan was stunned for a moment, and he said solemnly: "Is the news true? Could it be a trap set by the barbarian tribe?"

He had never heard of a giant human-headed fruit tree that was three hundred feet tall.

"There shouldn't be any fakes. Brother Zhang Li said that all the tribes in the savage ice area are crazy about it, and they are fighting to occupy the territory." Du Ni said again.

"Why do you want to occupy the territory?" Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly and asked.

"According to Brother Zhang Li, there are a lot of human head fruit on the huge human head fruit tree, so many that I can't count them for a while, but none of them are mature. Those savage monster tribes are fighting for the most convenient position to win the human head fruit. ."

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