Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1445: you will love them

"Will they slowly gain control of my body?" Zhou Fan asked in a deep voice. If so, he would be completely a puppet.

Yingjiu thought about it seriously and said, "Although I want to scare you, you will definitely doubt it, it's better to tell you the truth, it shouldn't be, not to mention that they have just become conscious, even if their consciousness becomes stronger, but this is after all. Your body, at most, they will make trouble with you, saying that they want to take control of the body, which is simply impossible."

Zhou Fan is distinguishing the truth from Yingjiu's words. He can't remove the three strange **** in his stomach. Yingjiu is not afraid that he can kill the three strange balls, so there is no need to lie to him, and use the baby Nine's past actions, these words should not be false.

"Even if I make trouble, it's a very troublesome thing for me. If they shatter me during the battle, then I'll be out of luck." Zhou Fan frowned and said, "Is there any way to prevent them from making trouble?"

"There is no way to do this. I can't even figure out what they are now, and I can't help you if I want to help you." Yingjiu sighed.

Zhou Fan's face was calm. He didn't really believe what Yingjiu said. With what he knew about Yingjiu, even if there was a way, Yingjiu would not help him, but would gloat at the misfortune.

"Actually, you don't have to worry too much. They will know the importance. After all, if you die, they will not survive because they have lost your mother body, so if they are in danger, they will not dare to come here." Ying Jiu You It is comforting.

Tonight's Ying Jiu is completely different from the past, it's like a different person.

Zhou Fan said with a sullen face: "They are just conscious, how can they tell the severity, and how do they know when it is dangerous?"

From Zhou Fan's point of view, Yingjiu is completely nonsense.

Yingjiu laughed, she said in a sneering and harsh voice: "You can't measure these three little guys with the way of people, such as some living creatures or strange things, you will know them from the moment they are born, no matter what. Neither intelligence nor knowledge of the world is much different from that of an adult."

"How old is your eldest daughter Chifu this year?"

Zhou Fan's expression became a little more subtle, Chufu was not yet two years old this year, but because of his special state... It is true that some special creatures or strange things cannot be viewed with normal people's thinking.

"Do you understand now?" Yingjiu snorted: "If you treat the three of them as ordinary human babies, then you will suffer a lot."

"As far as I know, some living beings are still in the mother's womb, and they can absorb the knowledge of the mother's womb and slowly digest them, so that they know it from the moment of birth, and can speak well."

"Not to mention that the three of them are very special..."

Zhou Fan frowned and said, "Actually, I've always been worried about one thing. Do you think the three of them will be reincarnated from some old monsters? In fact, their consciousness awakened, but their memories recovered?"

If it is the consciousness of the new birth, and there is no previous life, then he will not be too afraid, but he is afraid of reincarnation.

"It's hard to say..." Yingjiu smiled strangely: "I never knew the origin of that fruit you ate, so anything could happen, even if the boat kept you alive, but what price do you think you paid for it? Don't you have to pay?"

"I wouldn't be surprised if you were suddenly killed by three of them at the next moment."

Zhou Fan's heart was a little heavy, because Yingjiu was right, he swallowed such a strange fruit, the ship said that he would not die, but what will happen in the future, it is difficult to say, but the ship said that they would not die. It will hurt him, he doesn't have to worry so much...

Besides, worrying was useless, and he couldn't help them either.

"Why don't I give you a dagger and try to dig them out of your stomach yourself." Yingjiu handed over a dark dagger and said in a provocative voice.

Zhou Fan rolled his eyes, this is simply impossible, Yingjiu was just joking with him, they were already linked to his life, even if he opened his stomach before the time came, it was just a waste of effort.

"I don't understand, why do they have to break my illusion to cover my stomach?" Zhou Fan then put his mind back to the original question.

"Who knows what they think?" Yingjiu shook her head and said, "I tried to communicate with them just now, but they didn't respond to me, which means they haven't been able to convey their consciousness."

"When have you communicated with them?" Zhou Fan asked, his face changed slightly, but he quickly responded, "Is it when I check my body?"

"Yeah." Yingjiu smiled, "You didn't say you couldn't communicate with them."

Zhou Fan snorted coldly, this is indeed what he didn't expect, it seems that Ying Jiu said something kind to check his body, but just wanted to communicate with those three balls.

If they can communicate, who knows whether Yingjiu will reach any terrible agreement with those three little balls.

He suddenly thought about whether Yingjiu's attempt to communicate with them was a trap. In fact, Yingjiu had already reached an agreement with them. Even if the physical examination was only a momentary thing, for a powerful cultivator, a An instant might be enough to get her done.

However, Zhou Fan felt that it was unlikely. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Your attempts like this are a bit redundant. Even if they can communicate with you, their consciousness cannot appear on the boat."

It's the same reason that Xiao Qian can't appear on the boat either.

"Maybe it can?" Yingjiu smiled and said, "I know it's unlikely, but you have to try it. In a sense, they are your children, and your three daughters can be your assistants. Are you on the boat?"

My child... Zhou Fan's eyes twitched, this was something he never dared to think about.

"What? Are you unwilling to accept them?" Yingjiu asked with a smile: "If I read it your first daughter should be born to you and a freak, and the second daughter It was born with the dragon, the third daughter is normal, you can accept a weird daughter and the dragon's daughter, why can't you accept them?"

"It's different." Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows and said, "The little girl Chifu is a deceitful person, and she is willing to recognize me. Momo is a dragon now, but she can transform into a human form in the future, with human thinking, this It's not a big problem, but I don't know what happens when they are born..."

"If they are inhuman monsters that can't communicate, how do you want me to treat them as my children?"

Even if the child was born to him...

"October is pregnant, and as soon as you give birth, I think even if they are monsters of unknown origin, you will love them, and they will love you, as a first-time mother and first-time father, you will soon have a deep understanding of."

Ying Jiu laughed, and the unpleasant laughter echoed on the boat.

Zhou Fan's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

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