Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1426: give you a chance

The huge group of black and red monsters is like a black and red cloud covering the earth, making it a huge shadow.


Even if the five major tribes didn't want to leave, they didn't dare to do it the first time. They were afraid that if they did, it would be like poking a hornet's nest, and all those black and red monsters would come down.


In this way, even if they can win, I am afraid they will pay a great price.


Don't watch them unite, but if these black and red monsters are too strong, they will leave without hesitation. The savage monsters are brave and good at fighting, and they will never fight with monsters, otherwise they will not be able to survive the dangerous savage ice. Domain survived for such a long time.


But if you want them to do nothing and leave silently, that can't be done. The total number of people from the five major clans has exceeded 60,000, and there are still clans in the middle class who will not leave. They are already communicating with the middle-level clans. The barbarian clan also joined them, so that their odds of winning were even better.


They raised their heads and watched nervously, and a tall black-red monster suddenly flew out of the huge black-red monster group.


"We are the Blade's Edge Zerg." Zhou Fan pointed at the ice-blue fruit tree with sharp claws, and the voice slowly spread into everyone's ears, "This tree will belong to the emperor of my clan, my emperor is kind, no I wish to easily slaughter the living beings in the world, and you will retreat quickly, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."


The savage monsters were all slightly startled. Most of them couldn't understand Zhou Fan's words, but they could hear it from the unique voice. It was human language.


It's not surprising that people speak strangely. After all, humans are the largest living creature group.


People from the five tribes of the barbarian who were proficient in human languages ​​quickly ran to their respective patriarchs and translated what Zhou Fan said for them.


The patriarchs of the five major tribes all looked at each other in dismay.


Only wise men can speak human language, but the number of wise men is very rare.


"Don't you want to retreat?" Zhou Fan's thunderous roar continued to spread, causing the eardrums of many monsters to ache.


Zhou Fan raised his hand, and the huge black and red monsters in the sky spread their wings and prepared to land.


The barbarians raised their heads and looked at the black and red clouds in the sky in fear.


"Wait." A voice came from below.


Zhou Fan's sharp claws clenched his fists, and the huge group of black and red monsters swept their wings and hovered in the air.


This action caused the complexion of many knowledgeable savage monsters to change slightly. This kind of ban, the army is like a group of strange people with one heart, even if the level is not high, it makes them afraid.


"My lord, I don't know what to call you?" It was still the voice with some vicissitudes talking.


"I am the general of the thirteenth army under the sage, number 9527." Zhou Fan said in a sharp and hoarse voice: "In order to facilitate communication with you creatures, you can call me Dao Aotian."


The Thirteenth Army... That is to say, the Blade Zerg has at least thirteen armies. If each army has such a number... All the savage monsters are shocked, where did these Blade Zerg come from?


If there is this blade Zerg in the barbarian ice area, then their barbarian tribe should relocate.


"It turned out to be General Dao, are you here for the fruit tree?" The barbarian demon at the bottom discussed it for a while, and then the barbarian monster at the beginning still spoke.


"Of course, my emperor took a fancy to this fruit tree with a human head and ordered me to bring an army to fetch it. My family never embarrassed creatures like you when they were not hungry, so let's retreat." Zhou Fan said coldly: "I Patience is limited."


"General Dao is reasonable, so you should know that if you come first and come later, this human head fruit tree is occupied by our barbarian tribe first, and it is very unreasonable to ask us to let it go." The barbarian tribe's voice replied.


To be reasonable, don't you savage monsters never talk about reason and only talk about fists, but also come first and then come... Zhou Fan twitched his mouth, he waited patiently for a while, and seemed to pretend to consider: "It's not unreasonable for you to say this, My emperor has cultivated his mind for nearly a hundred years and does not like to kill, but my family has always believed in the truth of the wild world, natural selection, the survival of the fittest, and the elimination of the unfit."


"Even if you come first, if the strength is too weak, why should we retreat like this? Well, I will give you a chance, do you accept it?"


"What chance?" the old man asked.


"I see that your army is mainly composed of five different races. Then your five races will send the five strongest masters out to fight with me, and the loser will leave. What do you think?" Zhou Fan suggested in a deep voice. road.


The savage monsters all stared at the sky in silence and stunned. The blade Zerg general called Dao Aotian is really strong enough to challenge the strongest masters of the five clans?


The patriarchs of the five major tribes stood together and discussed, and soon they found that this method was good, which could minimize their losses.


If he really loses, then his skills are not as good as others. It is not unacceptable to withdraw from the competition for the fruit tree.


Could it be that you can't win even if you still stay and die?


This is the best chance to test this group of monsters named Blade's Edge Zerg. It is much less risky than they expected to use war to test. After all, once the war starts, they don't know how many people will die... Maybe they won't even get anything.


Now that the polite general of the Blade-Edge Zerg has proposed this method, then follow this method.


"It will come up with this method, probably because it doesn't want its own troops to be compromised." A savage wise man guessed like this.


This guess has also been recognized by many demons.


"General Dao, we agreed." The savage demon who was proficient in human language quickly replied, "But you have to come down. There are a few strong people here who can't fly, so it's only fair."


In fact, even if they can fly, they don't want to fight a monster who is good at flying in the air.


Zhou Fan nodded slightly, the illusory wings behind him fluttered, and then slowly landed on the ground.


The savage monsters below quickly dispersed, leaving a vast open space in an instant. Seeing this hideous black and red monster at close range, the pressure is even stronger.


"Send your strong men Don't waste your time." Zhou Fan said lightly.


The strongest among the five clans is the patriarch of their clan, and the patriarchs of the five clans came out one by one.


The Mosquito Clan's patriarch has gray-black skin, a pair of small transparent wings on his back, and six sharp tentacles sticking out from both sides of his body.


The patriarch of the curse puppet clan is a little short in stature and looks unmistakable, but there are countless spell patterns on his face, and a pair of bright yellow eyes that are somewhat dim.


The head of the earth elephant clan is eight feet tall, and its skin is wrinkled like the bark of an old tree.


The patriarch of the Lotus Sword Clan looked like a lotus root man, but his arms were sharp black swords.


The Cicada Monster Clan's patriarch fanned the Cicada's wings lightly, and its facial features were sunken, leaving a pair of red compound eyes.


The five of them all stared at Zhou Fan, the black and red monster.


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