Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1428: 1 do not give

After the five clan chiefs watched the black and red monsters enter the huge black vortex, the black vortex gradually collapsed into a ball and disappeared, and the five chiefs changed their expressions slightly.


This transmission method has surpassed their imagination. Fortunately, the Blade's Edge Zerg is a clever race. If there is a strange group of people who can't communicate, then things will be bad today.


It seems that this Blade-Edge Zerg has been teleported in this way before, and they are not the strange group nearby.


Zhou Fan, who was in the invisible state, grinned. Of course, the huge black vortex was just an illusion. The so-called entering the black vortex was only because he had released the illusion of the black and red monster. Once he released the illusion, he entered the invisible state. .


Zhou Fan flew in the direction of his camp, he laughed, the plan was successful, and he was finally stunned.


This is entirely due to the power of the rune king's delusion. The illusion it creates is difficult to see through as a false illusion.


In the battle just now, the five clan chiefs' attacks had no effect on him, that's because at the moment the battle started, he used the king's delusion to quietly drag the five barbarian monsters into his illusion.


So they are just fighting with the air, how could they hit him?


The most terrifying thing is that they don't even know that they have been hit by an illusion. In this case, it is not very difficult for Zhou Fan to kill them.


As for the savage monsters onlookers, they can't be distinguished. They were not dragged into the illusion by Zhou Fan, but during the battle, he imposed an external projection illusion, so that what they saw at all was as great as the real one. the difference.


The scary thing about King's Conspiracy lies in its concealment, whether it conjures up vision-affecting projection illusions or drags people into a more realistic illusion, it can be concealed enough.


Of course, at his current level, Wang Zhiwei can achieve this level at most. Fakes are always fakes. If you encounter a powerful cultivator, you may find that you are in an illusion, and your thoughts are separated from the illusion. .


The biggest flaw of the King's Delusion is that it is an illusion system. It doesn't have any attack power yet, but it hasn't always been like this. With the practice, his King's Delusion will become more and more powerful and false. Fantasy can also affect reality!


The king's delusion, which seems to have no offensive power, will become even more dangerous.


Zhou Fan pondered the change in Wang Zhiwei's thoughts, and he soon returned to the camp of the Great Protectorate.


The atmosphere in the camp was a little serious and tense, and he understood that it was caused by the influence of the Blade Zerg.


In the face of Zhang Li Xiaohu and others' inquiries, Zhou Fan just told what the savage monsters saw.


"That is to say, the Blade's Edge Zerg came to the human head fruit tree. It won 90% of the human head fruit tree, and the five major tribes got 10%." Zhang Li Xiaohu was stunned and said: "That's it. what should we do?"


"We can only give up." Wen Xiao said solemnly: "We will intervene again at this time. Even if we can win the five major clans, we will also have a conflict with the Blade's Edge Zerg. If they hate the Black Water Protectorate, then It doesn't do us any good."


"Yes, yes, yes." Grandpa Ao also said with lingering fears: "The blade zerg are really terrible, we don't need to provoke them, it seems that they don't have any interest in the Black Water Protectorate."


"But it's too weird for them to come and go." Xiong Feixiu rolled her eyes.


"Because it's weird coming and going, that's dangerous." Wen Xiao said.


"But it's a pity." Zhang Li Xiaohu sighed helplessly, "Have more than 20,000 head fruits, just look at them and give up?"


"I feel more distressed than you." Eunuch Ao shook his face and said, "But no amount of money can buy your life back. Let's just forget about it."


Zhou Fan had a serious face, pretending to be serious, otherwise he was afraid that he couldn't help laughing.


But this matter can only be kept secret. He doesn't want too many people to know about the existence of Wang Zhiwei, which is his trump card.


After discussing for a while, everyone unanimously decided not to offend the Blade Zerg for the head fruit tree.


"The matter about the Blade Zerg needs to be kept secret." Zhou Fan thought for a while and then said: "Otherwise, I'm afraid that someone with a heart will deliberately use this to attack the fruit tree of the head and cause a conflict between the Black Water Protectorate and the Blade Zerg."


"You really need to be careful." Zhang Li Xiaohu immediately came over, thinking that Zhou Fan was talking about the Hanbei Daoist Palace.


But what Zhang Li Xiaohu doesn't know is that it's not just the Hanbei Daoist Mansion, Zhou Fan is more worried that the Zhou family's mortal enemy will use this to make trouble. Even if the Blade's Edge Zerg is fake, he doesn't want the head fruit to be taken away. Or the head fruit tree is destroyed.


Of course, the probability of this kind of thing is very low. Let alone the strength of the savage monster tribe, there are enough of them. If it weren't for a cultivator like Zhou Fan who can quickly restore his true essence, even a cultivator in the Jindan realm would not dare to provoke such a thing easily. A lot of savage monsters, otherwise they will be forced to death.


Besides, the road is far away, and when the Hanbei Daoist Mansion sends someone over to **** it, they will already be picked.


If the main mansion of Hanbei Dao didn't come over in person, and the rest of the people came to want to grab food from the wild monster clan, then the number of people who came could not be small, but there were too many people, what should I do with the affairs of Hanbei Dao?


If it hadn't really happened, Hanbei Dao's troops would not be able to be mobilized indiscriminately. Otherwise, something really happened in Hanbei Dao, delaying the rescue opportunity, and Taoist Hua Feihua couldn't take the responsibility.


This is not something that can be solved by being removed from the post of Taoist.


So Zhou Fan wasn't very worried. He also said that he and Zhang Li Xiaohu stayed in the camp to see if things would change. He asked Wen Xiaoxiaoshen and the others to go back to Blackwater City to work first.


Wen Xiaoxu Shen Shen and they hadn't set off Ni and the others sent a message saying that the Hanbei Daoist's mansion knew about Rentouguo, and the Hanbei Daoist's mansion demanded that the Dadu Protectorate must seize it. Order a certain number of head fruits and hand them over to the Hanbei Daoist Palace.


In the face of such a request, Zhou Fan just laughed, and asked Du Ni and the others to reply to the Hanbei Daoist Mansion, saying that the savage demon clan was powerful, and the Heishui Dufufu could not be involved in this matter. In order to ensure the Heishui Dufufu The security has given up to join the fight for the head fruit.


As for whether the Hanbei Daoist Palace believes it or not, then it's none of his business. It is impossible for the Hanbei Daoist Palace to issue an order for the Dadu Hufu to forcibly **** the head fruit!


The main residence of Hanbei Road.


After Hua Feihua listened to the reply from the Dadu Hufu, his face turned slightly cold. With so many head fruits, even he, the Hanbei Daoist, couldn't not be moved, but he also understood that because of the contradiction between him and Zhou Fan , Zhou Fan couldn't possibly give him a piece of the pie.


"I think how long can you jump?" Hua Feihua sneered, looking at the staff next to him and said: "Since there is no way to make a move, let's play with him, and pull him from the position of Datuhu first to me. down."

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