Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1427: you are too weak

The savage monsters are still retreating. This is a battle between the strong. If they are involved, they will definitely not survive.


"You are too weak." Zhou Fan said lightly, "You can take action first."


The moment Zhou Fan said that he could make a move, the Mosquito Patriarch moved first. He flapped his wings, and his body was so fast that he couldn't even see a shadow and teleported to Zhou Fan, and his six tentacles stabbed towards Zhou Fan.


The tentacle penetrated Zhou Fan's body, but it was like a stab in the air.


"Be careful, it's an illusion!" The Mosquito Patriarch shouted sharply in a savage language.


It's just that Zhou Fan, who it thought was an illusion, bent his claws and punched the Mosquito Patriarch. The Mosquito Patriarch was slightly startled, but it was not slow, and its wings wrapped around it behind it.


The fist slammed on the wings of the mosquito people, and with a bang, a huge wave of air quickly spread, blowing and scratching the skin of the barbarians.


The Mosquito Patriarch was also blasted out, and he flapped his wings to settle down. He was not injured, but only whispered, "Isn't it an illusion?"


At the moment when the Mosquito Patriarch was hovering, the Oujian Patriarch and the Earth Elephant Patriarch had already rushed towards Zhou Fan, and the dark double swords and broad fists slammed into the still standing Zhou Fan.


Both swords and fists have huge energy raging, causing the earth to break inch by inch. The barbarian monsters who thought they had retreated far enough were still retreating. Under the energy coverage, they could no longer see the fighting situation. Attacking the general of the blade zerg with all his strength.


The patriarchs of the five major tribes all have the strength to fight against the human race, even stronger than the human race.


The frost-covered snow ground rolled up with snow, and it seemed like a huge storm was rolling up at the battle, but the storm stopped shortly after.


The Oujian Clan Chief and the Earth Elephant Clan Chief retreated again and again, and all the savage monsters were shocked to find that the black and red monster was still unscathed.


The Oujian Clan Chief and the Earth Elephant Clan Chief both had solemn expressions on their faces. All of their attacks just now hit the air.


"Be careful, his body is very strange." The Mosquito Patriarch fell to the ground and said solemnly.


The pair of red compound eyes of the Cicada Monster Clan kept staring at Zhou Fan, and it said, "This is not an illusion."


"Are you all capable of this?" Zhou Fan asked in a mocking voice.


The cursed patriarch said something in his mouth, it was cursing Zhou Fan.


There was indeed a red flame burning on Zhou Fan's body, but the red flame continued to burn, but he was still not affected in any way. He was still lightly sighed and chuckled: "What a warm fire, thank you."


The sunken facial features of the Chan Yao Patriarch suddenly trembled, and when the cicada chirped, countless finely shattered sword beams appeared in the heavens and the earth slicing on Zhou Fan's black and red monster, but it was still ineffective.


The Mosquito Man Clan, the Earth Elephant Clan, and the Oujian Clan attacked at close range again, but they soon found that their attacks could not have any effect on the Blade General, but the Blade General raised his sharp claws every time. , issued several gray blade awns, threatening the three of them very much.


The six tentacles of the Mosquito Patriarch were cut off in order to resist the sword light, and he retreated with lingering fears before the tentacles grew back.


The pair of black swords in Patriarch Oujian's arm also had dense cracks.


The thick body of the earth elephant patriarch was also full of cracks.


The patriarch of the curse puppet uttered one curse after another, and the cicadas of the patriarch Chan Yao became more and more intense, and they were all targeting the general of the blade with their own means.


"It's boring, don't play anymore!" Zhou Fan, the general of the blade, let out a boring sigh, and a huge power surged out of his body.


The five clan chiefs were all heartbroken. They felt an indescribable danger. The earth elephant clan chief let out a roar, and then the five savage monsters all retreated frantically in unison, shouting things Zhou Fan did not understand.


"Stop fighting, we will admit defeat." A savage demon who was proficient in human language quickly called out for the five patriarchs.


Zhou Fan's poised attack stopped, and everything seemed to vanish.


Admitting defeat is unanimously approved by the patriarchs of the five clans. No kind of attack is effective. They feel that this slander has never been serious. The moment they stopped, they were really afraid. .


Zhou Fan laughed inwardly, he just wanted to use the three-style slashing style of the kitten, which would be in line with his powerful and eccentric identity. Unexpectedly, the patriarchs of these five savage monster tribes smelled the danger and resolutely surrendered.


"General Dao is really powerful, we lost, we will leave here." The barbarian demon who is proficient in human language said for the five patriarchs.


They couldn't beat them, and they just left to die. The savage demons felt sorry, but they didn't feel dissatisfied. They could only give up the fruit tree with a human head.


"Wait." Zhou Fan stopped the savage monsters.


The patriarchs of the five major clans and the masters in the clan immediately watched Zhou Fan vigilantly, fearing that Zhou Fan would change his mind. This general of the blade edge is too strong, even if his subordinates are not strong, but led by the general of the blade edge, the barbarian monster tribe has no chance of winning. .


"How many human head fruits are there on this tree?" Zhou Fan asked.


"There are 23,000 human head fruits." The savage monster replied, they had already counted how many there were.


"It's still a while before it matures." Zhou Fan said in a distressed voice: "I still want to serve my emperor and wait for orders. It's too troublesome to stay here for a long time. Would you like to watch the fruit tree with human heads for me?"


"If you want, I can leave you 10% of the head fruit, what do you think?"


The five barbarian demon tribes all discussed in a low voice.


"Don't worry, you just have to watch for me. If you encounter any trouble that you can't handle, I'll handle it." Zhou Fan said slowly again.


"I don't know how to contact the general?" asked a barbarian demon.


"I will come here every month to collect a certain amount of head fruit. If there are any creatures or monsters who dare to rob them, tell me, and I will kill them." Zhou Fan said lightly: "Of course, you are not taking the head fruit for nothing. The opponents who are too weak want me to shoot, that's not good."


"Also, don't make a fool of your mind, otherwise, no matter where you flee, I will have a way to find you. Well, that's about it. Are you willing to guard the fruit tree for me?"


"We are willing." In the end, the five wild monster tribes agreed.


10% of the human head fruit, that is 2,300 human head fruit, this is not a small number, each of the five major tribes can get hundreds of human head fruit, which is better than not getting one.


And there is not much danger, if you really can't beat it, then back off and let the Blade-Edge Zerg solve it by itself.


Seeing the savage demon tribe agree, Zhou Fan said a few more words, agreeing that the first batch of fruits will come back after five days when they are ripe. Only then did he fly up and return to the group of black and red monsters.


A huge black vortex appeared in the sky, and a group of black and red monsters entered the black vortex before disappearing.


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