Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1444: Illusion dispels itself

Zhou Fan could only use the secret technique as an excuse to fool Du Ni and the others.

He can't tell them that he is pregnant, it's too scary to say that, and he can't afford to lose this person, he will be laughed to death.

Besides, he didn't think it was pregnancy, he just had three tumors growing in his belly, and when the time came, he would take them out.

This is definitely not pregnancy, he said silently in his heart.

Everyone quickly dispersed and went back to their own room. Zhou Fan went back to his room. He unbuttoned his robe and glanced down. His belly, which had been slightly swollen, was like the belly accumulated by a middle-aged person.

He now has to tuck his abdomen in slightly when he walks so that he can hide.

"Master, your belly is so big, it's like a woman is pregnant." Xiao Ling glanced curiously and said, she also didn't know that there were three more little lives in Zhou Fan's belly.

If Xiao Ling knew, she would be able to laugh for ten days and ten nights.

"Slandering the master and deducting 100 duck legs from you." Zhou Fan touched his 'belly' and said.

Xiao Ling immediately cried and cried, but Zhou Fan ignored Xiao Ling, he was troubled, and it really couldn't hide it if it continued like this.

However, he quickly thought of a way to gently wipe his belly with his hand, and the belly immediately shrank back and changed back to its previous appearance.

Xiao Yan let out a small yawn, why is there no belly? She jumped over, stretched out her hand and touched it, and found that her belly was still there, but it was just covered up by the master's magic.

Zhou Fan looked at Xiaoxuan indecently on his belly with a dark face. Seeing that Xiaoxuan hadn't retreated, he couldn't help but slapped Xiaoxiao.

With an oops, Xiao Ling was slapped on the wall, sliding down the wall in a 'big' shape.

The little girl and Momo walked over, the little girl barked lowly, and turned Xiao Ling over with her dog's paw, Xiao Ling's eyes rolled in circles, "I'm hurt, it's so pitiful, can the master put those one hundred ducks over? Give me the leg back?"

Zhou Fan snorted. He patted his belly with satisfaction. He used the Wangzhi Delusional Talisman to cover up his belly with the illusion displayed by the Talisman, as long as he didn't touch his belly , you won't find him covered with illusion.

As for the real essence consumed by the activating runes, to him, it's just a drizzle, and he doesn't need to care at all.

He felt a little regret in his heart, why didn't he think that if he wanted to, he should directly cover up the fact that he was fat with illusion, but it was not too late, he could cover up the fact that he was getting fatter.

When he thought about it like this, he found that the Wangzhi delusional illusion that covered his stomach was suddenly lifted.

This made Zhou Fan stunned for a moment, his face became serious, and he used the illusion again, but just after the illusion was finished, it was lifted again.

He kept performing illusions, but the illusions kept getting lifted. In the eyes of Xiao Qian and the others, Zhou Fan's belly suddenly bulged out and then suddenly shrank back, making Xiao Qian's eyebrows jump, but she didn't dare to laugh, for fear of being caught The owner is angry.

Zhou Fan stopped performing the illusion, his face became solemn, he knew that the three **** in his belly must be causing trouble.

They invalidated his phantasmagoria of the Rune King.

This is not a trivial matter. If he is in the middle of the battle, if he is suddenly interrupted or cancelled, it will be too dangerous for him.

He thought for a while, transformed into a blade zerg, and then waited anxiously, but this time the form of the blade zerg was not lifted.

Zhou Fan changed several times next, but none of the illusions were suddenly lifted.

He couldn't help but cast an illusion on his stomach again, which was quickly dispelled.

That is to say, he can't use illusions specifically on his stomach... Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows, which is true at present, but he still can't be completely relieved.

He didn't like this kind of rune's sudden out-of-control state.

In the evening, Zhou Fan appeared on the boat, and after contacting Qifu and saying a few words, he looked at Yingjiu again.

Yingjiu twisted her head off and placed it in front of the square table, holding a pitch-black dagger in each of her hands, which she gestured towards her head.

Watching such a weird and terrifying scene, Zhou Fan still remained calm. Ying Jiu is the most neurotic among so many guides. No matter what strange actions are made, it is possible. He has seen a lot.

As for Yingjiu twisting her head off and not dying, this is not a strange thing for a monk of her level.

The baby nine head on the table sensed Zhou Fan's gaze, she asked with a smile, "Is something wrong?"

As she spoke, the dagger she held in her left hand cut off her small nose without much bloodshed.

The dagger in her right hand poked her severed nose and stretched it out towards her mouth. She opened her mouth, bit her nose, and chewed.

Zhou Fanqiang held back his vomiting and told Yingjiu that he had lifted the illusion today.

During this period, Yingjiu also ate all her ears and eyeballs into her mouth.

"Hey, where did the food you eat go?" Zhou Fan couldn't help but ask after talking about his own affairs.

"Of course it's back to its original position." Ying Jiu smiled strangely, her nose, eyes, and ears really grew back.

The dark dagger in her hands turned into mist and dissipated, she picked up her head and placed it on her neck, she returned to her normal appearance, she turned to look at Zhou Fan and said, "What you told me just now It's interesting, if you want, I can check it again for you."

Zhou Fan hesitated for a while and agreed. On the boat, as long as Yingjiu didn't want to die, he couldn't hurt him, so let her check for him, so as to know what happened.

Yingjiu saw Zhou Fan's She flicked her fingers, and a silver light bounced from her fingertips and fell on Zhou Fan's body.

The silver light swam around Zhou Fan's body, flew out quickly, and returned to Yingjiu's palm. She held the light and closed her eyes.

It didn't take long for her to open her eyes and spread out her palms. The silver light dissipated. She watched Zhou Fan keep smiling until Zhou Fan had goosebumps all over her body. She said, "It's nothing major, just fetal movement."

Fetal movement... Zhou Fanqiang resisted the urge to cover his face, "Can you stop making such a joke?"

"I'm not joking." Yingjiu smiled and said, "The fetal movement is just a more vivid way of saying, if you don't like it, then I'll put it another way. The three little guys in your belly have already developed self-awareness, and they are currently They are one with you, so if one of them wants to, of course it can control your body and release the illusion you set up."

Self-consciousness came into being... Zhou Fan's face changed slightly. Ever since he swallowed the fruit and had three more small **** in his belly, he has been worried, afraid that some unexpected changes will occur. coming.

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