Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1522: teaching conditions

Now that Yingjiu was about to make an offer, Zhou Fan asked, "Then what price do you want them to pay?"

"I want them to lend me their laws." Yingjiu smiled and said, "When I use them in the final battle with the ship, with their three laws, my odds of winning are better."

"Can the rules be lent too?" Zhou Fan said in surprise.

"Of course ordinary monks can't, but they are not ordinary people. They are the sons of the law. As long as they agree, I can borrow them for use." Yingjiu said slowly.

"Will it have any bad influence on them?" Zhou Fan asked.

"Of course not, I can swear by Dao Xin." Yingjiu affirmed: "Actually, I use their laws to use them, but it's just incidental. I just think your three sons are very pleasing to the eye and want to teach them."

"Okay, you swear, but I have one more condition, I hope you will put it in the oath." Zhou Fan said, "I hope you don't have any intention of harming them when you teach them."

If Yingjiu refuses to join this condition, it means that she taught Zhou Xiaobai and the others with ill intentions, then Zhou Fan will never let Yingjiu teach them three, at best he can find a way.

"That's fine." Yingjiu gave Zhou Fan a sidelong glance and said dissatisfiedly, "You are too suspicious, what conditions do you have, even if you bring it up, if you dare to mention it again, I won't teach it!"

Zhou Fan thought about it seriously, and then smiled: "I'm sorry, it's an old problem, you swear."

He thought about it, and he felt that it was difficult for Yingjiu to move too much on this kind of thing.

He also didn't want to anger Yingjiu, otherwise he wanted to find a top cultivator like Yingjiu to teach the three of Zhou Xiaobai, which was almost impossible.

Yingjiu immediately swore, and after she swore, she smiled and said, "Is that all right? Don't let your three sons be called teachers."

"In the future, Yingjiu will be your teacher. You must respect the teacher." Zhou Fan said to Zhou Xiaobai.

"Teacher." The three of Zhou Xiaobai said in unison towards Yingjiu.

"I still have a question. You said that Xiaobai and the others have different laws, so what laws did they master?" Zhou Fan asked curiously.

"It's not mastering, but they are the law and your flesh and blood. If they want to master the law, they still have a long time to cultivate." Yingjiu corrected: "Zhou Xiaobai is the law of the wind, and Zhou Xiaolan is the law of water. The law, Zhou Xiaohei is the law of sound."

"The law of wind... the law of water... the law of sound..." Zhou Fan glanced at Zhou Xiaobai and the three of them, and he said, "Is it because of the law of sound that Xiao Hei can't speak in the outside world? "

This is a question that troubles Zhou Fan.

Zhou Xiaohei is also very concerned about this issue.

"That's right." Yingjiu nodded and said, "On the boat, the boat can prohibit damage from the law, so Zhou Xiaohei can speak at will, but if Zhou Xiaohei speaks outside, then he may inadvertently use the sound. law, causing unpredictable damage."

"The three of them will know this kind of thing when they are born, why is this?" Zhou Fan asked again.

"You know this when you were born?" Yingjiu frowned slightly, "Maybe it's a warning to them from their own laws. They are a natural one with their own laws, and of course the laws will protect them spontaneously. This ability is somewhat similar to the awareness of martial artists' cultivation. Perception of danger."

Only then did Zhou Fan understand, and he said again: "They seem to maintain an indifferent attitude towards any creature except me. What is the reason for this?"

This is something Zhou Fan observed, but Zhou Xiaobai didn't understand.

"Because Dao is ruthless." Ying Jiu said, "They are the sons of the law, so they wouldn't have too many feelings. If they weren't born from your flesh and blood, they wouldn't develop close feelings to you."

Speaking of which, Yingjiu said with some jealousy, "That's why I said you should repay me. This is the son of the law. If I knew that the fruit could give birth to three sons of the law, I wouldn't give it to you."

She is really jealous. The sons of these three laws should belong to her.

Zhou Fan was not complacent, he said solemnly: "But you will die if you swallow that fruit, and why am I fine, but instead gave birth to Zhou Xiaobai and the other three?"

Yingjiu was silent for a while and said, "I also find it strange that even your Pluto chakra cannot be explained clearly, and that fruit will bring bad luck, if it is born the son of the law of doom , I can still understand, but why are these three laws?"

Of course, Zhou Fan couldn't know the answer to the question that Yingjiu didn't understand.

"Maybe..." Yingjiu paused when she said this, she stared at Zhou Fan, "I had a problem with my thinking at the beginning, that fruit will bring bad luck, but I almost forgot, you are lifeless. people."

"Lifeless people..." Yingjiu said, "It must be the lifeless people's sake that relieved the bad luck, so that you broke the core problem of bad luck in the fruit, so that the seeds of the three laws of fruit are in your body. bloom."

"Why can the lifeless be relieved of bad luck?" Zhou Fan wondered: "It has brought me countless bad If it can bring bad luck, it can offset bad luck." Yingjiu's face was slightly Ugly, "The boat may know this, so it dares to let you swallow this fruit."

"Or, I woke up from a deep sleep and met you, a lifeless person. It was originally the arrangement of the ship, and it was plotting my most precious collection for you."

The corner of Zhou Fan's mouth twitched, and he thought of the Dragon Lord. Back then, he was able to meet the Dragon Lord in the blood swap stage because the Dragon Lord was swapped and woke up early from a deep sleep, which enabled him to obtain the Dragon God's blood.

The Dragon Lord also said that the ship was helping him plot her dragon blood.

It seems that this is likely to be true. Zhou Fan's heart is a little heavy. What is the purpose of the boat helping him?

This time he had three more sons all at once... Zhou Fan gave a wry smile, looked at Zhou Xiaobai and said, "Your second sister was picked up by a dragon, although she can be contacted, she still won't say anything. Human words, so I can't communicate with you, your third sister is a human child, she was born less than a year ago..."

When Zhou Fan said this, he paused for a while, Zhou Xiaobai got on the boat three times, Mengmeng won't be able to get on the boat from tonight, so he couldn't see Mengmeng.

This little guy Mengmeng has only learned to walk, and doesn't even know how to call his father, but he can teleport her to him in the future to let her know who is her biological father...

He restrained his thoughts and asked Yingjiu strangely: "Didn't you say only one assistant can get on the boat? Why can three of them get on the boat together?"

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